Nothing Goes Right [56]

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"wait, frisk, how did ya...?" He was completely speechless. How in the world had Frisk known about his birthday? He knew he never told her. So, what gives? One of the others must have told her.

"Chara told me." Frisk explained, pointing towards the girl standing in the dark green sweater and jeans. Of course Chara was the one to tell her, who else would it have been? But, whatever. He was actually happy that Frisk had been the one to plan this party. Knowing that she was the one who wanted to do this for him, it meant a lot.

"oh... well... thanks, frisk." Sans managed a small smile, seeing her genuinely surprised that he had thanked her. Part of her had been worried that the skeleton wouldn't like this at all, that he would complain about the idea of having to celebrate his birthday. He wasn't mad though.

"That's okay, Sans. Now, how about we all sit down at the table? We are here to eat after all." Frisk teased, considering they were in a restaurant and all. Sans chuckled, but then nodded, going to take his seat right next to Frisk. Of course, there just had to be one flaw to this whole thing. And that was the fact that Andrew was here. But of course they were going to bring him along, they couldn't leave him alone at the house with Toriel, Chara and Asriel also being here.

His father was here, his brother, Grillby... Just his friends really, and one uninvited guest. However, as much as Sans didn't want him here, he didn't want to start a fight in the restaurant, on his birthday. So... He'd try to bear it for now.

Strangely, with everyone wishing him happy birthday, it felt... Nice. Which was something he didn't expect. On the normal occasion he might have cursed anyone who did such a thing, just because he was so against the idea of his birthday, of getting older. Today felt different. Probably because it was planned by the girl he loved; it warmed his soul that she was thinking of him... Even if she was only trying to be a good friend.

Carefully, Sans decided to pick up his menu, staring over it with curiosity. If truth be told, he had no idea what he was going to have. Eating out wasn't something he did very often. Problem also was he wasn't very hungry. Probably because he had been snacking on a pack of crisps before he got here. Now he understood why Frisk told him not to.

Everyone was currently deciding what they would want to eat, while Sans was just clueless about what he wanted. "hey, frisk? what are ya gettin'?" He questioned towards the girl who probably looked about as clueless as he did.

"To tell you the truth, Sans, I don't know." Frisk laughed a little. "Maybe we should decide on what to get together." She suggested.

"or just pick two random meals and if we don't like them, hope that the other will like them and swap." Sans joked with a grin. Both him and Frisk chuckled a little.

Watching the two curiously, Gaster couldn't help but smile and laugh to himself a little behind his menu. Sans' brother - Papyrus, looked at him puzzled as to what was funny. His father grinned. "It's nothing. I was just thinking how nice this was, that's all."

Glancing towards Sans, just as Gaster had, Papyrus managed a small smile when he saw his older brother joking around with the human sitting next to him. It was probably the first time in however long it had been that he saw Sans appearing a little more relaxed. That human, they must have been important to him for him to go acting like that around them. He beamed happily at the thought.

With food then later ordered, that's when everyone broke back into conversation. Sans was almost ready to start talking to Frisk again, however just as he opened his mouth to say something, Andrew had begun talking to her, taking all of her attention away. Quietly, he growled a little to himself. He knew Andrew being here was just going to piss him off. It was his birthday, and for whatever reason the world thought it would be fun to torture him by having him here.

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