The Impossible [40]

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Silence. Long, long drawn out silence... "S-Sans...? Say something. Anything. Please?" Frisk spoke, not liking the fact that this stillness had befell the both of them like a thick, thick fog. She could have sworn a strange look flickered across the skeleton's eye sockets, but she couldn't quite make out what that look was. It was gone as quick as it had appeared. With the fact that he wasn't speaking, she wanted to try and play what she said as a joke. Somehow though, she felt like that wouldn't fool him. 

"let me get this straight..." Sans finally spoke, after what felt like an eternity of no speaking between the both of them. "are ya sayin' ya... have feelings for me?" He asked, and at her quiet, nervous nod, he exhaled. Just that sigh alone told her it wasn't good. He didn't feel the same for her, did he? By the long pause, it was as if he was trying to think of what to say. He was thinking of how to reject her, wasn't he? He must have been. 


"Y-Yeah?" She stuttered at the serious skeleton, who appeared to be giving her a stern look. She really wasn't prepared for what he was about to say next, even if she tried to calm herself down, she just wasn't.

"i don't feel that way about ya." He bluntly said. At that moment, it was as if Frisk's heart had just split completely into two. "i mean, i don't get why'd ya think i would like ya like that. do i seem like the kinda guy who is interested in romance?" He grumbled. He really just had to stomp right all over her heart, didn't he? She had offered him her heart, and in return she only had it pierced with his words, causing it to feel like it was bleeding, bruised and battered. She was an idiot for thinking he would love her. Of course she was. 

"R-Right..." She gulped, trying her hardest to swallow back the tears. She failed. Right there and then, she couldn't stop herself from breaking down into tiny little pieces, sobbing harshly as she covered her face with her hands. Sans stood, watching her reaction, and even now he said nothing. He didn't feel like there was much to say. He couldn't have lied to her, could he? He couldn't tell her what she wanted to hear. He just wasn't in that place. He knew he wasn't. It explained why she was so sweet to him then. Still, he found it stupid. He wasn't the nicest, sweetest guy. Yet for some reason, she loved him. 

"perhaps ya should call tori to pick ya up and take ya home..." Sans told her. With that said, he went to go to his side of the car, climbing into the drivers seat afterwards. He paused for a moment, before starting up the car, causing it to roar to life. Pulling away from the kerb, he slowly began to drive forwards, glancing up towards his right side mirror, seeing Frisk standing on the sidewalk, sobbing her eyes out, as he just left her standing there. He knew he could have offered to drive her home, but after something like that, it would have just been too uncomfortable.

Toriel was actually just on her way to getting ready to head back to the Mafia headquarters, just to check that Sans, Gaster and Andrew were healing up okay when she got the call from Frisk. At first, when she answered, she had a smile across her face, answering in a happy sing song voice, as she had been glad to hear from her daughter. However, that smile vanished in an instant when she heard the sobs over the other side of the phone. "My child? What's wrong?" She had started to already fear the worst. It didn't make that fear any better when Frisk had cried out that she wanted to be picked up and brought home. She wouldn't explain what was wrong over the phone, but Toriel was sure she could get Frisk to talk once they were in the car together. "Don't worry, Frisk. I'll be right there, okay?" It was soon after that, that she was out of the door and in the car to drive her way there.

Sitting on the edge of the sidewalk, Frisk hugged her knees close to her chest as she sniffled and tried to hold back her sobs. Right now, she was a complete mess. She knew it was silly, she had been expecting Sans to say no. Yet for some reason she was still in shock. Like a part of her really hoped that he would have said yes, like she believed he would. But this was Sans she was talking about. Why would he love her? He took care of her just for Toriel and that was it. She hated that she kept forgetting that.

Soon, she stood up when she saw Toriel's car come into view just down the road. When the car had slowed down and it was parked, Frisk gingerly went to climb into her seat, closing the door after her. "Thank you for coming, mom..." Frisk whispered quietly, feeling Toriel's worried eyes sticking to her. 

"It's no problem my child... But... What in the world happened?" The goat woman asked. Just that question alone was enough to make Frisk lose it again, causing her to cry in emotional pain as she thought about exactly why she was hurting. Upon seeing this, Toriel went to delicately wrap her arms around Frisk in a motherly hug, wanting to comfort her in her hold. Frisk just clung to her as if her life depended on it, wailing loudly with tears streaming down her face like a monstrous water fall. 

"I-It was Sans... I... I told him how I f-f-felt and he... He said no, mom! He rejected me." She whined into her mother's shoulder. Toriel frowned, hearing Frisk's heartbreaking explanation. She truly felt sorry for the 19 year old human, knowing that she felt extremely hurt right now. Why wouldn't she, when she was likely expecting Sans to hopefully return her feelings? Getting rejected by someone you really cared about was never easy.

"Shush... It's okay, Frisk. Listen, I know right now it hurts, and I know you wished he could have said yes, but I promise you that this pain will only be temporary." Toriel gently spoke, trying to reassure Frisk in the best way that she could. "Sans isn't the only fish in the sea, and by rejecting you, he has no idea what he is missing out on. You're an amazing girl, you know that? Don't ever let this make you think otherwise. One day, someone who really deserves you, they'll let you know that. They won't ever let you forget that, okay? Shush, there there..." Toriel continued to carefully rock Frisk in her arms, doing so until her sobs quietened and calmed some. 

Pulling away from the hug, Toriel managed a weak smile, seeing that Frisk appeared to have calmed somewhat. "There, that's it... Here, I brought some tissue with me when I heard you were crying." She spoke, going to pull a pack of tissues out of her coat pocket, handing them to Frisk. "That way you can fix that snotty nose of yours." She teased, which got a brief giggle out of Frisk. 

"Thank you..." Frisk sniffled, taking one of the tissues out of the pack to loudly blow her nose. She felt a tiny bit better thanks to her goat mom for being there for her, but for a really long time she felt like she wouldn't get over the fact that Sans had hurt her like this. For awhile around him, it was likely to feel extremely, extremely intolerable in his presence. 

She just hoped that with all her heart, getting over him wouldn't feel like climbing a mountain, and trying to do the impossible. 

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