The Day [150]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.


Crashing on the couch definitely didn't feel like the most comfortable thing in the world, it definitely wasn't as good as sleeping on a comfy bed with a nice mattress every night; Gaster couldn't complain though. In fact, he didn't actually mind that much as he was just happy to be here, happy to be able to spend more time with his two sons and Frisk. It was nice to see how happy those two were together - Sans and Frisk. They were clearly enjoying themselves, living here in this house, and the father was overjoyed for his son that he was actually seeming to enjoy his time with Frisk, and that he wasn't cooped up in that old apartment anymore. 

Gaster could clearly tell that Sans had been extremely on edge for awhile since he had come here, only because it meant his due date was finally coming pretty soon. Luckily, he could be distracted from that a lot of the time when spoken to by Frisk, Papyrus, or him. But sometimes when he was just too deep into his thoughts, it was obvious he was anxious. Who wouldn't be though? The skeleton stirred awake upon the couch when he heard the sound of footsteps, seeming to come from the kitchen. Groaning a little, Gaster slowly sat up, going to stare with his sleepy sockets in the direction of the kitchen, and he could slightly see light emitting from the room. That's when he decided to tear the blanket off of himself and he slowly picked himself up, going to see what was going on.

Yawning, Gaster stepped into the kitchen, only to see none other than: Sans. "Oh, hello son... Why are you awake, it is..." He didn't have a watch on him or anything right now, so he couldn't actually check what the time was. But by the looks of the windows, it was still dark outside, but it was starting to grow a tad lighter. Such a thing caused Gaster to come to the conclusion that it was early hours of the morning. "So early..." 

"sorry, i didn't mean to wake ya." He apologised to his dad, as he was seeming to prepare food. "i was kinda hungry, so i was just makin' a sandwich." Part of him was also just eating for the sake of eating as a way to somehow tame his fear. Sans frowned, pausing through midway of making his sandwich. "...i'm also just on edge as usual, that's all." He admitted, continuing to put all kinds of different things in his sandwich before finally putting the bread on top. 

"Sans, I promise you that you will be okay. I know it's any day now but..." Gaster was saying, seeing Sans' pupils slowly look at him. "I won't let anything happen to you. And I won't let anything happen to them. I swear on my soul for that to be the case. And I wouldn't promise that to you unless I had a very strong sense that it's all going to be okay." It was just so much like Sans to worry, to worry that something might go bad. For him to be scared. So much had gone on in that skeleton's life that was it really any surprise he was paranoid?

"it's not that i don't trust ya. i wouldn't have asked ya to do this if i didn't." Sans responded. "i just... i dunno. it's just somethin' that probably won't stop bein' scary until i get past it." He went on, going to pick up his sandwich so he could take a bite out of it. Gaster crossed his arms and grinned, understanding him completely. He was just trying to explain what was going on inside that skull of his, as perhaps he was concerned of seeming annoying for still being afraid despite everyone's efforts in trying to keep him calm. 

"I understand. And you will get past it. Not just that, you'll have a little baby boy, or a girl, to look after. I know you told me one day that you and Frisk struggled to think of a name for a boy, but I might just be able to help you. Follow me." Gaster said, motioning for Sans to follow him. Raising an eyebrow, Sans continued to eat his sandwich as he went after his father who was for some reason going towards the front door, which he stepped out of once he opened it. He was definitely confused what his dad was up to, but he just stepped out after him, and that's when Gaster pointed at the sky, towards bright shining stars that they were still able to see, seeing as the sky still wasn't bright enough to make them invisible yet. 

"When I was your age, I used to like to look at stars a lot. All the different kinds of star constellations were just fascinating to me. Because just look at just how beautiful all those stars are." Gaster said, not earning a reply from the shorter skeleton. "I know you're probably confused of why I'm saying this. But you mentioned that you wanted to call your baby Luna if it's a girl. Which means moon. Maybe if you had a boy, you could call him Leo - it's a star constellation." The skeleton explained, as Sans rose his eyebrows a little at him.

