It's On [27]

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The day Frisk was called back to the Mafia headquarters by Sans, she had a mix of adrenaline and nervousness. She knew that the skeleton would be calling her when she was needed, which means they must have been trying to figure out some kind of plan. It had been two weeks since Frisk had last stepped foot in the elevator to go downwards underground into their base, and even if two weeks wasn't a very long time, it felt strange to go back already. Toriel was the one who begrudgingly agreed, after a lot, a lot, a lot and a lot of begging from Frisk to take her there to the headquarters. Toriel didn't really want Frisk to be involved; Frisk wanted to because she promised. Not to mention she wanted to make Sans happy. She wanted to make everyone happy.

"Just be careful my child. Do call me if you need anything, okay?" Toriel sighed as Frisk was getting out of the car. Frisk beamed, thankful to the goat mom for being so kind to her. She knew she meant well, she only wanted the best for her.

"I'll be okay. Don't worry about me, mom." Frisk told her, before waving and closing the car door. With a sigh and a turn on her heel, Frisk headed down the same alley way she had come accustomed to as of lately, to get to her destination.

When arriving at Grillby's bar, a different monster appeared to be behind the bar, rather than the flame monster. It was a dog in a suit, with a strange look on its face as it was cleaning a glass. Frisk figured that Grillby probably needed someone to fill in for him for today, considering Grillby was involved on the whole mission to get Gaster back. He had so badly wanted to be a part of it; Sans didn't want to decline. Besides, the more people they had to help, the better.

Finally, Frisk was down in the headquarters, and in the main room she saw exactly who she was looking for: Sans, Chara, Asriel, Grillby and there were even a couple of other monsters there, all seeming to talk around a table. Talk about cliche mission planning. The first person to look in her direction was Grillby, who seemed to give her a silent nod as a hello, before Sans, and the others looked in her direction. Chara and Asriel were glad to see her like always, Sans and Grillby just seemed like they had serious expressions plastered across their faces. This was a big deal after all.

"hey frisk. glad ya could make it." Sans said. He didn't smile; somehow though Frisk could tell that it seemed like Sans was actually glad she turned up. It did mean that they had one extra person after all. Not to mention that Frisk had made a promise to help save Gaster, and she was keeping it. Promises were extremely important to Sans, as was loyalty. So, she was making him happy, she guessed.

Upon inspection, seeing what everyone was looking at on the table, (as they were actually were looking at something, and not staring into the endless abyss), it appeared that they were looking at a large sheet of blueprints. Specifically, of what looked like a building. Was that perhaps the layout of the base that they were planning to save Gaster from? "Where did you even get these?" Frisk asked, pointing to the blueprints. Sans smirked.

"some people have their ways." Sans answered. Frisk didn't really understand how that was an actual answer, but someone else in the group must have gone out and managed to get the information somehow. For all Frisk knew, it wasn't hard to pay off people to give you things you wanted. So she wouldn't be surprised if one of them paid someone money to hand over blueprints, as if money was more important to people than the actual oxygen they breathed.

Being briefed on the whole situation, Frisk later found out that she would actually be going with Sans, Grillby, Chara and Asriel to help get Gaster out. Frisk was going to go and carry Gaster out, with help from Grillby of course, while Sans, Chara and Asriel kept them defended. Not to mention they'd also have other monsters with them doing the job of defence. Some would stay down in the sewers to keep watch down there, while the rest of them would make it into the building.

For a couple more hours, the group continued planning, planning and planning, in the hope that they would manage to get through the whole task alive. There was only so much planning they could do with a situation like this. Sometimes things didn't always go according to plan, and there was always the chance that it could all blow up in smoke, just like that. They just had to keep Gaster safe and alive, that was all they needed to do. And to Sans, Gaster was his main priority. 

Soon, they were actually gearing up for the mission, wearing protective gear under their actual clothing, so hopefully if they were shot at, it might just save their life. Though, as they were getting guns ready, Sans was glancing towards Frisk, and already he could tell she was anxious, as she was looking at the weapon within her hands. It was obvious to him that she was terrified of having to use it, as if she did, it could possibly cause the ending to someone's life, like you were suddenly closing a book on the life they used to have. 

The skeleton could only hope that she wouldn't freak out when they were actually there, trying to get Gaster out. Otherwise she could be the result of the whole mission messing up, and he didn't want that. It almost made him want to tell her to not bother coming, because with the wreck she was in there was the chance that she might just be a nuisance. But he shook the feeling off, not wanting to cause a fuss right now when they were getting ready. All he could do right now was hope for the best. Try to... Trust that she wouldn't screw anything up.

With that being said, the group decided to separate into three cars, Sans, Frisk, Grillby, Chara and Asriel managing to fit into one, while the other monsters who were part of the mission fit into the two others. Sans and Frisk were sitting at the front, like usual. Before he started driving though, Sans actually went to place a hand on Frisk's shoulder, which caused her to jump a little in surprise, until she glanced towards him.

"relax, kid. i can tell how nervous ya seem. try not to freak out, 'k?" Sans said. "after all, ya freakin' out only might make things worse, so try to remain calm on this whole thing..."

"I know, I'm trying..." Frisk responded. She didn't want to screw anything up, for once she wanted to be able to do this right. She wouldn't run away screaming, she wouldn't cry and curl up into a ball... She couldn't. She wouldn't.

She would succeed in helping this time. 

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