Careful [127]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.    

Sorry for being so inactive lately! Been trying to get parts out when I can but lately things have been a bit difficult for me. I hope people are actually still interested and I haven't left everyone hanging for too long. >.<


"Someone is a little feisty, aren't they?" Asking such a question when the robot got through the door, as he had already spotted an angry skeleton, probably wasn't a very good idea. Frisk sheepishly smiled as she glanced towards Sans, who was fuming over... Literally nothing. He was just mad because of a mood swing deciding to come in, and when the robot had shown up, Sans had commented something along the lines of: "oh, fantastic. the tin can is here." In an annoyed tone. Even though him showing up was actually a good thing, seeing as he and Muffet were their messengers to the others back at home.

"Yeah, he's having a bit of a mood swing right now." Frisk explained, only for Sans to retort that he was not having a mood swing, but it was very, very obvious that that was in fact a lie. Chuckling, the robot monster reassured the worried Frisk who appeared concerned that Sans would upset Mettaton, as Sans' hissy fit wasn't really hurtful at all, it was actually... Somewhat amusing to see him so randomly angry. "It's good to see you though. We actually have some things to talk about. Though, that will probably be more wise when Sans has calmed down." She mentioned, while Mettaton nodded.

"That's fine, darling. Where is Pappy at the moment?" Mettaton questioned, while Sans was grumbling in the background at the nickname he had decided to give his little brother. Glancing towards Sans for a second, Frisk didn't answer, until she looked back at her taller monster friend, explaining that he was currently at work, and she had stayed at home to look after Sans, considering he got pretty hot headed when he was left home alone, and if she took him to work, he was bound to get in an argument, or at least upset someone like Kai while he was there. So, she thought it would be a good idea to stay home with him today, even if he was already having one of his meltdowns. 

"He will be home soon though, so you can see him then." Frisk told him, before motioning towards the living room where they could all sit to wait for Papyrus to show up. Mettaton happily obliged, heading towards the direction of the living room while Sans was continuing to stare daggers at him like he was his number one menace. Gently going to grab his hand, Frisk gave a soft smile to the skeleton who still looked somewhat annoyed, but less so when she went to hold hands with him. 

"How is everyone back at home?" Frisk asked once she sat on one of the couches with her skeletal boyfriend at her side, still holding onto her hand, which she didn't mind at all. It was sweet, because nowadays he tended to be a little more clingy than normal, and she didn't mind that at all. While it could get somewhat agitating with her always having to go to work, and with him getting pissy with her for not being around, she always wanted to keep her calm head on, knowing that Sans only acted this way due to mood swings. Being understanding and keeping her cool was key in all of this, otherwise she would only upset him more. "Are they okay?"

"They are doing well, though I am sure everyone is still missing you guys." Mettaton explained with a slight chuckle as he thought about it. "Especially Gaster. I know he misses you, Sans. And Papyrus." Considering they were his children, it was only understandable that Gaster would be a little bummed out on the fact that he didn't really have any contact with them. Hearing that did perk Sans up a little, because it meant a lot that his dad was missing them. He missed him too, a lot. Even if it was nice to live in this big, wonderful house. He missed his father, even being an adult who could fully well look after himself. 

"Yeah... Though, we were actually going to talk to you about coming back for a little bit." Frisk mentioned, thinking it would be a good time to bring it up, as they really needed to get it off of their chest. "You see... Sans' soul... It's not exactly in a very good condition and--" Frisk was saying, at least until she was interrupted.

"Toriel was talking about this when I told her the news. She is concerned that Sans might not make it through." The robot mentioned, which once again caused Sans to narrow his eyes at the robotic monster. 

"wait, so ya told the others? what a surprise. ya can't even keep your mouth shut for five fuckin' seconds, can ya? someone like ya is probably a bad influence on papyrus!" Sans snapped, even continuing on when Frisk tried to tell him to quieten down. "no, don't tell me to shut up. i have a right to be angry! this is about me, not anyone else. i should have had the choice whether i wanted to tell everyone or not! now i bet the pricks andrew and blair know, and them of all people i wouldn't want to fuckin' know about this!" Sans seethed, clenching his fists in anger, wishing that maybe they had never told this stupid robot anything to begin with. Maybe they should have just waited until he left.

"Sans... We would have had to tell everyone sooner or later. And this isn't just about you." She poked lightly at his chest with a small frown while he stared back at her, already looking ready to argue again, but she continued before he had even had the chance to use his tongue for more foul words. "This is about us. We need to talk to others about this, otherwise something terrible is bound to happen. We agreed on that. So what if those two know? They're not going to do anything about it, and if Blair even attempts to work you up, or hurt you, I'll be getting in the way first." Frisk told him, going to place her hand on top of his. "Okay? So just calm down." 

"...right. sorry..." Sans eventually replied, more quietly this time, as the rage that had been boiling inside of him had slowly began to disappear, as if all that built up temper had just faded in the click of a finger. He never meant to get so angry, at least towards Frisk. He knew he used to snap at her and bark at her all the time in the past, and when he hated her, it felt satisfactory. But now, being in love with her, getting fierce with Frisk only made him feel awful. Even if it wasn't always his fault these days, or he couldn't always control it, it was difficult not to feel responsible. 

"But as I wanted to say... We were hoping we could come back to talk to Gaster. To see if he has any solutions. Because I don't want to lose Sans or the baby, and we know it could be a risk with Undyne and everything but... I'd rather take the risk than not do anything and then it turns out not doing anything is what caused Sans to die, because I didn't know how to fix a certain problem. So, can you take us back home, just for maybe a couple of days?" Frisk begged, while Mettaton looked thoughtful and unsure about it. 

As Frisk had said, it without a doubt, was a risk. Not just for them, but for him and everyone else too. If he was spotted alongside them, his cover as an undercover spy in the CIA would be blown and like Gaster, Papyrus, Sans or Frisk, he would have to also hide away. Like the tall skeleton, he would lose his job at the CIA, and would likely be thrown into prison if he didn't escape, for hiding away someone who was on the run from arrest. He would get in so, so much trouble, but it would just have to be a risk he would have to take. For their sake. 

"The others will likely be extremely shocked to see you without notice but... I can make it happen. We'll just have to be careful." Mettaton answered seriously, not even smiling as he knew how messing this all up could cause so much trouble. True, sometimes Mettaton enjoyed dramatic situations, and enjoyed the shock it could bring - that's why it had been somewhat amusing to see everyone's reaction to Sans' and Frisk's news when he told them. However, one wrong move and this could fuck up several people's lives, including his own. 

Being careful was extremely important.

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