Heartbeat [107]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.  

Also sorry once again that I haven't been updating as much. Kind of busy at the moment and struggling with having the motivation to write. (It's not like I don't want to, writers block just randomly decides to hit sometimes). 

But anyway enjoy this chapter. 


Staring down at his own hands, it was difficult to describe what exactly he was feeling right now in this moment, of seeing that his hands were no longer just bone, but now, at least for the time being, they actually were also made out of actual flesh and blood. He had actual skin, fingernails... It was admittedly a little overwhelming, and Frisk must have sensed that considering she went to softly pull his hands into hers, while she spoke. 

"Sans? Are you alright?" She questioned. Admittedly, she was in shock herself, finding it difficult to believe she was looking at the same man she had been moments ago. Just because she was so used to seeing him as his skeletal self, it was a complete jaw dropper to see what he might look like if he had been human, (but being human was never something that mattered to Frisk, she loved Sans just the way he was). 

"fine... it's just... i have skin. and hair." Just saying that caused him to take one of his hands from hers to clutch a clump of his own newfound white hair. And if he had things like that, that's when it began to confuse him even more when he thought about the fact that he would have organs, right? Actual human organs and... A heartbeat maybe? "do i have a heartbeat?" Sans decided to ask, going to place Frisk's hand to his own chest, seeing her blink at his question.

But to her amazement, he actually did have a heartbeat. An actual heartbeat. That was something he never normally had, considering he had been a skeleton that had consisted of just magic and bones, (and a great person who she had fallen in love with). She found it a lot to take in herself. But this was nothing to make a big deal out of anyway. He would be back to normal in 24 hours, and that was fine. Frisk adored him either way. "You do."

"woah... so... this is what it feels like to be a human, huh? guess i better not get too used to it." He joked with a weak smile, earning a small one from Frisk in return. She hoped Sans wouldn't end up getting too attached to being a human himself and would become saddened when he turned back to his normal self. Well, if she had to face such a situation where he became depressed over the situation, she already knew exactly what she would say to him. 

"Yeah, I expected it might be a little overwhelming at first." Gaster admitted, staring towards Sans with a small smile. He didn't look worried though, as he likely knew Sans would probably be over it in a couple of minutes. He understood how it was mind blowing to actually have all these things he didn't normally possess as a skeleton monster. "But you'll get used to it, at least for the time being. Papyrus, you're up." 

When Papyrus was busy stepping into the machine, Sans was still coming to grips with the fact that for a whole day he would be stuck like this. He couldn't tell whether he preferred it or hated it, but he could tell by Frisk's kind smile that she was being supportive, as he was having a bit of a moment to wrap his mind around it. Hearing the sound of the glass door on the machine opening again, they turned towards it to see the younger brother step out, also looking more human. 

Like Sans, he had white hair, pale skin (that had a little more colour to it than Sans') and he even had orange eyes, the same colour as his own magic. What the four hadn't noticed was that another person had stepped into the room, and upon seeing Papyrus, she rose an eyebrow and decided to speak. "Yeah, because that isn't obvious at all." Chara scoffed, catching the attention of everyone in the room. "I thought you guys were in here."

"Were you looking for us?" Frisk questioned, while Chara nodded, explaining how she had come to get them because the others were waiting for them so they could be briefed on some kind of plan of how to get the hell out of here. So with the two skeletons transformed, they went to follow after Chara to the main room, where they saw Grillby, Toriel, Asgore and Asriel all talking around a table, while Andrew and Blair seemed like they were listening but weren't really contributing to the conversation. 

"I found them." Chara spoke up, leading Sans, Frisk, Papyrus and Gaster over to them, which earned small smiles from Toriel and Asgore. To tell the truth Toriel was extremely anxious about this whole thing, about sending Frisk away. There was nothing that could be done though.

"So it worked! Good work, Gaster." Asgore complimented towards the other skeleton who smiled kindly and nodded, seeming glad he could be of service. He didn't want any harm to come to Sans or Papyrus, especially by his own hand. So, it had been important that the invention worked, otherwise he wouldn't have let them use it if he didn't think it would.

"so, what's the plan?" Sans shrugged, glancing around towards the others who he assumed had some kind of idea. Glancing down at the table, he realised there was a map of the town. By just observing it, Sans noticed that there was a dot to show where they currently were, and then for some reason there was another dot that looked like it was all the way on the other side of town, and that was in the colour of purple.

"We have someone who will be waiting for you, here." Grillby explained, pointing to the purple dot that the skeleton (human?) had already noticed with those two eyes of his. Frisk and Papyrus also stared at the map, looking at what the flame monster was explaining. "They'll be able to escort you elsewhere, somewhere safer. They already have it figured out for you where you will live too." He continued on.

"will they be reliable? i won't have to kick their ass, will i?" Sans grumbled while crossing his arms. Chuckling, Grillby shook his head and said there shouldn't be any complications. Then Gaster went on to explain how, unfortunately, the three of them, (Sans, Papyrus and Frisk), would have to find their own way over to the location. Meaning they had to get their own means of travel. This was because even with them being in human form, they couldn't risk being associated with the three, just in case it got more people in trouble.

"What was the point in turning them human in the first place if it doesn't really help?" Blair decided to speak up from where she was standing, raising an eyebrow at the plan that they were all forming together. To tell the truth she thought this whole idea was pointless and stupid. They were probably going to get caught despite their efforts. Not to mention Frisk still looked the same, she would stick out like a sore thumb. "What about the brat? They'll see her and arrest her you know." Blair went on.

"Um, that's what I'm here for." Chara stuck her tongue out at the fox, before smiling at the confused Frisk. "Some make up can do wonders to make people look much different. We might have to do something about your hair too." Chara pointed out, taking a couple of strands of Frisk's long hair which went at least down to her chest. Frisk got that Chara was probably mentioning they would have to cut it, as did Sans who crossed his arms. 

"oh man, but i thought ya looked good with long hair." Sans murmured towards Frisk who smiled and blushed a little in return, while Chara was eyeing the two with no amusement at their flirting. "though, i think ya would look good with any hairstyle." He teased, causing Frisk to blush further while Blair just let out a loud "Yuck" at their conversation. Despite Sans trying to clearly sneakily flirt to his girlfriend, everyone around them could still hear the dumb conversation.

"Can you do that elsewhere when everyone else isn't listening?" Blair mocked, while Sans glared towards the fox in frustration. He had only been trying to make the situation a little more lighthearted, (considering he was normally bad at doing that). But before he could snap at his annoying ex-girlfriend, Chara cleared her throat and spoke up, saying that she would deal with sorting Frisk out and told Sans to come with them so that he and the fox wouldn't tear each other to shreds. 

Sans couldn't wait for the day he'd get to punch that look right off of Blair's face.

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