Her Heart [32]

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Being back at the Mafia headquarters, Frisk had been so unbelievably worried for Sans' well being. Matter of fact, she was actually sitting at his bedside, as he was lying unconscious, with something that looked like an IV drip at the side of his bed. It looked as if it might have been connected to his soul, which was so strange. Thankfully, after being contacted by Grillby, Toriel had come down to help aid Gaster and Sans both back to health. Turns out that she had some experience when it came to that stuff. Sans must have been unaware about that when he had been talking about Gaster missing, and how about when people got hurt, there was no one there who could help. Because Toriel could. Anyway, while doing so, she had told Frisk that it was a plus that Sans' body hadn't turned to dust. Which meant he was likely going to be just fine. 

It was hard to describe just how she had been feeling when she saw Sans collapse to the floor, and how he had seemed like he was in a lot of pain. Now, as he was lying unconscious in bed, he looked so peaceful. The same as Gaster, who was literally just lying in a bed almost right next to him. When she looked back and forth between the two, it was very easy to tell that they were father and son. 

To think that Sans had put his own body and soul through hell just to make sure that they would all be okay, that they would get out of there alive. At first, she had thought that during that mission, Sans was just being scummy, and that he was only thinking of himself. But he had proved her wrong. What he did, it was brave. 

Thirdly, another person was in the room, seeming to lie in yet another bed, fast asleep. Frisk had almost completely forgotten about him with everything that had gone on, but it was that teenage boy that they had taken prisoner after questioning him - Andrew, the one who they had originally thought was James. Toriel must have thought it would be good to patch him up too, after the injuries that Sans had inflicted on him. 

Coming back into the room, the goat woman who had been attending to the skeleton's health smiled warmly at Frisk, who managed a small smile in return. Toriel noticed she looked really worried still, she couldn't blame her. But she wanted to reassure her. "You don't need to look so terrified, Frisk. He will be okay, really." 

"Really? Are you really sure?" Frisk wondered, earning a nod from Toriel. 

"I am sure. Yes, Gaster was quite bruised and battered but... With enough attending to his wounds to make sure they don't get infected and with enough rest, he should do just fine. And Sans, even though his situation is somewhat more complicated, seeing as he has done more damage to his soul, as long as he also looks after himself from now on, he will be fine." Toriel glanced towards the quiet Frisk. "He seems like he means a lot to you."

"Huh?" Frisk looked at her goat mother, surprised by that statement. "I... I guess you could say that. He's my friend." 

"To me it seems like your affection for him runs deeper than that. Who shoots a man in the head to save another person's life?" Toriel asked with a small concerned expression, which made Frisk widen her eyes at her. How did she...? "Sans mentioned it when he woke up for a split second. He just rambled, before falling unconscious again. He was confused as to why you would do such a thing for a guy like him." She explained. 

"...Because he's saved me... Many times. He's been there for me, even if he acts like he couldn't care less. He acts like he doesn't deserve it or something, that he shouldn't have friends, or people to care about him." Frisk mumbled. 

"But... You do care about him, don't you?" Toriel said, earning a quiet nod from Frisk. "Maybe even... Love him?" Toriel pressed. Frisk didn't really know how to answer that. She knew that Sans was a big deal to her. She knew that she would feel completely torn up if he died. She knew that she thought about him a lot, that she enjoyed being around him, even when sometimes he acted like he was trying to be difficult. He had become a big part of her life so fast, and she would have hated to lose him. Maybe even sometimes he had got her thinking things, feeling things. She hadn't asked to feel this way, but somehow... She did. Thinking all of this, Frisk began to softly cry, which caused Toriel to pull her into a motherly hug. 

"Shh... It's okay." 

"I... I do love him, mom..." She whispered as she cried. Even though he hadn't tried to, he had managed to capture her fluttering heart. Perhaps that was why there were times when she felt so hurt at the things he'd say to try and get rid of her. Because it hurt to know that maybe he really didn't care about her. "B-But... He'll never love me. Because he doesn't seem l-like he wants to get close to anyone." 

"Hey, you don't know that..." Toriel sighed. She wasn't sure how she felt about the idea of Sans falling in love with Frisk - if it were to actually happen. She knew that she wanted Frisk to be taken care of, she wanted someone to protect her when she was unable, or when she couldn't protect herself. Thus far, Sans had done a good job at keeping her alive. He just hadn't done so well as keeping her protected from the mentally scarring things that could happen in such an environment. But then, maybe trying to do that was unrealistic. 

"Let me tell you something, Frisk. Unlike you, no one has managed to get Sans to open up as much as you have. He seems to tell you things that he doesn't normally tell anyone else... Not to mention he spends the most time with you." Toriel said. "He's a complex skeleton... But he might care more than you might think."

Really? Or did Sans just protect her because he swore that promise to Toriel? That had always been one of her thoughts when she realised that maybe she was caring about the skeleton so much to the point it might have been considered past the realms of friendship. She was too scared to tell him her feelings, knowing she'd probably get shot down in an extremely harsh kind of way. Sans would probably laugh at her and mock her. Or he'd just brush her off and say he didn't care, like he always did. 

"Can you keep this between us, please?" Frisk quietly wondered to her goat mother, who seemed to nod at her question.

"Of course, my child. If you don't want to mention anything to Sans right now, then I will keep it to myself. But Frisk, it's not healthy to keep feelings of love cooped up inside... Take it from me." Toriel told her. "Eventually, you should tell him when you're ready. If he does not react in the way that you want him to, then maybe it just means that he really isn't the one you are supposed to fall in love with." 

"Okay... Thanks, mom." 

"Any time, Frisk." 

She just hoped that maybe if she ever had the guts to mention it, that Sans would return her feelings. But knowing him, there was the likely chance that he wouldn't.

He'd probably stomp all over her heart. 

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