It's Not Like That [19]

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It wasn't everyday that Frisk got to see Sans cry, but she had been happy to have had the chance to be there at his side when he appeared so broken. True, he was pretty grumpy about her showing up in the first place; after crying it didn't take him very long to revert back to that grumpy nature. That was okay though; even if Sans didn't want to show that he might have been grateful for her kind words, and the fact that she had chosen to sit and listen rather than telling him to just suck it up and get over it, she felt like she could tell he was thankful, even just a little bit. 

Anyway, it was a brand new day, and Frisk had been in contact with her new friend James. They had chosen to hang out at a nearby park, seeming to laugh and enjoy themselves as they sat upon the swings. She forgot how fun being a teenager could be. How awesome having friends felt. It sucked to know though that in a couple of months it would be her birthday, and she'd be turning 20, just like her skeletal friend. She wondered when his birthday was. It might have only been a matter of time until he turned 21. But then again she had no clue. 

"Thanks for choosing to spend the day with me, James." Frisk was saying, while they found themselves walking down the pavement after having left the park. "You know, it's not very often that I have friends, so getting to know you has been pretty cool so far." 

"You don't have friends?" James appeared shocked at this, which made Frisk question why. She didn't exactly think she was anyone amazing, so maybe it was no surprise that she never had many friends. "You seem like a really kind person to me. Someone who I would have thought would have a lot of friends." 

"Well... I do have... I guess... One, maybe two or three friends..." She shrugged. "They're monsters. Well, at least two of them are. I guess it's rare for humans to make friends with me." She admitted. James gasped.

"You're friends with monsters? That's so cool!" James exclaimed, catching Frisk off guard. Whenever she overheard conversations from other humans about monsters, it tended to be conversations of mockery, talking about how disgraceful they were and how many wished they were never on the surface world with them. But discrimination tended to be normal in today's society, considering it even happened among the humans when people spoke about others of different race. It was disgusting how people so easily disregarded people for such reasons, but it was the sad reality they lived in. 

"Uh, y-yeah... I would introduce you to one of them but... I don't think he's really a people person." Frisk laughed nervously. Not to mention Sans probably would never agree to meeting one of her human friends. He seemed more focused on work than anything, (which wasn't really surprising seeing as he wanted to find Gaster) and he might have been paranoid about someone somehow finding out he was in the Mafia. Frisk just wished she could get him to come out of his shell more.

"Oh, well that's a shame." James pouted with disappointment. "Well, if he ever changes his mind, let me know. It'd be cool to meet a monster! I've never really had the chance to speak to one. I sort of grew up in a family where my parents and even my brother wasn't very accepting of them. It feels like I'm the only one who isn't crazy in my family." He chuckled. Frisk's expression saddened out of sympathy for him.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But it's nice to hear that you somehow managed to gain your own more accepting views, rather than following after your family like a lost sheep." Frisk beamed. Otherwise it would probably be really awkward between the two of them if he really hated monsters and she didn't. Not that she wanted to let such views get in the way of a friendship, but there was always the chance that such ideals could cause arguments. James appeared to grin at her comment, while they continued walking. What happened next, Frisk couldn't believe. 

The teenage boy and girl were on their way to being close to passing by a restaurant, only to see none other than three familiar faces pop out through the door. It was none other than Chara, Asriel and even Sans. Which was weird, because never in a million years considering the last conversation Frisk remembered between the skeleton and the human Dreemurr girl, she'd ever expect to see them together. Yet there they were. They had probably been forced on a task or something by Asgore and might have gone out to eat afterwards. It seemed like the most likely scenario. 

"Hey, Frisk!" Chara was the first to notice Frisk who was a couple of steps away and couldn't stop waving obviously when she saw her, and with people staring, Frisk awkwardly waved back. James stood, bewildered. 

"Who is that?" He wondered.

"The friends I might have mentioned..." Frisk admitted. 

Deciding to race over, Chara greeted Frisk with a cheerful hello, while Asriel followed behind and Sans seemed to groan to himself, just wanting to go back home. The last thing he wanted was to deal with a social conversation, especially when he appeared to notice another human was in the presence of Frisk. It was that same boy that Frisk was talking to in front of the jewellery store, when she was admiring a necklace or something. Unmistakably, it was the same guy. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Frisk wondered, before noticing Chara glanced towards James, likely noting he was there. If it was as Frisk guessed, Chara would likely have to lie about why they were there. 

"Well, we were just deciding to eat out together. Seeing as Sans mentioned it was one of his favourite places so we thought why not go there." It WAS a lie though. 

"Oh, right." Frisk nodded, until she looked back towards James. "Oh, right! I should probably introduce you guys. Um, James, this is my friend Chara, Asriel, and that's Sans." She pointed to each of them individually before quietly mumbling to her human friend. "It's Sans that's not the people person."

"i can hear ya, ya know.

"And he also has freakishly good hearing." Chara added with a roll of the eyes which only made Sans growl as the others laughed and it seemed like he was being made fun of. 

"Yeah, um, and guys this is my friend James." She introduced them. Chara and Asriel were the ones to give more polite first hello's, while Sans just sort of grunted, clearly not really being interested at all. That wasn't exactly surprising. 

"Well, it was nice to meet you James, and it was good to see you Frisk, but we better go." Chara smiled. "Hope you guys continue having fun on your date!" She mocked, which made Frisk let out a sound of confused embarrassment as her cheeks began to burn as she watched the three trudge away. 

"Hey, it's not like that!" Frisk called after them, before looking to James who also appeared embarrassed and confused. She gave him an apologetic look, which he just seemed to shrug off, telling her it was fine. 

It really wasn't like that.

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