Ready [75]

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Author Note: That awkward moment when this might just be the longest part in this story so far. xD

But anyway, I think many of you can already guess what's gonna happen in this part, if you've read the previous part. So if you think this part might trigger you, then I wouldn't suggest reading it. I'm not very used to writing this kind of stuff, so I apologise if it's pretty cringe worthy.

Just wanted to say that. But anyways, enjoy this part! 


The change in atmosphere was something that was definitely felt between Sans and Frisk when they were still continuing to very slowly kiss, just making the most of the moment that they were spending together. It was very strange to think that something like this was actually happening right now, causing the couple to blush insanely. And having a heart, Frisk found it beating rapidly in her chest from both excitement and nerves. She had no idea what to expect from this whole experience, but she knew she trusted Sans. She trusted Sans with her life, which was likely quite clear by now. 

Seeing as Sans had decided to lightly pull Frisk onto his lap, so she was sitting facing him, he was gently running his boney fingers up and down Frisk's back, grazing over the material of the dress she was wearing, but also he knew that she would be able to feel his fingers wandering through her dress. Considering they were both extremely shy about this, they were going extremely slow, clearly just trying to build up to what could possibly happen. 

As if they were smooth, elegant, graceful dancers, their tongues glided with one another, neither of them really being more dominant than the other, as they were both equally anxious. But that was fine. They'd probably get more confidence the further they got through it anyway. And there was no way Frisk felt like she could be confident on her very first time. Neither did she expect Sans to be confident either, even if he had done it before. She didn't mind at all. Slow and gentle was nice.

"i love ya, frisk." Sans quietly whispered, panting a little when the both of them had to pull away from the kiss to get back their oxygen; their faces were barely inches apart. Softly blushing, Frisk smiled back at him, giving him another quick peck until she responded, telling him that she loved him too. So much. Seeing him like this, it was so cute and adorable. Remembering back to the days before they were going out, it made her wonder if she'd ever get the chance to see what Sans would be like in a relationship. He could just be the cutest skeleton ever. That statement was made even more true when he smiled sweetly at the fact that she told him she loved him, and he slowly leaned towards her once more.

Except this time instead of kissing her mouth, he kissed her on the cheek, then on her jaw, just wanting to show her so much love as he continued holding her close. Moving towards her chin, it was hard not to grin when Frisk actually went to lean her head back a tiny bit, giving him more access to the underside of her chin and jaw which he gave a tender kiss. Taking the quiet sounds she made from just that as his invitation to continue, he stayed giving light kisses to her skin around her jaw and neck. "That feels really nice." Frisk muttered, causing Sans to let out a tiny chuckle. 

"i'm glad. that is the idea after all." He murmured beside her ear in return. "you're really sure ya wanna go through this though, frisk? because you're allowed to back out if you're uneasy. i know this is nerve wrackin' for me, but i know it might be worse for ya, as this is your first time." He said. There it was, Sans being kind and understanding again. How could one man be so sweet without even seeming to try? Everyone around them might have got to see the more rough, intimidating side to him; she got to see the blushing teddy bear that rested on the inside. 

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