Why [31]

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For a long time, the human girl felt like she was probably going to be haunted by this day. It would forever blacken her dreams with terrible, fearful nightmares, that were likely there to try and swallow her up whole. She couldn't believe how much her life had changed, how she used to be a normal teenage girl; now she was just a teenage girl who was a murderer. However, even though that what she did was wrong, that it was something she should not have done, a pair of skeletal arms were wrapped around her, seeming to hold her in an embrace as she sobbed her heart out. This was strange to her. How all of a sudden, Sans was comforting her as if they had always gotten along, as if he had never hated her for the whole first part of knowing her. He wasn't telling her to shut up, he wasn't making fun of her for being shaken up. No, he was just quiet, allowing her to cry. 

Slowly, she pulled away to look at his face - he had a small frown upon his skull, as the two white dots in his eye sockets stared into her bright blue tearful eyes. Frisk could have sworn for almost a moment he looked apologetic, almost like he felt sorry that she had to do such a thing, even though he had been pushing her to get used to firing a gun. "ya alright, kid?

"Um... Could be better..." She tried to joke with a sad smile. She was almost ready to speak again, until she heard the door behind her screech open once more, and in came Grillby and all the others. Chara let out a shocked gasp, seeing the bodies of the people who had tried to attack them.

"What the hell happened in here?!" Chara cried.

"we got ambushed." Sans said. Chara rose an eyebrow towards him, seeing that he was sitting on the ground, with his arms still wrapped around Frisk. A small smirk fell upon her lips.

"Oho~! What is this? Don't you think you're getting a little handsy there, Sans?" She mocked. When Sans instantly got what she meant, he growled and went to move his hands away from around Frisk. She felt saddened at the loss of his embrace, as it had actually been comforting her some since she had been crying. But now his arms that had been around her were gone. 

"shut it, it's not like that. she was just shook up, is all." He grumbled. Chara chuckled, not seeming so convinced, but the conversation was interrupted by the two when they heard Grillby gasp as he had taken his attention away from one of the dead bodies, and his eyes had landed on Gaster who had been lying in the cell. He practically raced over, his hands grabbing hold of the bars.

"Gaster!" Grillby called, before looking towards the door of the cell, to see that it had some kind of lock. It wasn't an ordinary key lock though, it was something that required a four digit code, as there were four numbers that needed to be turned to make some kind of code. 

"We don't have a code!" Asriel pointed out, when he noticed the combination lock on the gate. However, without even answering him, Grillby seemed to grab hold of the lock and using his fire magic, the lock began to melt to the heat, making it easily come off in one fell swoop. Well, at least that solved that problem.

Once he got it unlocked, Grillby swung open the door, before kneeling down beside Gaster. "Gaster? Can you hear me?" He frowned. He obviously wasn't dead, otherwise he would have been dusted by now, right? Though, he couldn't help but feel fearful when the man wasn't answering him. "Gaster?" He repeated, his voice a tad shaky that he still wouldn't answer. But to his and everyone's shock, the battered up skeleton quietly began to grumble and groan, seeming like he was waking up. 

"U-Ugh... W-Who...?" Gaster quietly seethed, weakly opening his two eye sockets, squinting as if the room itself was too bright, even though it was quite the opposite of that, being a dirty, dusty,  dark mess. But then there was the glow that was coming off of Grillby's flames, so that did cause some light to shine into the darkness. "G-Grillby?" Gaster stammered, shocked to see him there. Not to mention when his pupils went to glance around at a low pace, he saw that some of the others were there too, including a human girl he didn't quite recognise. He had likely never seen her before, he thought to himself.

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