"leo, huh? hm... maybe... if me and frisk feels like it fits him..." Sans shrugged, as his pupils went back to the sky. It was actually quite a nice view, and the son did manage a small smile, as he was grateful to his dad for wanting to be thoughtful and for trying to help him and Frisk out. What would he be doing now if he had never managed to save his father, and he had been taken from him forever? He didn't know if he would be able to do this, because he wouldn't trust anyone else to get him through the last part of it all, and while he trusted Frisk, she wasn't exactly knowing about it. "thanks though, dad.

"It's fine. I also just sort of used this as an excuse to look at the stars seeing as we're up. You don't really get to do that in our town - too much light pollution. There isn't as much here in this neighborhood though, especially at this hour." Gaster said. Sans chuckled and nodded, for a moment feeling like a little kid again as his dad was talking to him. He wondered if him and his own son or daughter would have the same kind of connection him and his own dad had. Because growing up Sans and Gaster had always had a good bond, probably because they were the most alike, while Papyrus had been closest to their mom before she sadly passed away. Not that Papyrus' relationship with Gaster was bad, or that Sans was a "favourite". But it had just always been that way because Papyrus was like their mom, while Sans was more like their dad.

"...i wonder if they'll like stars." Sans said thoughtfully, clearly thinking about the little one. He was truthfully wondering what kind of person they grew up to be, and he really did hope they grew up to be more like Frisk. This world needed more people like her, not another version of him that was just cynical and... Someone who complained all the time. He just didn't want his child to think that it was okay to close in on them self, to avoid interacting with people or to be lacking so much trust of others. Such a thing would definitely make it hard for them to make friends, just like it had been tough for him to be friendly with anyone until Frisk had shown up. 

"Who knows? But I know with you and Frisk as their teachers, they'll grow up to be amazing." Gaster answered, while Sans slowly nodded. "Let's get back inside. It's a little chilly out here, even without skin." Gaster laughed, and Sans nodded, going to finish off the last of his sandwich as they went back inside. Once more, the shorter skeleton apologised to his dad for waking him up, while Gaster reassured him, telling him that it was perfectly fine, he truthfully did not mind. He had had a lot of sleepless nights when working on old projects anyway, so it's not like being awake in the middle of the night was that much of a bother to him.

"welp... i guess i'm gonna go back to sleep. thanks for talkin' to me." One again, Gaster said  that there was no problem with that, and the two wished each other good night, (or technically good morning...) and Gaster was ready to go and lay back down on the couch as he entered the living room. He took a couple of steps towards the couch, until he stopped, and a small frown fell upon his face as he noticed something. Normally when someone went up and downstairs, you were able to hear the sound of their feet against the steps, but he didn't hear the sound of Sans walking up them. Upon noticing that, Gaster decided to take several steps back, so that he was standing in the doorway of the living room, and he noticed Sans was holding onto the railing of the stairs but he hadn't even taken the first step. 

"Sans?" Gaster spoke. "Are you alright?" He asked, noticing that for a moment, his son looked as if he had his other hand on his chest, clinging onto his shirt, (at least it looked that way when standing behind him). And that's when it struck him, as he had said any day now would probably be Sans' due date. "Wait, Sans, are you--" 

"i'm fine... i mean... i just felt a bit of pain from my soul, that's all.." Sans quietly said, but over his shoulder Gaster gave him a look that definitely did not look convinced. Shit, fuck, shit, fuck. Okay, fine, so he couldn't lie in this situation, he knew that he couldn't, but it was just the first thing that slipped out of his mouth because he didn't want to admit what was probably happening right now. Fuck... "o-okay, fine. it wasn't like, intense pain or anythin' but..." Sans muttered, looking towards his father, now definitely utterly shitting himself. 

"i think it's time." He said fearfully. 

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