Optimistic [102]

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This whole situation gave the human a strange feeling of Deja-vu. Except minus the amount of fear she felt the first time a long while back, fearful that Sans had sent himself into a coma he would never wake up from. This time around, his injuries weren't as severe, (as an injury in the soul felt like a lot more to worry about than a gun wound), and Frisk was more certain he would wake up pretty soon. So, she wasn't really that worried. Instead, she was smiling a little, shaking her head with a soft sigh as she held Sans' hand, softly squeezing it as she was waiting for him to wake up.

"You silly skeleton... You always have to get into trouble, don't you? Have to make me worry about you all the time, you do." She playfully grumbled. In all honesty she wasn't really mad, she was only relieved that Sans didn't die in her arms, like in that dreaded nightmare she had. That instead of losing him forever, two amazing heroes had shown up to their rescue, and stopped this fantastic man from dying. When she had thought Sans was going to die, she had given up on all hope for a moment. Without even hesitation, when she had ran out of bullets, she had been ready to accept that she would probably die at his side, being gunned down by the CIA. But that hadn't happened. They were still here, with their future possibly still in reach. 

"heh... well, someone has gotta do that job of makin' ya worry." Sans quietly joked back with a small chuckle, still having his eyes closed. By the sounds of it, it sounded like he might have just been waking up. Unless he had possibly been awake the entire time and had just been faking that he had been sleeping while Gaster, Papyrus and Chara had been in the room. Truthfully, he had been doing that, and when he told Frisk that was the case when she mentioned how happy she was to see him awake, she pouted.

"Saaans... You need the rest. Why would you fake that you were sleeping? Gaster would get so annoyed at you for not resting." Frisk gently laughed, shaking her head, while Sans let out his own tiny snicker; he blinked his eyes open and looked towards Frisk's face. He was so overjoyed that she was okay. Seeing those CIA members holding guns aimed towards her, and thinking they were going to shoot her down had been the single most terrifying moment in his life. He hadn't wanted to see her die like that. He had wanted her to just run away without him, even if he was to die. But she hadn't. She remained at his side.

"i know he would get annoyed... that's why i faked it. i wanted to wait until it was just me and ya, so we could talk without any teasin' comments from them... like chara." He grumbled, rolling her eyes at her "future husband" comment that she had made. It was just so like Chara to say such things, wasn't it?  He hoped no one was expecting him to make such a move at the moment, considering it was something he didn't feel ready for. Especially considering their current situation. The situation where they had to set their lives up elsewhere. Sans hated the fact that he would have to move away from the area he had remained in basically all his life, however there wasn't really much that could be done about it. 

"Right... I am just so glad that you're alive. I was scared... That it would have been our last day alive." Frisk whispered, her grip tightening a little on Sans' hand. Not in the way that it became painful, but just in the way that it was clear to Sans that she had been terrified. He couldn't blame her. He had been fearful too. Before, things like bad things happening didn't always get to him, he never really cared. That was before having Frisk at his side. 

"i know... i was scared too, admittedly." Sans admitted, delicately smiling as he went to take his other hand, placing it on top of hers and squeezing it in the process. She was silent for a second, just staring down at their hands linked, until she softly began to sob. She didn't know where it came from. Whether they were tears of relief or tears of fear. Perhaps they were a bit of both. For a little while, neither of them said anything. The skeleton only allowed her to cry, knowing it was likely the best thing for her. She always told him not to hold in his tears, that it was okay to let loose once in a while. He never hesitated to allow her to do the same.

"We'll be okay, right?" Frisk whispered, clutching onto the skeleton's hand as if letting go of it would suddenly out of nowhere have her hauled off to prison, or have him snatched away from her in a single moment. She never wanted to be without Sans, as he never wanted to be without her. Their need to remain around each other and to always stay together just grew stronger and stronger with the more their relationship went on. They could hardly live without each other at this point. Before, Frisk never could have seen herself having someone so important to her. But life surprised her.

"we'll just have to see what life dishes towards us from here on out, i suppose." Sans exhaled, with a small shrug. Truth be told, he didn't really know. Normally it was Frisk's job to try and be optimistic. Not his - he wasn't very good at it. Probably because he preferred to try and be more real than just give false hope to others. Though, with the anxious expression on Frisk's face, (which was still staring down glumly at their hands linked), he slowly began to crack, and he sighed again. 

"maybe we will be okay. who knows? it's not like we can really predict the future or anythin'." He tried, trying his best to be a little more optimistic, seeing as Frisk appeared unable to do that in her current state. Bobbing her head in a small nod, the human began to try and place a more cheerful beam across her lips, while she went to wipe away her tears that had begun to stain her bright cheeks. She hadn't meant to get all mopey. 

"Yeah, maybe you're right. Sorry. I didn't mean to get emotional there for a second." She let out a short giggle, while the skeleton only gave her a smile, telling her it was okay that she had gotten upset. They were both under a lot of stress at the moment, with their lives being totally thrown upside down at the moment. They were lucky to just be still here and breathing. So, there was at least that.

Getting in the way of the conversation they were having, another monster appeared in the room, coming through the door in a seemingly panicked state, until her face relaxed to see that both Sans and Frisk were in the room, looking awake and... Well enough. That monster was none other than the protective goat mom, Toriel. Of course she would come along at a moment like this, she must have heard what had happened.

"Oh, thank goodness, you're both alright! You had me worried sick when I had heard the news!" Toriel lectured on, going to take Frisk into a hug, while Frisk just laughed a tiny bit, and hugged her mother in return. Watching the two have a family embrace, Sans remained quiet until Toriel's eyes landed on him. "You, you just couldn't resist to get yourself in a hospital bed again, could you? What in the world is Frisk going to do with you. Men." Toriel grumbled, while Frisk chuckled once more and Sans scoffed at her "men" comment. 

"Yeah, things got a little dicey for us. Sans was trying to get us away from Undyne and she... Shot at him." Frisk explained. At the end of the day, it wasn't really Sans' fault that he had gotten injured, so she wasn't really angry at him and neither did she feel like anyone else had to get frustrated with him either. What had happened probably couldn't have been avoided, and it was better that he got injured, rather than killed. Frisk could live with option one, not option two.

"Oh, is that so?" Toriel said. "You don't seem to be harmed... Which does mean I do suppose Sans has been trying to take good care of you." A small smile started to spread across the goat woman's mouth at that comment, like for now her stern, mother face had fallen off and she had become more relaxed, knowing that Frisk was in good health and that the skeleton was taking care of her. At first she felt like trusting Sans with Frisk had been a gamble, considering how he acted before they fell in love. She trusted him and didn't trust him. But she did begin to trust him more and more with the more he proved himself to be loyal to the love of his life. Truth be told she trusted him more than she mistrusted him.

He would continue to take good care of her.

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