Too Late [45]

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Sniffling, Sans slowly pulled away from the hug, seeing his brother giving him a small smile when he went to wipe his eyes. Man, he hated that even now his little brother got to see him be such a crybaby. But it seemed like since meeting Frisk, that was all he had turned into. Frisk... He had to talk to her. He knew he'd probably look like a fool for even doing so, after everything that he had done. But he knew he had to.

"ARE YOU OKAY NOW?" Papyrus managed a weak smile, earning a small chuckle from his older brother.

"i don't know..." He muttered. "so... you're really not goin' to tell anyone about this? about me? ya really could lose your job, papyrus... and i don't want that to be my fault." He wanted Papyrus to live a good life. A better one than him, where he made good money for a more positive reason. Because he was doing good things. He was helping people and keeping them safe from bad people. Like him.


Sans didn't really know what to say to that. He thought it was insane that Papyrus was going to hide the truth about what he did as a living from his CIA buddies. Papyrus really wanted to take that risk, huh? Well, Sans couldn't deny that he had missed Papyrus by a skele-ton. To tell the truth he also felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders, now that he was face to face with Papyrus; he knew the truth. Despite knowing the truth, Papyrus didn't hate him. Instead, he would gladly risk his own job just to keep Sans safe. He really was an amazing brother. An amazing brother that he didn't know if he deserved. But he didn't want to lose him again.

"i wouldn't want anythin' to happen to ya either, bro..." Sans said, before giving Papyrus another hug. They stayed like this for awhile, considering it had just been so long since they had been actual brothers. Sans could get used to this. He could get used to having his little bro around again. "listen... i'd really like to stay and catch up, but there's someone i gotta talk to. about somethin' important." Sans spoke up, pulling away from the hug. "but we can catch up some other time. maybe i can bring dad along to see ya too." He offered.

"REALLY? I'D LOVE THAT!" Papyrus exclaimed a little too excitedly, earning a few bewildered glances from random strangers in the cafe until they decided to look away and continue on with their own every day lives. Papyrus decided to try and speak a little quieter this time around. "DO YOU THINK HE'D WANT TO SEE ME...?" He asked.

"what kinda question is that? 'course he'll wanna see ya." Sans reassured him, understanding why he might be worried. Why wouldn't he be, when he hadn't seen or heard from either of them for a long time? It hadn't been Gaster's fault though - he had been taken, which was when no one was able to have any contact with him. That was why he went missing from Papyrus' life, why he just disappeared. "anyway, i really better go."

"OH, RIGHT, OF COURSE." Papyrus nodded, before seeming to write something on a napkin. Sans watched him curiously, questioning what he was writing, but evident by the numbers he could see getting written on the page, it looked like a phone number. And that's exactly what it was. "HERE. SO WE CAN CONTACT EACH OTHER." Papyrus said, handing the napkin to him. 

"thanks, bro... you're... you're the best." Sans beamed, before giving him one final hug goodbye, and he went to get up from his seat, heading out of the cafe after one last wave towards Papyrus. 

Climbing into his car and putting the napkin aside, Sans let out a huge breath of air. He had been so glad to have been able to talk with Papyrus, that they got to work things out and that his little brother didn't hate him like he might have feared, like his nightmare tried to get him to fear. Now... He just had to talk to Frisk. Considering she hadn't been at the headquarters lately, she was likely at home. So, Sans decided to try looking there first to see if he could find her, to no avail.

"She's not home right now." Her goat mom had told him. "She's at the park." She explained. At the park, huh? Sans could only guess who with. It was obviously Andrew, wasn't it? Who else could she have possibly been spending time with. Giving a quick "thanks" to Toriel, Sans raced back to his car, before making his way to his destination. 

He had no idea what he was going to say when he had got there. He had waited a long time to say something to her, it had been at least an entire month already since he had rejected her love, since he shot her down and left her on the sidelines. Crazy, how it had already been that amount of time. There was always the chance that she was over him by now; there was always the chance that she wasn't.

The skeleton had no idea how long he had been denying these newfound feelings for the human girl he had sworn to keep away, but it must have been for awhile, right? He took care of her, he protected her, even though he really, really didn't have to. Grillby had been right. If he didn't care at all, if he didn't give two shits, he could have just left her to die and be done with it. Toriel would complain, sure. Would that have really mattered to an apparent asshole like him?

Being in a relationship, truthfully the idea terrified him. It terrified him more than anything. Putting so much trust in someone, for them not to stab you in the back? To Sans, doing something like that was scary. Because as he had pointed out to himself, it was so easy for someone to just change their mind and decide: "Hey, you know what? I don't like you." Literally, it was that simple. However, his soul was putting hope in the idea that maybe he could trust Frisk. That she wouldn't betray him. He had to hope that judgement was correct; that he wasn't extremely wrong.

Arriving close to the park, Sans pulled up the car, then proceeded to get out, closing the door behind him. Breaking into a small jog, the monster made his way there, stopping in his tracks when he got just outside the park's gate. Where was Frisk? He could surely spot her from here. Scanning with his pupils, it didn't take long for him to see her. Managing a tiny and nervous smile, he decided to start walking forward. He saw Andrew was there with her, but right now that couldn't even matter. Sans was just happy to see the girl that it turned out... He really was in love with. 

Almost being ready to wave, Sans was about to open his mouth, to call out to Frisk. Right now, she wasn't paying attention to him; she was too busy looking at Andrew and talking to him. Then, as if the world was turning around towards Sans, saying: "How about, fuck you.", something horrifying happened. So bad, it caused Sans' pupils to disappear, his eye sockets to widen, and for him to stop dead right there and then, not that far from the swings.

The pair of teenagers, who had once just been close friends, appeared to suddenly be sharing... A kiss. Right there, Sans felt his soul shake a little with jealousy. His head felt heavy, and his soul felt like it was suddenly throbbing with emotional heartbreak. Funny, wasn't it? How before he had hurt Frisk's feelings, and acted as if it would probably be no big deal? It was likely karma, now that he was in her exact position. 

He had been too late. 

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