Cold Blood [141]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.  


Even killing them... Killing them could be an option, as long as it was a last resort, that is what Undyne had said, right? It was something that kept repeating over and over inside Frisk's head, so much that she wasn't even thinking about what she was thinking about. Not until the actual mission, where they were actually there: her, Gaster, Blair, Asriel, and Grillby, and the skeleton monster had questioned if she was okay while they were making their way towards the location on foot, deciding a car might get easily noticed. Frisk replied, saying that she was fine, but truthfully, she felt somewhat guilty that she was so casually thinking of what the death of two people might possibly be like.

It wasn't every day that her brain decided to think such thoughts. Normally, she was the one who was trying to steer others away from the thought of murder, wanting to suggest that there had to be some kind of better way. She was thinking all of this just as Blair was muttering to Grillby how it might be best for him to go around the back with Asriel, seeing as he was made of flame so if he was at the front of the house, he might get easily spotted. "Frisk." Blair said, giving the human girl a slight nudge, snapping her out of it. "Focus. Look, if you want my honest opinion, if you're thinking of killing them, just do it." 

Of course the fox would say such a thing. Like anyone who had been a part of the Mafia or some kind of dangerous group, killing wouldn't be a regret for them; they likely felt like they were doing the world a favour. As Sans had said: they were wastes of oxygen, people that the world would be much better off without. Had these people not existed, her parents never would have died. Had someone got rid of them earlier, she would have still had her mom and dad. The weird thing was, if her parents never died, she probably would have never met Sans, because she then never would have been on the street.

But her mind didn't fucking care. All she wanted was to make those men pay for what they did to her mother and father. It was probably the first time in awhile where she had felt real genuine anger. What if these men somehow showed up one day and tried to cause harm to her or someone she loved again? What if they showed up and ended up harming her and Sans' baby? They were a total threat, and if kept alive, they might just hurt someone else. Right now, her mind really was pushing her to kill them. 

Reaching the front of the house, while Grillby and Asriel went around the back, the trio (Frisk, Blair and Gaster) stuck to the shadows, while moving in on towards the  house. The fox was the first to try the door, only to be shocked when the door wasn't actually locked. "Be careful." Gaster whispered. If the house was abandoned, chances were that it was pretty dark inside as they likely wouldn't have any power, and with it growing further into the night, they would need light to see. Good thing they had Grillby then. 

"Alright, Frisk, you hang back for the moment, I'll start moving in with Gaster, call for us if you hear or see anything." She said, just seeing Frisk nod with a frown plastered across her face. The fox sighed, wondering if it was a good idea to bring Frisk with them. After all, the girl had appeared quite miserable ever since leaving the CIA headquarters. She couldn't say that she blamed her, but at the same time if she was being held back by her thoughts, it was problematic. 

When venturing into the dark, Blair trudged carefully, with Gaster seeming to do the same; he was also being cautious. Luckily, despite it being dark, they could still just see each other, so Gaster was signaling with his hand for her to check out one side of the house, while he would check out the other. The fox nodded, splitting ways from the skeleton, as she continued sneaking almost silently. When making her way towards the kitchen, she spotted the back door slowly opening, and that's when she spotted Grillby and Asriel who gave her a small wave. 

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