Innocence [92]

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What a good thing it was, to be able to get that whole discussion out of the way while he and Frisk did not have Undyne snooping right on their ass. Still, Sans wished that Chara didn't have to make assumptions about his and Frisk's relationship every five minutes. He had only wanted to have a serious talk; instead she decided to yell out such a thing, asking if Frisk was pregnant. Now he remembered the reasons why he found her annoying: she couldn't help but pry. That's all she had done when Sans had fallen in love with Frisk, but he couldn't reach her. (Though, at some times Chara had been helpful, admittedly.) But not always. 

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. The conversation was over in a couple of minutes, seeing as the others were now aware of a snooper - that being Undyne, and Gaster was already heading for the elevator to talk to Grillby about it. Following after him, Sans and Frisk took the elevator up with him, just so they could reach the ground floor. The skeleton had only intended to come here for the serious topic, now they could head back home and perhaps relax for a little bit.

Looking around when heading to the car, by the looks of it no fish lady was out on the watch for them still, which did give the couple feelings of relief, glad that they were not being spied on just yet. However, it did make the both of them paranoid that maybe they were being watched and they just didn't know it. The trouble was that they couldn't show their fear or paranoia. Being nervous while you were a suspect was just even more suspicious. They had to appear like your normal adults, with nothing to hide. (Even though they had everything to hide!)

"listen, frisk." Sans was saying, just as he and Frisk were getting into the car. Even with no one else around, and with the car doors and windows to keep the sound inside the vehicle, the monster decided to speak quietly. Just to be safe. "where ever we are from now on, we have to make sure not to talk about... work." Sans told her, while starting up the car. Watching him closely, Frisk listened intently. "the only place we can talk about such things is when we're actually inside the headquarters. from now on however, no where else. not even at home, ya hear?

"Not at home? Why?" Now that was just confusing. It's not like they would be watched in their own home, would they? Okay, now that thought made her fearful. She didn't want to be watched when she didn't know about it. How were you even supposed to feel safe and content in your own home if there were people keeping an eye on you?

"because... i worry that undyne might take drastic measures to try and see if she's right about us. if she knows where we live, she might decide to go there and bug up the house. they are the CIA after all. would probably do anythin' to prove someone guilty." Sans murmured, staring towards the road with a look of concern upon his skull. Not much scared or terrified him, but this? This did. This was their whole lives on the line here, their whole future. Sans did not want to lose what he had just gained. He did not want to lose what was so precious to him. 

Parking outside the apartment, the boyfriend and girlfriend shared a glance, until they climbed out of their own sides of the car in almost perfect sync. Each closing their doors, the two of them headed up towards their place, stopping at the door as Sans had to get out the key. Unlocking the door, Sans went in, waiting for Frisk to come inside, until he shut the door. "How about I prepare something to eat?" Frisk suggested, and Sans nodded in agreement, not saying anything as he was looking around.

Well, looking around without trying to make it too obvious that he was glancing around with suspicion. Seeing if anything had been touched, moved. Thankfully he didn't really keep anything work related at home, in the risk of something like this happening where his house might get searched. Or someone might break in. Going into his room, Sans sat down on the bed, going to pull off his shoes in the process. Something felt strange, and not the good kind. He did feel like he was being watched. Or was that just the paranoia kicking in?

Letting out a sigh, Sans flopped back onto the bed, resting his hands behind his skull as he stared up at the ceiling. Just by looking around, it did feel like someone else had been here. Someone else that hadn't been them. If that was the case, then Undyne found out their address and decided to really and truly spy on them. She really was certain about them, wasn't she? Well, no matter. It was a good thing Sans warned Frisk not to talk about work at home. If they were really being watched, if the place was bugged and possibly had hidden cameras placed around, then good luck to Undyne. Because she wouldn't get anything.

After a while of lying down, Sans heard his girlfriend yell that food was ready. With a small grunt of effort, the skeleton sat back up; proceeding to get out of the bedroom to go to the kitchen where Frisk was plating up the food. He gave her a small thankful kiss on the cheek which she smiled at, and then they both took their plates in hand, and plopped on the couch together, going to flick on some television.

Apart from the sounds of them eating their food, the couple were pretty quiet for the time being. Which was fine; they didn't always need conversation to fill in the silence nowadays, (even though it wasn't entirely silent - with the TV being on and all). But just having each other's company could be good enough to fill the lack of conversation. At first, when they had first met and silences would befall them, they would always be awkward; uncomfortable. Now? They were content. 

Keeping their eyes focused on the screen, Frisk decided to lean over towards Sans, snuggling her head onto his shoulder. His pupils traced towards her face for a second while a tiny smile formed upon his face. Wanting to hold her close, he decided to put his arm across her shoulders, gently kissing her on top of her head while holding her. They continued to eat the rest of their food, until their plates were put aside and they were just a simple monster and human snuggling together upon the couch. They were a normal couple - so it appeared. Nothing to hide. 

That's how they needed to act. They couldn't act afraid, or tense, or paranoid. They couldn't show it at all. Neither could the skeleton make it clear that he knew that they were being watched - at least there was an 80 - 90% chance that they were, in his opinion. And it was better to be safe than sorry to make that assumption, so that they did not slip up and give Undyne exactly what she wanted. 

With watching TV for awhile, Sans did start to get bored. Seeing as TV wasn't always the best source of entertainment that they had. Staring towards Frisk, Sans decided to kiss her on top of her head again to try and get her attention - getting the desired effect as she did look towards him in wonder, questioning if he needed her or something. With a smile, Sans decided to place a gentle kiss to her lips, which she didn't argue with, gladly kissing him back in return.

The problem with being watched was that Sans knew he couldn't have another one of those nights with Frisk - like what they had on their date. He knew he didn't want to make it clear that he knew they were being watched, but he would never go as far to make such a move on Frisk while they were being spied on. It was too much. Besides, his body was for Frisk's eyes, and Frisk's eyes only. 

So, really for now, all that really happened was that Sans decided to lie his head down on the arm of the couch, so Frisk could tower over him and give him long, drawn out affectionate kisses. Even just making out was embarrassing enough; Sans wouldn't let them take away such a thing though. Sans enjoyed getting to kiss and show how much he loved Frisk, and if there was one thing that he would never let get taken way - it was the affectionate smooches. 

They were a normal couple, just living together, living normal lives. That's all they had to pretend to be for as long as this took to prove their "innocence". 

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