Never Stop [104]

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After dealing with that incident, the couple started to talk like it never even happened. That Frisk literally never pummelled her hand right across the fox's face in frustration for all that she had done. Toriel on the other hand, was still thinking about it and had that look that every parent had when they wanted to have a conversation with their child. Seeing the two smiling at each other and talking, the goat exhaled, finally deciding to say a word of her own. "Frisk, can I speak to you for a moment? Over here." Toriel motioned for Frisk to follow her to the far side of the room, so they could talk quietly and that skeleton would not be listening in. Confused, Frisk blinked at her mother, wondering what she might have wanted. But then she figured it was probably about what just happened.

"Okay, mom." Frisk agreed, going to smile towards Sans as she got up out of her seat, and then she went to follow after Toriel, who stopped when she figured they were likely out of hearing distance for a whisper, and she turned towards the curious human who she had told she wanted a word with. "What is it?" 

"It's about what just happened." Toriel spoke. "I'm sure you already thought that by now. What was that? You slapping Blair... It seems so unlike you. It seems... Well, more like him." Toriel had almost hesitated to say those words, not wanting to make it sound like she was trying to step in between the couple. But at the same time, she didn't want Frisk to turn into something she wasn't due to a bad influence. It was difficult not to feel a small spike of frustration towards her mother at her saying such a thing; even so, she responded calmly.

"Mom, I just lost my temper, that's all. It has nothing to do with my training, or the fact that I am with Sans. I try to be the nicest I can be to people, I can be patient with them. But Blair, she just pushes and pushes and pushes..." Frisk explained, frowning at her worried goat mother who didn't look too sure. Come on though. How in the world was Frisk even 100% innocent? She used to live on the street, she used to steal and get away with it. Even when she had a normal life, being in school, having arguments with people was just part of normal teenage life. And even then sometimes hitting someone came into play, even if it wasn't really the right thing.

"If you say so, my child. Sorry. I don't want it to sound like I am trying to do what Blair did, by trying to make Sans seem bad... I am only protective of your well being, that is all. I hope you understand." Toriel replied gently. She would never feel the need to intervene in their relationship, unless it seemed like Sans truly was unfit to look after her daughter. Thus far, he had managed to keep her safe from death. Rather than her ending up wounded, it was always him. Such a thing was strangely admirable, how he would go out of his own way to make sure he got hurt instead of her. Though it was also very reckless.

"I understand." Frisk smiled, and with that being said, she decided to give her mom a hug. One that was thankful to her for being so kind and protective. Even if she was a 20 year old who could look after herself, she did appreciate the gesture of Toriel wanting to make sure she was doing perfectly well. Without hesitation, her goat mom hugged her in return. Sighing, Toriel knew she was going to miss Frisk so much when she headed off with Sans to flee elsewhere. Staying in contact might be something that could be too risky. 

"And you." Toriel said as they pulled away from the hug and the goat glanced at the skeleton, whose attention was directed towards her at her words. She looked stern and almost scary for a second, until her face broke into a smile. "Please make sure you keep taking good care of my daughter." Was all she said, which surprised Sans. He had expected a huge lecture from her, but apparently not? Somehow, her words had managed to crack a small smile across his face and he nodded.

"of course. i could never stop." Sans responded, seeing Toriel appeared pleased by his answer. Nodding, the goat monster peered back at Frisk, smiled, and with a word of goodbye, she decided to leave the two lovebirds alone once more, deciding to give them some space after that conversation. It was scary to think that Toriel wouldn't be able to be there for Frisk when she and Sans made some kind of plan to get away... But she just had to put her trust in her daughter's boyfriend that he wouldn't let harm come to a single hair on her head.

"You're so cute sometimes." Frisk laughed gently, causing the skeleton's face to turn to a look of surprise, before he instantly began to blush and glance away sheepishly as she slowly walked back over, sitting back down at his side. "Saying how you'll protect me... How much you worry about me." She murmured. "You don't have to worry about me training though, Sans. I promise I won't become a bad person." She told him. 

"i can tell that people think that i'll turn ya into a bad person..." Sans grumbled, knowing that's probably why Toriel pulled Frisk aside, to talk to her about the way she had reacted. The skeleton hadn't expected Frisk to react the way she did, but it was... It made him grateful that she had wanted to stand up for him. Even if he thought he could stand up for himself, it meant a lot to him that Frisk would decide to step forward to say something to defend him. He would always do that for her, no matter what.

"But you're not, Sans. You're not turning me into a bad person." She wanted to reassure him, taking his hand into hers as she spoke. Listening to her, he weakly smiled, as if he wasn't so sure. That was the issue with him, he tended to overthink and overthinking led to him stressing himself over it. He never really thought all that highly of himself, which is why he found it difficult to believe he wasn't doing something wrong towards her. He didn't want to be the reason for her being unhappy. He said that out loud, and she shook her head, kissing him on the skull. "You make me happy. Happier than I have ever been." 

"ya make me happy too, frisk... i never knew i could meet anyone like ya. who could make me feel like this... i just... i don't wanna lose ya. i don't wanna lose ya like i lost blair." He admitted fearfully. He couldn't stand going through that pain again. The pain of having your soul torn apart by the person who was supposed to be your significant other. He believed without even a speck of doubt that losing Frisk would feel a million times more painful than it ever had when he lost Blair. Because he felt like he loved Frisk a million times more. 

"You won't ever lose me. I promise." She went to gently hug him, being careful of his injuries around his ribcage, where the bullets had decided to strike when Undyne had shot at him. With a small sigh, Sans went and wrapped his arms around her in return, knowing he was probably getting worked up for nothing. He just wanted Frisk to know how important she was to him, that was all. He never wanted her to doubt the love that he had for her. 

"good... because once i've healed up enough, we're gettin' the hell outta here. together." Sans murmured, while Frisk quietly chuckled and nodded in agreement at such a scary thought. The idea of them escaping elsewhere. But she got the feeling they would get help from the others, knowing that doing such a task alone might be extremely difficult. They would get away from Undyne, from the CIA. They could disappear without a trace.

And continue their lives together. 

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