Strong [139]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.  


"...i didn't think ya would be that easily convinced..." Sans sniffled, as he was wiping away his tears after turning away from the wall he had been staring towards after just having a complete meltdown. Undyne stared back at him with a stern look on her face, but it looked weirdly saddened at the same time.

"Normally, I'm not. But it isn't every day that my wife sticks up for the prisoners... And it wasn't like I knew. About the child." Undyne said. For all the times she tried to chase after Sans and track him down, she probably could have put that potential child at risk. She had acted crazy enough to threaten her target's dad with a gun, and now after their conversations, she was definitely feeling the guilt.

"Well, if we make a deal, I feel like there's something I should say. And that is I don't think Sans of all people should be involved in this mission that we do for you." Grillby spoke up, already feeling Sans' confused eyes land on him. He said such a good thing out of the goodness of his soul, because at this point, Sans really needed protecting. He might not have liked to admit it, being someone who was more used to being what some might consider a "bad ass" who could take care of themselves. But he didn't just have himself to look after anymore, but a baby too.

"I agree." Frisk spoke up, glancing towards her boyfriend who looked back at her, still looking somewhat bewildered, but then he began to grow frustrated, almost like he was ready to protest. She spoke up again before he did though. "Sans, normally, if it was just you, I might not have protested. However... If you're putting yourself at risk, you're also putting our baby at risk, and I don't want something like that to happen." She spoke sadly, while he clenched his fists in annoyance. She knew being held back from such tasks was probably something he wasn't used to, as he was more used to actually being part of missions and looking out for her. But right now, she wasn't letting him. 

"what? so are ya just askin' me to sit around and wait here while ya guys do whatever the hell ya have to do? what if ya get hurt, i won't be there to stop it!" Sans complained at her, walking right up to her so they were actually properly face to face, rather than having them argue with one another from across the cell. "what if ya got killed, frisk...? i wouldn't forgive myself." Sans admitted quietly, glumly glancing towards the floor. Sighing, Frisk grabbed both of Sans' hands, while telling him to look at her. 

"If it had been me who was pregnant, would you let me do this?" She asked, already knowing what his answer would be just by the look in his eyes due to that question. "I won't be alone, I'll have whoever ends up coming with me, and we wouldn't just let each other die." She smiled warmly, deciding to lightly tug on Sans' hands to pull him closer, and that's when she planted a loving kiss upon her boyfriend's mouth. He was pretty hesitant to kiss back at first, but he did give in, deciding to gently kiss her back in return, not really caring that there were others right now who were listening to them and looking  at them. 

"...i'm just not used to this..." He admitted quietly, once the two of them pulled away from the kiss. "i'm always used to lookin' after ya. it's still difficult to get used to it bein' the other way around..." He murmured. Their relationship had started off with him feeling like he had to babysit her, when previously he had been so used to only looking out for himself. Then when she showed up, he had to think about not only his own well being, but the well being of another person. When he hadn't been in love with her and he felt like he hated her, such a thing had felt like a damn hassle, until he started to fall for her that was. Now, protecting her was something that mattered to him more than anything in the world. Only because he feared of losing the girl who managed to make him happy again when he had almost forgotten what happiness was. 

"I know. But by staying back, you'll be protecting them." She replied, gingerly pressing her hand to Sans' shirt, upon his chest, whereabouts where his soul would be resting beneath his ribs. Sans did find it difficult not to blush a tiny bit, now that he was actually thinking about how the others were watching. "And I won't let anything happen to me either. Not when they aren't born yet." She swore on that, meaning it with all her heart. While being with Sans, she felt like she hadn't done enough to help him whenever she was around. He was always so tough; was always doing dangerous things just to protect her. She on the other hand, always cowered and always ran away. With a baby to protect alongside her boyfriend, she just wanted to become stronger. She wanted to show that she had what it took to take care of herself and them. She could be strong too. 

"ya better not. i'd never forgive ya if ya never came back." Sans spoke honestly, right before he decided to pull her into a tight hug, which caused her to smile and she happily hugged him in return. She knew he would probably never stop being a worrier. While it could sometimes be a little overbearing, it was also something she wouldn't mind not changing about him. It only showed to her how much he cared about her; how much he never wanted anything terrible to happen to her. Being fussed over by the skeleton made her feel extremely cherished, even if it was frustrating at times. 

"Well, surely not all of us are going to go on this, I assume, mission, right?" Chara said, as she glanced around at the others. "So who is going to go? I know I want to. But maybe Frisk should pick who goes." In a way, with Sans being left behind on this mission, Frisk would kind of be the leader for once. Which was weird to think about with how fearful the other Dreemurr girl had been when she first had been brought into the Mafia. When she looked towards her and saw a determined look on her face, it definitely made her think how far she had come. 

"There's a high chance it will be dangerous." Undyne admitted. "So you should pick out the best of your group." 

"Okay..." Frisk nodded, glancing around at the others. And that is when she decided to pick four others: Gaster, Asriel, Grillby and Blair. Admittedly, the fox was shocked to be picked, but Frisk did think that she could very likely be useful, and now that her past was known, she wanted to try and give the girl who she had been rivaling against so much a chance to help with getting them all out of here. Taking who they picked into a count, Undyne only let those five out of the cell, leaving everyone else in there. Sans watched Frisk leave with a frown, but he was trying his best to remain hopeful. Sometimes it just bugged him how much their roles had reversed. 

"Alright, so..." Undyne started, bringing them to another area of the building which appeared to be one of those interrogation rooms, but the fish figured it would be easy to talk to the group this way with the table in the middle of the room. On the way there she had also picked up some folders that she would need. "The two people who you are hoping to track down are these punks." She dropped the two folders down onto the table, allowing Frisk to open both of them, and there were pictures of two serious, scary, scruffy looking men who really looked like they needed to get more sleep. "We have a feeling we know where they're staying. The thing is, we have tried to capture them several times before, but any time that we have tried, they always see us coming." Undyne grumbled, furrowing her brow in anger. 

"What exactly are they guilty for?" Gaster spoke up, looking towards the fish who crossed her arms and glared towards the pictures that Frisk was staring at closely. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's not just a simple tiny crime or two." Gaster went on, while the fish monster shook her head.

"No, they've done a couple of things... They're guilty of breaking and entering, being in possession of a stolen vehicle, robbery, attempted murder and even two possible murders." Undyne went on, listing all the things that they were guilty of. Which sounded like they had been up to a lot. "They've been on the run for a couple of years at least. But as I say, they're as slippery as can be..." 

"Wait..." Frisk spoke up, looking towards Undyne. "You said they're guilty of robbery, and the possible murder of two people." Frisk said, which caused Undyne to nod and say: "yeah, so?" and such a thing made Frisk look back at the pictures, horrified. There was no way... Surely these two people couldn't be the same people who she was thinking of. When she had been 16 - 4 years ago - she had watched two robbers who had broken into her house murder her parents. She had never seen their faces, because they had worn masks. And they had never seen her either, cause she had hidden away in a closet that had a small little hatch that she could see through. But something in the pit of her stomach just gave her a horrible feeling. "I might know who those possible deaths could be..." 

"Really?" Undyne asked, seeing Frisk tense up. 

"...My parents..." 

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