No Matter What [134]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.  


Silence. Literally. It was almost like everyone in the room were currently debating who should be the one to speak first. Sans and Frisk were probably the two who were mentally panicking the most right now. Especially Sans. What the hell was that damn fish woman doing here? And how the fuck had Blair even managed to get onto the elevator? She was supposed to have that stupid collar of hers that stopped the elevator from even working if she tried to get on it. But that's when it actually hit him and he took the time to notice: she wasn't wearing it. When the fuck...? He had so many questions.

"Hehe, well, what do we have here?" Undyne finally decided to break the silence, a small grin starting to spread across her lips, revealing a toothy, smug smile. "I was wondering where you three had disappeared off to. I know you couldn't have possibly gotten far." Undyne pointed towards Papyrus, Sans and Frisk. She narrowed her eye towards Mettaton, who didn't really look surprised, but he still look disappointed. "I should have known. That you were helping them." The fish pointed out, while Mettaton exhaled and shook his head.

"They only want to live, Undyne. Are you really saying you could proudly take Sans away from Frisk right now? They're a family." Mettaton said, only for the FBI agent to snap at her that many people she had arrested had families. Just because someone had a family, it didn't mean they were suddenly free from the law. Using such logic might as well mean she should let any criminal go; any murderer, any rapist... Thinking that she should just let him go for the good of her heart was fucking stupid. 

"But they've got--" Mettaton was saying, until from the elevator Sans yelled to him to shut up, and that caused the robot to look at the skeleton, who simply shook his head. It didn't matter. He didn't want the fish to know about his and Frisk's kid. He didn't want to imagine what would happen if she knew. He didn't know if he would be forced to get rid of it, or if it would just get taken away from him when they were born. Mettaton gave him a look of uncertainty, until he looked back at the fish.

"Look. All I want is Sans. Frisk and Papyrus can be the two who will be free to go... Hell, I'll even let you keep your job, Mettaton, and I'll ignore whatever the fuck this is." Undyne said, making a couple of exceptions, if she could only accomplish the one thing she had been after all of this time. Papyrus and Frisk looked horrified, while Chara narrowed her eyes in anger and even Asriel was looking pretty displeased. Sans on the other hand looked down at the ground with conflicted pupils. There was no way that he wanted to get taken away from his girlfriend, from his brother, his dad... Just anyone. He didn't want to get taken away from his family and his friends. 

"You're not taking him." Asriel spoke up, glaring towards Undyne as he stepped out of the elevator. He was quite tall, so he even dared to stand almost toe to toe with her as he stared her down. He wasn't alone, because Chara stepped forward too, knowing she would gladly stand up for the two if anyone was going to try and take either of them away. "If you want to take Sans, then you're going to have to arrest every single one of us." Asriel threatened, while Chara nodded in agreement.

"You can't possibly take on a big group all by yourself, can you?" Chara challenged, while standing forward, next to Asriel. To tell the complete and honest truth, the shortest skeleton found it difficult not to stare with widened eyes at what was happening right now. He knew at such a time, he had more people than he had ever had supporting him. For so long, he pushed people away, and he became a loner and the biggest prick anyone had had the displeasure of knowing. Yet, somehow, in the end, despite everything he had ever done, just because he had done  better as of late, there were people who would risk going to prison for him. And he knew it was for Frisk too, but it was just... Wow. 

"Yeah, you're right about that." Undyne said, before proceeding to take out her phone, tap her finger against the touch screen and then she put it to the side of her face, before saying: "They're here." and then she just put  her phone away again, still seeming just as calm as she was seconds prior. Everyone else however, was horrified. Even Andrew and Blair hated what was happening, only because there was the very likely chance they would all be hauled off to prison. "Do we really want a repeat of last time, Sans? Or can I actually take you away without anyone getting hurt. It's up to you." 

"Don't pressure him like that." Frisk spoke up in annoyance. "You're just acting like... A complete bitch right now." The human complained, finding herself feeling incredibly angry towards this fish woman. But right now not only was Sans as risk, her future with him and their child was at risk. So much was at stake for them, and there was no way in hell that she would just stand aside and let Sans get taken away with her child. There were many times she had the opportunity to stand up and she didn't, because she had been too afraid. And yes, this was another one of those moments where she was scared of what could possibly happen, especially after Undyne speaking into that phone. There were probably FBI agents or some kind of SWAT team stopping their cars outside as they spoke. Or maybe they were already here. But for once... For once she wouldn't willingly let herself get swept to the side. 

"I'm just being logical. It isn't like I enjoy hurting any of you. But if you aren't going to come willingly, don't be surprised when I have to use force." She said, just as the door opened once more and four other members of the FBI came into the bar, and it was pretty visibly clear that they were armed. All four of them were. "Now, Sans, just put your hands over your head and--" Undyne was saying, at least until suddenly she let out a gasp of shock as Chara had suddenly raced forward, going to bring up her knee to pummel her in the stomach. Upon doing such an action, it wasn't very long until the human found herself restrained by one of the four.

"Get the hell off of me!" Chara yelled, going to struggle against the man who was forcing her arms behind her back. Sans, Frisk and Papyrus watched, horrified. Especially when Asriel was slammed down into the floor onto his front, being forced down onto the ground despite his efforts to defend Chara. It was at this point of the two getting in trouble that the skeleton almost considered just telling her: okay, you win. Because, thanks to Frisk, he probably wasn't as selfish as he once was, and he knew that he didn't want other people getting locked up for him. But just as he was about to yell, another being came bursting through the door, hurtling fireballs at each of the FBI agents who were holding down the monster and human.

"Get away from my children!" The goat demanded, only for Chara to happily yell to her: "mom!", as she had never been happier to see her. Undyne growled in annoyance, knowing that she had other people to help her outside, but there was the chance that they had been taken down by the goat woman. "I'm sorry, Undyne. But the moment you start harming my children, that's when my opinion changes of you." She seethed, holding her hands out to her sides which were already seeming ready to harvest two more fireballs. Heck, even Grillby had finally decided to step in, ready to throw attacks of his own if he needed to.

"I still have more people on the way. You guys can try to hold off the inevitable, but it'll happen eventually." Undyne told them.

"You are not capturing my son." Another voice said, as yet another figure had appeared in the room, actually standing right next to Grillby all of a sudden, as he must have teleported next to him. "Accept it." Gaster said, in a tone that really did not sound friendly. But he was the same as Toriel, he could be kind if he needed to be, but the moment anyone tried to come between him and his family, they might need to hope that he won't send their souls right down to Hell. "You lot, get out of here, far away. We'll deal with this inconvenience." Gaster promised towards the others still near the elevator. 

"BE CAREFUL, DAD." Papyrus spoke up, earning a small smile from the oldest skeleton, before the group of seven people (including Chara and Asriel who were now free), headed towards the door to get the heck out of here.

It was at this point that Frisk tightly held onto her boyfriend's hand as if her life depended on it. Because she knew she wasn't going to allow him to get taken away from her. 

No matter what.

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