Cynic [124]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.   


"W-Wait, really?" 

That was the first thing Frisk could even manage to say after a moment of silence between the two of them, as the skeleton had dropped yet another bombshell at the table, and seeing him frown in return only confirmed the fears of what could possibly happen. No way... She didn't know things could be that severe for him, that's why she was so focused on being happy for them, because she had no idea that there was the possibility that... They could die? Okay... Could... Possibly... Those were important words. Which meant there were ways for that to be avoided, right? 

"Okay..." Frisk took a moment to process this, noticing how uncomfortable Sans suddenly looked, which caused her to put her hand on top of his which was resting on the table. "Sans, it's okay... I would rather have you tell me this, than deciding to try and avoid it." She spoke, staring back at him with a weak, tiny smile while he exhaled in return. If it was hardest for anyone, it was hardest for him. He was the one who could possibly lose his life, and it was her fault. "I'm so sorry, Sans." 

"huh?" Sans blinked at her in confusion, while she looked down at the table sadly. He didn't really get what she was apologising for, but she made it so much more clear when she decided to speak, and her voice became somewhat squeaky like she was going to start crying. Of course. Because she was afraid to lose him or the child, just like he was afraid to lose her. She started going on about how she felt bad, because wasn't she the one who had gotten him into this mess. He shook his head. 

"hey, no, don't do that." He told her firmly, getting her to look at him, as he stared back at her seriously. He wouldn't take her suddenly blaming herself now, just because he told her this. "it's my job to blame myself, not the other way around." He joked, causing her to let out a saddened laugh at his little tease he decided to say to her. "it's not your fault... why would it be your fault? i'm the one who should have kept us safe from this, but i couldn't." He said, which then caused her to tell him then in return to not blame himself, and at this rate they were only going to be going around in circles. He said that, and it only made the both of them laugh. 

"Maybe... Maybe we should try and talk to your dad, or to Toriel, when it gets closer to the time. I can't stand the thought of losing you... Or maybe we should talk to him sooner, to decide if this is all really a good idea..." Frisk whispered, staring down at their hands linked with one another as she frowned. "Believe me, I want this to happen more than anything, as scary as it is. But it's not worth the price of losing you... I couldn't stand to lose both you and them." Frisk admitted, knowing that right now Sans and this unborn child were the two most important people in her life, and she loved them more than anything. 

"i know... but goin' back to them might be kinda risky. i know undyne has given up on the time bein' at tryin' to find us, but if she tracked us down she would surely capture us." He pointed out, while she nodded with a small frown. Bringing Gaster here would be pointless, because it would be more logical to go to his lab where his soul could actually be looked at in more detail. Sighing, Frisk said they should just do it. That yes, it was a risk, but she would rather find out ways of how to avoid Sans and their child coming to such a terrible fate. It did make her wonder though...

"So, wait... If the condition of your soul is the main issue, is that where the child will come from? Is your soul like bigger on the inside?" Frisk questioned in confusion, realising she hadn't really thought about this until now. Sans was a guy. Not a human guy, sure, but still a male, (though for all she knew things could work extremely different for monster kind. Just the fact that it was possible for male monsters to have kids was alien enough).

"bigger on the inside? ya been watchin' some science fiction dramas or somethin'?" Sans joked while Frisk sheepishly smiled. "but it is because it comes from the soul. i know that might be difficult to grasp for most humans, but i think they forget we don't work in the same way biologically. there's a reason we're made of magic, and ya guys aren't. it's called: we're different." Sans shrugged, figuring that was the only way he could really explain it to anyone who ever asked. Most humans didn't really tend to understand how monsters worked, but maybe if you actually took the time to become professional in science for both monsters and humans (and you weren't a prejudiced prick), then you would probably be able to know a lot more than what he was able to explain. But he wasn't no scientist. 

"I see... So, what should we do? Should we try and get in contact with Gaster?" Frisk suggested, while the skeleton monster appeared hesitant, not exactly sure as to whether it was the best idea. They could always find someone else... But then he also knew that was a terrible idea, because how the hell was he expected to trust some random person he did not know with his own soul? It took him way too long to trust Frisk to see his soul, and it's not like he had much say with Toriel as she had to treat him medically while he was in a coma. Whether it be for a medical or a an intimate reason, his soul was off limits to those he did not trust at all. 

"i... i guess we don't really have a choice, do we?" Sans sighed as his pupils trailed back down towards the table where his hand was still linked within hers. "i'm sorry for bein' difficult." He apologised once more, while she shook her head with a small giggle, telling him to stop apologising. No matter if he was difficult or not, she would stay at his side, always. She wanted him to be comfortable through all that they went through in this adventure together, and if going to his father about all of this was what he needed, then she wanted to follow him in that decision. Yes, it was a risk. But it was better to find solutions to their possible dilemma than allow it to sit and boil until it was too late and something terrible happened. 

This meant that they were going to have to wait for the next time that Mettaton and/or Muffet would show up at their house again. Hopefully that would be pretty soon, because really they wanted to get this concern out of their heads as soon as possible, otherwise it would be all they would want to think about, thinking about how everything in their world might possibly get turned upside down. 

Sadly, as much as Frisk wanted to keep the conversation going, more customers were starting to come into the cafe, so she had to get back to work. "Sorry." She apologised to her boyfriend, who shook his head and said it was fine, (even though, admittedly, it was somewhat difficult to keep the disappointment out of his voice, as he would rather sit here with her). "If I can, I'll sit with you again so we can chat more. If not, we can talk when we cuddle up to sleep tonight." Frisk promised, lightly kissing the monster on the skull who did manage a tiny smile at that, (with a small hint of cyan blush across his cheekbones). 

With that said, the skeleton went back to being in his own little world, allowing his girlfriend to get back to work. He hoped the conversation wouldn't distract her too much that it would get in her way, but he was thankful she was somehow still so supportive of him and positive for him. 

Such a cynic like himself definitely couldn't live without her in his life. 

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