Close Call [11]

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"But that doesn't totally make sense." Frisk commented, causing the skeleton before her to raise an eyebrow at her in bewilderment. "Why did your dad ask you to be part of the Mafia, but not your brother?" That just seemed weird to her, that's all. Though, Sans seemed to have a simple answer towards her question, which would make the answer just as clear as day. It did annoy him that all she could ever do was constantly ask him questions; all he did was act mysterious though, so maybe it was reasonable for her to question him.

"well, because i guess gaster felt he was too young to know what we did at the time. i didn't know anythin' about the mafia either when i was my bro's age back then. it was only when i grew up that my dad decided to finally tell me. then one day he disappeared, and seein' as he never told my bro, i didn't know if i should tell him either. it's like when ya showed up, ya really thought less of all of us who do what we do, and i can tell ya probably still do." Sans frowned. "i wouldn't have wanted him to think less of me either if i told him. and then one day he decided he wanted to do what he does now -  be part of the CIA. it was then i knew i definitely couldn't tell him. the last thing i'd want is for him to have to go after me if anyone he worked with found out about us. so, i disappeared and... been tryin' to avoid him ever since." He explained. You'd think that with still living in the same area, trying to avoid him would be pretty difficult. But actually, it really wasn't. True, Sans had had a couple of close calls where he had almost ran into his now 18 year old brother. Moments like that hadn't happened in awhile though.

Seeming momentarily speechless, Frisk sat there quietly as she ate a bit more of her food. She wasn't really sure what to say to all of that, whether she agreed with what Sans was doing, or if he shouldn't think about all of that and that he should just talk to his brother. That he probably wouldn't put work before his own... Uh, bone and blood? Things weren't always that easy though, with them being on separate sides, there was always the chance his little brother would have no choice but to turn against him because of what he did. No way would it just be easy to say "Hey, you should find him and talk to him and be an older brother to him" as she didn't know his younger brother or what he was like. Seeing as that was the case, there was always the possibility his little brother would be like an angry snake waiting to strike him down if Sans told him the truth.

"Sorry that's so complicated for you." Frisk spoke, feeling genuinely bad for him. When he noticed her sympathetic glance, he could only roll his eyes, once again having that feeling hit him that said "Stop feeling sorry for me, I don't need it." 

"whatever. i wasn't askin' for your pity when i told ya that... ya might as well just eat your food now before it gets cold." Sans pointed out, once again putting the conversation they were having to a dead end. Maybe he should have stayed just trying to act difficult all the time to the point Frisk would hate him so maybe she'd ask to be put with someone else. He still felt like a babysitter after all, they weren't friends. Why should they have been? Just because they talked and he saved her life a few times? He was only doing what was told of him, what Toriel had told him to do. 

Sighing, Frisk decided to go quiet like she always did whenever he told her to shut up. Maybe she should have reacted, should have been harsher towards him and told him enough was enough, and it was time he stopped treating her like a doormat that he could just walk over whenever he wanted. For some reason, however, she didn't bring herself to say that. She just did as she was demanded of, and that was to be quiet and eat her food. So, she did. From then on, the air just felt thick and uncomfortable, as it was likely noticeable that Sans' comment had bothered her. He didn't care. 

Had they had to wait a couple more hours, Frisk felt like she might have gone insane with the fact that there was no longer any conversation between the two of them. Thankfully, Sans had gotten a call, hours earlier than he expected. It only took about a hour to get the windscreen replaced, which Sans seemed happy about too. Frisk was glad it appeared to put him in a better mood as they finished their food and went to leave. "c'mon kid.

On their way out, Frisk followed right behind Sans, just keeping her eyes to his back so she could easily keep track of him and not lose him. Last thing she wanted was a repeat of that night where a group of guys could have done something to her. That moment had been very scary, but little did she know that the mission that they had today would have been even more terrifying. At least she had Sans at her rescue. Eventually though she'd likely not be able to follow Sans around for protection anymore, she'd maybe become not so useless one day, and when and if that time ever came, Sans would want her gone. She knew he would.

When her thoughts were running wild around the inside of her head, she failed to pay attention completely to her surroundings, and hadn't noticed that the skeleton before her had come to a dead stop. Due to that, she ended up walking right into him, letting out a small surprised yelp as to why he had completely stopped. "Sans?" She asked in confusion, but without saying a thing, Sans quickly grabbed Frisk's hand and teleported them beside a nearby car, before pulling her behind it so they could both hide. All of a sudden Sans appeared to be slightly tired from the sudden use of magic, but that wasn't his main concern. He appeared to be peeping out from their hiding place, and she was confused as to why. "Sans?" She repeated.

"shhh! shut up!" Sans snapped at her a little too frustrated, before exhaling and trailing his pupils back to what he was looking at. Or more like, who he was looking at. Frisk tried her best to try and see what was going on, so she tried to follow his gaze from behind their hiding spot without revealing herself out to the open. A car had appeared to have pulled up along the sidewalk, across the road to the place they had just been eating at. Stepping out of the drivers seat, a woman with seemingly blue scale-like skin, and luscious red hair pulled up in a pony tail had climbed out. Following behind, someone got out on the other side, and it was none other than a very tall skeleton. The fish lady appeared to be complaining about how hungry she was, while the tall skeleton seemed to smile and comment on how he too was feeling the same. After that, the pair went into the very same place they had just left! Talk about a close, close call...

"Was that who I think it is?" Frisk wondered. She hadn't seen many skeleton monsters in her day, Sans was probably the only skeleton monster she had met in her 19 years of being alive on this earth. Maybe there were more and she just had never seen them, or maybe that wasn't the case at all and these two skeletons (unless you're counting the possibility of Gaster still being alive),  were the last two skeletons in monster kind. 

"if you're guessin' my brother, you'd be guessin' correctly..." Sans grimaced, before stepping out from the cover they had quickly gone to dive behind. That had been way too close, he couldn't deal with Papyrus seeing him. They hadn't spoken in such a long time, if he ran into him now, he wouldn't know what to say. He'd probably lose his nerve. 

"Are you okay? After using your magic?" 

"yeah, don't worry, i'm fine. usin' it once or maybe twice isn't too bad for me. it's just when i use it too often that it might rattle me a little, heh." Sans joked, managing a small grin. Frisk seemed to notice the pun, and it wasn't long before she let out a small giggle, taking the skeleton off guard. But the fact that she appeared to be amused by his pun did make him feel somewhat relaxed after the whole shock of seeing his little brother. Speaking of which, it probably would have been a very good idea to get out of here. Otherwise he would definitely run into him, and he wasn't asking for that. "alright, well, let's get back to the car and head back. i think we've been through enough for one day.


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