Mood Swings [126]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus   


Mood swings... Yeah, at this point, it had been something that the human had been expecting, and she was right to do so, considering about six or so weeks in to this whole thing, her boyfriend had been getting... A little cranky. Sadly, there was still no sign of Mettaton or Muffet - they must have been busy with other things - which could have been the reason behind why they hadn't shown up. The couple hoped that they chose to show themselves soon though, just so they could find out whether a terrible horror would be able to be avoided; Frisk didn't want to lose Sans or the child. Neither could she stand to lose both.

Today was another one of those days where Frisk had chosen to spend some time with her friend Kai after work, just because for the past couple of weeks, she had done a lot of fussing over the skeleton, who to her surprise just told her to take some time for herself to have fun. She didn't need to be fussy over him 24/7, is what he said, at least when he was in a good mood. This of course contradicted with the way he reacted when she arrived home later than normal, but it was easier to keep calm against a pissy Sans the skeleton when you knew he was in a sulk for a particular reason. 

"someone's a little home late." He had commented when she got through the door, going to take her shoes off once getting in from the outside world; she proceeded to remind him that she had spent time with Kai, like she said she would. He continued on his grouchy tirade. "oh, right. kai. that annoyin' girl. i bet ya have more fun spendin' time with that bitch than ya do with me, that's why papyrus had to come home and bother me." Sans grumbled, which caused Papyrus to flash a smile towards Frisk when he had heard she had come through the door. He came from the kitchen in an apron and a chef hat, while Sans muttered under his breath even more and he went to head towards the living room with his arms crossed. 

"FRISK, YOU'RE HOME! DO NOT WORRY, I HAVE BEEN TAKING GOOD CARE OF THE BOTH OF THEM. HE HAS BEEN QUITE ILL TEMPERED A LOT OF THE TIME, BUT I HAVE MANAGED." It was so sweet to see the younger brother so caring towards the oldest, and understanding that things were quite difficult for the older skeleton at the moment, which was why he was quite quick to anger. Not just anger, but at times Sans was easily close to tears. You could have a moment with him where you were both laughing over some silly joke you had told, and then in a split second his laughter would turn to tears and Frisk would have to hold him close and reassure him until he calmed down. 

After some time of getting used to this whole thing, it didn't feel as strange now to know that Sans was carrying their child in his soul. For some, Frisk knew that if she told them what was going on, they would likely be shocked because, well, Sans was a guy and it was likely not known to many that male monsters could have children too. It went against what was possible for humans, considering they weren't capable of such things, and only the female was able to perform such a task. But then a weird way to try and think about it... Just think of seahorses - it was the male that carried the child with seahorses - not the female. Not that monsters were really anything like seahorses but... Yeah.

"Thank you, Papyrus. I'll take the stroppy skeleton from here." Frisk joked, which earned a yell from Sans in the living room, saying that he was not stroppy. Biting back her giggle and her smile, the loving girlfriend proceeded to head into the living room and she plopped down on the couch next to the grumpy male, who decided to inch a few centimetres away when she sat down next to him. Even now, he still had his arms crossed and was looking elsewhere as if trying to avoid her eye contact because he was mad with her. "Sans?"

"go away, seein' as ya and papyrus obviously enjoy takin' the piss outta me." Sans growled, still not looking towards her, even as she said his name again to try and get his attention, however, he was too set on acting frustrated with her that he didn't seem to want to look her way. At least, at first. "what?! what do ya want?! can't ya just... go away?! i'm not important to ya anyway, so just go!" He snapped, at least until his ranting and furious barking transitioned into him starting to sob, and that's when she decided to wrap her arms around him.

"Hey, come on now, don't be silly. You know that isn't true." Frisk sighed, kissing him on the cheekbone while he cried. None of his words had gone and hurt her feelings, because she knew that had he just been himself, he wouldn't say such things to her, especially now with them being in a loving, caring relationship. Maybe he would have said such things to her all the way in the past before they realised they loved each other, but now he was just acting angry because of the pregnancy. "Are you jealous of Kai?" 

"no, shut up." Sans murmured, sniffling as Frisk softly smiled, and kissed him on the skull once more while just holding him close. It took him a little while to calm down from his whole mood swing, and when he eventually felt like he was feeling more like himself again, that's when he actually decided to apologise to her for everything that he said, from calling her friend a bitch to acting like she didn't care about him all of a sudden. He couldn't really control it, and of course Frisk being amazing Frisk told him it was okay, that it was fine. "how do ya put up with all of my shit?" He weakly laughed, while Frisk giggled. 

"It's not your fault. And besides, what you're doing for us is amazing, and you're extremely brave for still seeming to want to go through with it." Frisk told him softly, while he just listened. "I know you don't mean anything by it, that you don't try to be mean. And that is why I know not to take it to heart, because I know how crazy you are about me." She teased, earning a small "heh" out of him. "The way you confessed to me proved how much you loved me, and I've never doubted it since then." She promised, causing his smile to widen. 

How did she have such a way with words? Everything about her was just... Wonderful to him, and he could never stop questioning inside his head: seriously, how the fuck did I end up with someone so beautiful and perfect? She hadn't had the most spontaneous life herself, and at any moment anything bad could have happened to her from the day she was born up to this present moment. She could have been killed with her parents, she could have died on the street, she could have been killed on any mission they had had together. But no. They were here together. And together was what he hoped they would stay forever. 

"thanks..." He eventually said, which she replied to with "no problem" and a bright, bright smile. He was never alone. Not anymore, not like he had been in the past when he had only relied on himself and no one else. Now, he had Frisk, he had Papyrus, he had those who were back at home who might not have been able to be there for him at the moment, but he knew that they would be at his side to save him at a moments notice. For a long time he had thought he was all by himself, and Frisk had been the one who had opened his eyes to see he was anything but alone. 

"FOOD IS READY!" Papyrus called from the dining room, which caused the couple to get up from the couch, and Frisk linked her hand in his to lead him to the food. Which, thankfully, smelled really good and hadn't kicked up his nausea. Over time Papyrus had been learning what the skeleton could take to eat, and what at the current moment in time he couldn't eat due to his nausea. He had been getting better at making the right things to suit his needs. 

He was lucky to have them. 

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