Terrified [79]

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Author note: So... I was randomly thinking...

Would anyone hate it if I casually just shoved some Grillster into this story? xD (That's Grillby and Gaster). Because I ship those two a lot, and while I've left hints here and there that they're really close, I've never wanted to push it past them being best friends in the worry that it will make people lose interest in the story because it might be a ship they hate. Of course the story is still mainly about Frans - it will always remain about that. It's just there might be ships here and there that could come up and while this story is fun for me to write, I also want the people reading it to still enjoy it. So, I don't want to ruin it by putting a ship in there that people might REALLY not like. ^^;

Anyway, I'm rambling now. I'll let you read the chapter. Lol


Minutes ticked by, only to turn into hours; the tired, hungry fox was wondering if that stupid human was actually going to come back, or if he had lied to her and just acted like he was going to get her food. Great. Whatever. She didn't really care. At least if she died she wouldn't have to be laying in here anymore. How unbelievable that no one was even trying to save her. After everything she did for all her stupid so called "friends". Awhile back, she had abandoned Sans for them. The monster had seen more opportunity in being in this other group, rather than being at that stupid skeleton's side who had wanted her to stay. She remembered the look on his face when she betrayed him, how sad he looked. Not that she cared. That skeleton meant nothing to her now, he hadn't for a long time. 

Finally, after what felt like forever of waiting, Blair looked up from where she was sitting, only to see that same human again, his green cautious eyes looking back at her with a worried expression, while he had a plate of cooked food in his hands. Kneeling down, he slipped it underneath the bars. "There. Happy now?" Andrew asked, going to quickly step back as Blair crawled over to the plate and quickly began stuffing her face with food with how much she was starving. "Don't expect me to do this all of the time." 

"Yeah, right. Like you would just leave me to die." Blair smirked back at the frowning human male. "You're too kind for your own good, aren't you? That or you're just an idiot. You wouldn't let someone die even if you thought they were an evil person." She grinned while Andrew remained quiet. "Who knows? If you keep feeding me, once I get out of here, you might just be someone I'll spare." She giggled creepily, while Andrew just stood, feeling extremely uncomfortable. Without a doubt, if Sans knew he fed her, he was going to kill him... Why did he accept to give her food? Blair was right, maybe he was an idiot...

Ignoring her taunts, Andrew just simply turned to leave, wanting to pretend he never spoke to her or helped feed her. But then... He stopped in his tracks just as he remembered: the plate. He would have to take that back, otherwise someone would know - that's if she wouldn't snitch on him first. Gulping, the human slowly turned to look back towards Blair, who was finishing off the last of her food. When she wasn't snarling, she looked surprisingly relaxed. She didn't look scary at all. It was only when she was snapping and growling that she appeared fierce. 

Slowly, with a sigh, Andrew began to step back towards the bars of the fox's cell, which caused the monster to glare up at him once again, seeming to question why he had come back. She was sure he had left after what she said. However, he was still here. What the fuck did he want now? "What? Can't you go away? I only needed you for the food, nothing more." Blair seethed, while Andrew hesitated to answer. Okay, she still was scary. Good to know.

"I, uh... Just wanted the plate back." Andrew replied, just as the fox slowly stood up, glaring back at him. For a second, it was silent, until suddenly her hand shot through the bars, going to grab him by the collar. She pulled him harshly towards her and he grunted with a start as he stared back at her with wide eyes; the only thing separating them was the bars. "Geez! What's your problem?!" Andrew yelped, while Blair smirked back at him.

"I was just going to say, you will do this for me all the time. You're the only one who can help me after all. I know that bitch Frisk--" 

"If you call Frisk a bitch, then you're not getting ANY help from me." Andrew shot back with a frown, which only appeared to piss the fox off, as she snarled once more. Clearly she didn't like the idea of him trying to fight back against what she was saying. However, Andrew still cared about Frisk, and he didn't want to let some person who didn't even know anything about her try to insult her. 

"Well then, I'll just ruin your fucking life and make sure Sans knows that you decided to help me." Blair smirked at the now horrified human. She had him right in the palm of her hand and she knew that even if Sans hated her, if she told on the human that he helped, the skeleton would be fuming. It was because Sans hated her which helped her trap the human. Sans wouldn't want anyone to help her. She had the feeling if even Frisk helped he would be pissed. 

Feeling fearful, Andrew's green eyes flitted back and forth between Blair's, wishing he had just stayed upstairs and that he hadn't listened when he had been told to clean up around here. Why did he always have to get himself into horrible situations? Who was going to help him get out of this? If he spoke to Sans, he'd be so fucking angry. If he told Frisk, she'd probably speak to Sans about it, and again that would fuck him over. Oh fuck...

"F-Fine... I-I'll... I'll bring food down here whenever I can... I can't always promise though. Sometimes I might not be able to otherwise I might get discovered. And that would only  get me in trouble and put a stop to you getting meals altogether." Andrew murmured, while Blair smiled back at him, glad that she was getting the turn out that she was hoping for. This was good. If she just tried to rest for a little while and get some food in her, she might be able to have the strength to try and escape. Hell, she might even be able to use this foolish human as a way to get her out. 

"Good, I knew you could be helpful. Here's the plate." Blair innocently smiled, still holding onto his collar while she handed him the empty plate through the bars. Just as he was taking it, she just managed to give him a kiss on the cheek, which instantly made him pull himself away with an expression that showed he was extremely uncomfortable. And with that, without another word, he quickly dashed out of the room, while she stood, grinning after him. Another thing she could try to do was use her charm to keep him being loyal to her. True, he seemed like he was still in love with that stupidly popular girl, Frisk. But she could always change that. 

With the feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach, Andrew set to quickly heading back up to the bar, where he sped to get the plate in his hand washed, so he could put it away. Thankfully Grillby didn't seem like he was paying attention to him, as he was more busy cleaning the tables that had been eaten on earlier in the day. Andrew then set to heading back towards the elevator, so he could go to the room where all the beds were, (the same place he had slept when being injured), as that's where he had to sleep. Considering he had no other place to go to. And he couldn't go back to Toriel's with Frisk living there. It would be too uncomfortable and awkward due to the fact that he still loved her and they were exes. 

Lying down in bed, Andrew pulled the covers close to himself, before he once again started thinking about the situation he was in, and he quietly began to sob. He didn't want to help Blair. He didn't want to get his ass chewed out by the one guy who seemed like he would punch his head right clean off. He was terrified. And he didn't know what to do.

What was he supposed to do?

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