Watch Over You [119]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.  


Feeling responsible for being the one who made her sick, when work had finished, Kai had decided to come over to the house with Papyrus, having some herbal tea with her hoping it would help Frisk get better. Though, the taller skeleton had been updating the girl with freckles that Frisk had slowly been getting better - at least at a cost. Considering she had woken up one morning to say she felt like she was getting better, only for Sans to say...

"i think ya made me sick." Which meant that now Papyrus had two sick people at home which he needed to care for. It was no surprise that Sans rolled his eyes over being fussed over when he was ill, and was even in a bit of a grumpy mood with how unwell he felt, but despite being moody, Papyrus could tell that his older brother was thankful for the thought, even if he didn't always act like he was grateful.

"I'M HOME! AND KAI IS HERE TOO!" Papyrus called up the stairs, closing the door after Kai once she had stepped in. When she had been ready to go upstairs to Frisk, Papyrus told her to be careful of Sans, considering he wasn't as upbeat and bubbly as Frisk even when she wasn't totally in fit condition; she was starting to feel better though, which did make her feel sorry for the skeleton who she had managed to infect.

"Hey, Kai. Try to be quiet cause Sans is sleeping right now." Frisk spoke quietly to her friend, pointing at her skeletal boyfriend who was laying wrapped up in the covers, with his back faced  towards them. He was quietly snoring, which made it seem like he was peaceful, but truth be told getting him to fall asleep had taken some effort. Taking what she said into a count, Kai nodded and decided  to start whispering while she replied.

"I see... Sorry that I infected all you guys." Kai nervously giggled, while the other human girl said it was fine, that she didn't need to be so apologetic. As she was talking, she watched Kai shuffle through a little bag she had been holding onto, and she pulled a container which was one of those containers that were used for hot drinks, to keep them warm for longer. "I brought you some herbal tea as my mom prepared some when I mentioned how I had a work friend - that being you - was sick. So, she made some before I left for work this morning, thankfully it's still warm." Oh yeah, Kai was only 18, so she still lived with her mother at the moment, who sounded extremely sweet.

"Oh, thank you. That's so sweet, tell her I'm extremely thankful." Frisk beamed, carefully taking the warm metal container into her hands when Kai had passed it to her, saying that if she wanted she could hold onto it until she was done with it. After all, she knew that perhaps her skeletal boyfriend, (now knowing he was also sick), might like some too to help with the illness. Tea always helped her whenever she wasn't feeling very well, so she hoped it would have the same effects on him too.

"ugh... who is talkin'?" Sans groaned beneath the covers, clearly not enthused that he had already been woken up when he had not long ago fallen asleep. When apologised to by the two girls, and when Frisk told him to try and fall back asleep, he simply declined, going to climb out of bed. "it's fine... i need to go throw up anyway." Sans whinged on, heading towards the bathroom as he couldn't stand the thought of using a bowl beside his bed that would end up reeking of the putrid smell. That would only make things worse.

"He can be sick? But he's a skeleton..." Kai uttered to Frisk in confusion. To tell the truth it had been a shocker (and a horrid sight) to the girlfriend too, but Sans did eat food, so it had to go at least somewhere right? Not understanding the science behind it or how his body worked, she had the feeling it was something to do with magic. Something like that at least made sense to her, considering he didn't have a stomach to purge stomach contents from. It was all just something to do with magic.

"I see... Well, do you think you'll be well enough to come into work at some point this week?" Kai quizzed the other human, and truthfully, Frisk thought she likely would be fine soon enough. Though... She wanted to stay home to look after Sans until he recovered too, but if he was still sick when she went off to work, she knew she couldn't. Already she had taken a couple of days off from being unwell, and she hadn't been working there that long. Her bosses were only going to be patient with her for so long.

Returning to the room, Sans muttered "that was a waste of a good meal" under his breath, before going to climb under the covers to try and go back to sleep. Deciding that she was better off leaving them be as she felt like she was disturbing them both, Kai got up to take her leave. She at least got to give Frisk the tea, so there was at least that, and hopefully it would  help the both of them with feeling much better. 

"Thank you again for the tea!" Frisk called once more, until they said their goodbyes and Kai was soon gone. Glancing over to the quiet skeleton, Frisk decided to place a hand on his skull, checking if he had a high temperature at the moment or anything. With her doing this, he went to slowly open his eyes and turned his head a little to look at her tiredly. "O-Oh, sorry. I was just checking if you were warm."

"it's fine... i can already tell ya want to think of skippin' work to look after me once you're better... don't bother, i'll be fine with ya and papyrus goin' to work with me bein' here alone..." Sans croaked, while Frisk frowned with uncertainty. It made Frisk feel somewhat concerned, because she was thinking back to what Sans said, about how when monsters got sick, it could be pretty severe for them sometimes. The bug that she had gotten had been bad enough just for her, she couldn't imagine how Sans was feeling. 

"Yeah but... I don't want anything to happen to you. What if something bad happens and I'm not there?" Frisk asked, while Sans shook his head in dismissal, assuring her that he would be fine. It wasn't like he had never been sick before ever in his life, this wasn't the first  time, even if he seemed pretty bad right now. All it was was a little bug, and in a couple of days, he would be fine. Just fine. There was nothing to worry about, absolutely nothing at all. 

"Well... Can you at least call me if you need anything? Promise me you will." 

"but i don't wanna get in the way of your job..." Sans murmured, while Frisk pressed and told him more firmly this time to promise that he would call her if he really needed her. For God sake, did he still expect her not to worry about him when she was his girlfriend? Every minute that he was like this, she couldn't help but think of the worst possibilities and what she might do to fight against those possibilities to make sure everything would be just fine and that it would turn out she had been worrying her head off for absolutely no reason. With a sigh, the skeleton gave in, telling her that he promised he would call, (even though he really didn't think he would need to).

Knowing that she had gotten him to promise had made her somewhat more relaxed, and with that being said, she told him to get more sleep once again, saying that she could softly hum to him if that would help him at all. But for the time being he said he only wanted things to be quiet, and she didn't mind that at all, as she gladly obliged with his wishes, just watching over him until he was back to quietly snoring once more, being more peaceful than when he had been awake and uncomfortable. 

Even while she was at work, she would do her best to make sure that he was okay.

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