Listen [137]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.  


No one was exactly sure of what Mettaton's idea was yet, but they were all hoping that it had to be good. Because they knew that they couldn't stay here. With everyone seeming to listen to whatever the robot had to say, Mettaton began to explain. Because he was an FBI agent as well as a spy, he did know about things that Undyne would sometimes talk about. Other cases, other dangerous people that she wasn't able to capture. Despite her having been so passionate about this case of capturing Sans, she did have other people to deal with. But like Sans, they were able to find ways to sneak under the radar. Mettaton did have a feeling it had been because she was too focused on Sans, but... 

"I'm thinking, maybe we can make an offer to get us all out of here." Mettaton suggested, seeing Toriel's surprised expression at his suggestion. "I don't know if it will really work, but Undyne isn't an evil person. She makes stupid decisions, sure... But maybe if we make some kind of trade with her, she might just let us go." He said. Everyone else in the other cell started glancing towards each other, both seeming unsure but also eager of the idea the robot spoke of. They didn't know if it would work, but it was worth a shot. "Besides, who better to try and catch another criminal than someone who actually is and thinks like one?" 

"i guess ya got a point... i don't know if she'll see it that way though." Sans answered, at least until their conversation was interrupted by the tapping of someone's feet, and everyone turned to look to see a short yellow dinosaur outside their cell, holding what looked like a tray, which held several pots of noodles on top of it. Both Mettaton and Papyrus were happy to see her, and she even seemed happy to see them, despite the circumstances. 

"ALPHYS!" Papyrus said happily, seeing the yellow dinosaur beam back at him in return. 

"H-Hi P-Papyrus. Hi Mettaton." Alphys stuttered out. "A-A-And hi e-everyone else... I b-brought you s-some food. Thought you might be h-hungry." She went on. It was definitely difficult not to feel nervous in the presence of so mainly people, but mainly Sans. Only because this was the skeleton that her wife had spent so long trying to track down, and now she had actually captured him. Though, when she looked at the skeleton, he looked both intimidating, but also... Kind of not? He was definitely shorter than she expected, but he was still taller than she was. 

"We are actually quite hungry. Thank you, that is very kind of you." The goat women spoke up with a nice smile towards the clearly anxious, but goodhearted dinosaur monster. Alphys seemed to become a little embarrassed by her comment, and started stuttering on about how it was nothing, until she carefully went to put the tray down so she could hand the noodles to the others. Luckily there was enough for everyone, so no one had to complain over not getting any food. 

"Hey, Al? Do you think there is any chance you can get Undyne to come see us? We need to talk to her." Mettaton said. If anyone could talk to Undyne, it would obviously be the one married to the fish monster. Undyne may have been stubborn, but if there was one person she listened to or didn't like to upset, it was definitely Alphys. The yellow dinosaur appeared to think about it for a moment as she picked the now empty tray back up. 

"I s-s-suppose I could g-go get her. H-Hold on a second." She said, scurrying away with the tray in hand, and it was then that the group fell into a short amount of silence. 

"Are we really sure this is going to work?" The flame monster finally spoke up, as he had been pretty quiet the entire time all of this had been going on. But he had been looking around for possible ways to get out, but even his flames wouldn't be good enough to break them out of here. And with that stupid bracelet on that kept them from using magic, he didn't have anything powerful enough to get them out. Gaster grinned as he crossed his arms.

"Finally speaking? I was almost thinking you vanished for a second." Gaster teased, seeing Grillby become a little flustered by his joke; it didn't make it any easier when he teased him with others watching. The skeleton man chuckled, until he sighed. "There's the chance that we can talk her around. But we can't stay here, and we can't go to prison. With all of us gone, it will only be a matter of time before Undyne tries to storm her way down into the headquarters, and we'll get completely shut down. We got to make some kind of deal, or something. Something that might be beneficial to both sides. Could you imagine what it would be like if we somehow managed to make a deal where we would be on the same side?" 

"We still kill people." Blair pointed out bluntly with a risen eyebrow. "You think someone like Undyne is just going to let that slide?" 

"It isn't like we kill innocent people though." Asriel spoke up. Killing may have been wrong, but it wasn't like they were breaking into random people's houses and murdering them in their sleep. It wasn't like they were just killing any person they saw. Though, picking up Andrew and Frisk may have been somewhat questionable moves, but finding Frisk ended up being the best thing for Sans, and finding Andrew was the best thing for Blair. Frisk had nowhere to go, they basically saved her. And Andrew? He had a shitty family that probably hadn't even cared about him to begin with. People like Sans may have treated him like shit from time to time, but in their group he had more meaning. They weren't terrible people.

"Okay, this better be good." A certain someone's voice spoke up, as they entered the room with a look of annoyance across their blue skinned face. "Alphys said you wanted to talk to me." Undyne grumbled, stopping in between the two cells as she stared at the pair and the group that occupied the both of them. Sans did narrow his eyes at her a little, but he just decided that Mettaton might as well do the talking, since he knew what he was on about. 

"We wanted to make a deal with you." Mettaton said. "We wanted to do something for you in exchange of letting us out of here." He went on, only for Undyne to let out a small scoff, alongside a tiny chuckle as if he was being ridiculous. 

"That isn't how this works, Mettaton." 

"But I've heard how you need help with one of your cases. Said there were two criminals on the loose who  you can't seem to capture. Who better to deal with them than us? From then on, we could always work together." He said, narrowing his eyes at the fish. "They're not bad people, Undyne. And you know that. And you can't just throw Sans in prison." 

"And why the hell not?" Undyne asked, only for Sans to speak up. 

"none of your damn business, that's why." He replied in frustration, not wanting her to know about his and Frisk's child. Why would she care just because she would find out such a thing? She would probably still put him in prison anyway. Didn't matter if he and Frisk could be a family or anything, all that mattered to her was her sense of justice even if people got torn from their families. When that child was born, it would probably be forced away from his arms, and then he would never see them again. But Mettaton simply exhaled, not wanting to listen to the skeleton. 

"Because he's pregnant, that's why." 

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