Love Lives [115]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.     


"Ooh, I'm so nervous!" Frisk blabbered on, as she was making sure that she had anything that she might need to take with her to work in her little bag that she had. Keys was one of those things, and her phone... What else did she need? She was too busy in thought to hear Sans tell her that she would be fine, as she was going back and forth around the living room, trying to find her phone, which she found laying underneath one of the couch cushions. 

"will ya relax?" Sans joked, going to gently hold Frisk by the shoulders to get her to look at him. Right now, she was actually wearing her black and white waitress uniform, with white ankle socks and black shoes. He couldn't deny without even a second of doubt that she looked so damn adorable, (and admittedly, kind of sexy). Alright, Sans. Get your mind out of the gutter. "ya will do fine. i'm sure they'll love ya. and besides, ya got papyrus with ya so ya'll be twice as fine."

"OF COURSE! WE'LL DO GREAT, FRISK! NOW, LET'S HEAD OFF TO WORK!" Papyrus said, being the first to head towards the door, in the hope that Frisk would follow in tow. Telling Frisk to stay safe, and to stay close to Papyrus, Sans gave Frisk a loving kiss before allowing her to go with his little brother. With a small smile, he watched Frisk bound out in her sweet little dress, resisting the urge of wanting to follow after her and sit in the cafe just so he could stare at how beautiful she was all day. Man, he was too much of a cheesy guy.

But now he was left alone. And being alone was something he needed to get used to again, despite how much he enjoyed the company of his loving girlfriend and younger brother, he needed to feel comfortable and not constantly threatened in his own house when he was all by himself. Doing such a thing might just help him relax and not constantly think about the possible threats he could face in his own home.

Flopping over onto one of the couches, the skeleton stared up at the ceiling, wondering what to do with his time. It would likely consist of watching movies, TV, just anything... That's what his life used to mostly consist of before he met and fell in love with Frisk. Sleep, wake up, go to work, come back from work, eat, watch TV, then go to sleep. That was his old, plain, uneventful life when back in the days he was a shit bag to everyone and everything around him, (not that that was something that had entirely changed).

Continuing to stare at the ceiling, Sans just hoped Frisk enjoyed her first day of her new job... That for once instead of being in the Mafia, she was living a much more normal, human life. He was glad for her. 

At the cafe, Frisk was actually having a nice time. When coming into work that day, she had the luck of being greeted by the nice girl she had met before her interview, who had told her not to worry. "You got the job!" She cheered happily, seeming glad that she had one other person to work with, and that she was no longer by herself. "I realise we never properly got to greet each other when we first met. My name is Kai." The smiling girl said. Like Frisk, this girl wore the same waitress uniform. Along her pale skin, she had light freckles and even wore circular glasses, while her shoulder length hair was a dark green, which were matching her dark green eyes. She was extremely pretty!

"Oh, yeah. I'm Frisk. And the skeleton I came in with today is Papyrus - my friend." Frisk told her, explaining how he was also working here. It was strange, when coming here Frisk never expected herself to find any new people to talk to. Sure, they hadn't left home very long ago, but already she was missing everyone else that she had left behind. She really hoped she would see them all again someday, because leaving them had been so difficult.

"It's nice to properly meet you, Frisk. It's nice to have another helping hand here... Anyway, we better get to work." Kai said, as it was best not to get too distracted with the socialising, even though it was clear the both of them just wanted to talk and get to know each other. However, work came first, and Frisk didn't want to disappoint anyone on her first day.

So, she set to serving people, asking people for orders, taking dishes, empty drink glasses, delivering food to tables... Thankfully, for a first day things weren't too stressful, and most of the customers that Frisk was greeted with were fairly nice. She did get a few annoying customers who decided to whistle at her, but with simply ignoring them, such silly people easily faded away.

Kai mentioned how she always had to put up with dumb customers like that, but she never really paid any attention to them, and any customers that did try to take it a step too far did normally get stopped by their boss and sent out as they thankfully tended to show up at the right moments. Truth be told Frisk was a little bit concerned how her boyfriend might react to some guy randomly whistling at her, as her being ogled had been something he had been pointing out. He definitely would not be happy, and she wouldn't be surprised if he threatened to punch such a guy in the face, but that was just his way of being protective, (and after being in the Mafia for about 4 years, Frisk couldn't blame him for such measures if he really hit someone).

However, the human girl wanted to try and make their lives here as peaceful as possible, so if Sans were to see someone try to flirt with her and get irked, she would have to try her best to calm him down if he got really mad. But just thinking of Sans wanting to be protective of her in his own kind of way did make her softly smile to herself, as she felt cared for by the skeleton in everything he did, with how kind he was towards her, and how affectionate he could be when they shared romantic moments together. She would never forget their moment of sharing souls, as it showed to her just how much the man trusted her, which meant everything to her.

"Are you okay, Frisk? You're kind of spacing out there." Kai teased as she was passing by from a table she had had to clear up, as people who were sitting at that table must have obviously just left and left their dirty plates and cups upon the table, (which was fine, seeing as cleaning up after people was what they were hired for). Softly blushing, Frisk weakly smiled and nodded, apologising for being in a whole other world for a second.

"Oho? Your cheeks are getting red! Thinking about that special someone, huh?" Kai continued on with a wink, which made Frisk nervously giggle and nod, finding not much harm in admitting the truth to her new found friend. "Wait, really?! I was joking! You have a boyfriend? What's his name?" Kai squealed, clearly loving such gossip about relationships which made Frisk giggle some more.

"Kai! You two can chat about love lives during your lunch break. Please don't get too distracted!" One of their bosses (who was a female) called from behind the counter, not unkindly. Smiling sheepishly, Kai nodded and apologised, before going to continue on with taking the things she had to clear up to the kitchen in the back. Though, before she walked away, Frisk stopped her, asking her if maybe after work she wanted to head elsewhere to chat and get to know each other a little more. "Really? Yeah, I would like that!" Kai nodded, before scurrying off to do her job.

Smiling after her, Frisk was relieved that everyone seemed so kind here. So normal. It was strange, how here, they weren't doing anything that was considered illegal, like you would have been doing if you had been a member of the Mafia. Though, of course, her life could never feel so normal at this moment in time if she had never been part of the Mafia, if she had never ran into Sans or Asriel... Matter of fact if those events never happened, she would probably be dead by now, still living on the streets with nowhere to go. Her life changed in the most amazing way, and she would never forget that.

When work got out, Frisk just told Papyrus to go home without her, and that he should let Sans know that she was spending time with a friend. She didn't want her boyfriend to worry about her, so Frisk also set a time where she would probably be home, and told Papyrus to let him know that too. With smiles across their faces, Frisk and Kai set to walking together down the sidewalk, continuing their conversation from earlier about Frisk's amazing boyfriend, about how perfect he was, and kind...

She would never let people doubt how much of a great person he was.

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