Wishes [51]

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"WELL, WE KIND OF GOT A COUPLE OF HOURS." Papyrus had argued to Sans' "it's a long story" statement. The party had only just started, like his little brother had pointed out, so they could talk the night away if they wanted. Sans sighed, slowly shaking his head.

"if it's okay with ya bro... i'm not really comfortable with talkin' about it. i've already had several others find out about it and... it's just frustratin'." He didn't want anyone making his decisions for him, or telling Frisk the truth about his feelings. If he was ever, ever thinking of telling her, (which he likely wasn't), then he wanted it to come from his own mouth, no one else's. Unfortunately, as she was with Andrew... Something like him confessing his love for her... Yeah, it was something that was very unlikely to happen. She already looked happy. Him stepping in the way would get in the way of that happiness that he was unable to give to her.

"OKAY, IF YOU'RE THAT CERTAIN, I WON'T FORCE IT OUT OF YOU." Papyrus said, which earned a word of gratitude from Sans. "IS DAD HERE TONIGHT?" 

"uh, yeah actually. he's probably somewhere in the sea of people..." Sans murmured, his pupils scanning over the room carefully. Thankfully, it wasn't unbelievably difficult to spot him; he was standing and talking with Grillby. His little bro wouldn't have ever met the flame monster, at least from what he remembered, so he didn't expect him to be able to pick him out from a large crowd. When spotting him, Sans decided to carefully grab the sleeve of Papyrus' suit and he pulled him along. "dad. there's someone here who wants to talk to ya.

"Oh? And who is tha--" Gaster was turning his head towards Sans, only to stop on his last word, when seeing Papyrus, standing just beside his older brother. He was in shock, almost to the point that he had almost dropped the glass of drink that he had in his hand. It had been quite a while that he had last seen his youngest son. Right now, he was actually here, standing before him... That was so crazy. "P-Papyrus..." 

"HEY DAD..." Papyrus nervously spoke back. He still didn't understand why Gaster had just suddenly disappeared on him. Right now, he hadn't had an explanation to that as of yet. Sans was hoping Gaster could explain things to him though, so he was feeling less clueless. Asking Grillby to hold his glass, when the flame monster had, Gaster stepped straight towards Papyrus. He took a small pause, before offering his arms out to his son in a hug, and it didn't take very long for him to gladly accept - the two were crying when they shared a hug. Sans smiled. "I'VE MISSED YOU, DAD..."

"I've missed you too, son. Very much. I'm sorry for suddenly disappearing on you, for leaving you all alone. But I'll tell you anything Sans hasn't, I promise." And he meant that. Seeing as those two were busy hugging and talking, the older brother had decided to go elsewhere, to see what else was going on in the party. When looking around, he saw Undyne - the fish lady, talking to some dinosaur girl. They were seeming somewhat flirty and jokey with each other. Actually, there was also some kind of... What looked like a robot with them too, seeming to smirk at their behaviour. Judging from the fish lady, those guys must have been Papyrus' friends. 

In the background, the skeleton monster could hear the sound of gentle music, the kind you slowly danced to - perhaps with your significant other. And there were people doing just that on the dance floor. Of course. That just had to include Frisk and Andrew. Sighing, Sans stayed at the sidelines, eating more food and getting a drink, all while watching Frisk move elegantly in that amazing dress she was wearing. It was almost like she was floating on ice skates, moving so softly and gracefully. How he wished to be the one leading that dance instead. 

As if he was in one of those cliche love movies, where the mansion had one of those pantry doors, that led out to a small little balcony, with decking, that was exactly what this mansion had. He hadn't really noticed it until now. But he saw this as an opportunity to get out of the way of all the people and the music, so taking a plate of food and his glass, he headed outside, taking more of an interest in the view. It was quite something, you could actually see the town from here, with people's home lights on shining like little dots in the darkness. There was also the black sky, which was scattered with glimmering, dancing stars. Seeing as it was around winter time, it was quite cold out here - evident by the puff of smoke that came from his mouth at a single breath. He felt lucky to not really feel it that much, not having skin and all.

"Hey." A female spoke from over his shoulder. He didn't answer, just because he knew exactly who it was. Unbelievable. She had to show up at the most wrong times. She wasn't around when he wanted her to be, but then when he wanted to be alone, that was exactly when she decided to show up. God dammit, Frisk... "What are you doing out here all alone? It's pretty freezing out here." She said, joining him at his side, as he was leaning on the railing of the balcony.

"i was just... stayin' out of the way of everyone. as ya know i... ain't exactly a people person." Sans joked with a small shrug, earning a small smile from Frisk. She watched him curiously as he took a small sip of his drink. "ya look like ya were havin' fun." He said, looking back towards her.

"Oh, yeah, I have been having fun. It's been so long since I've been to a party." Frisk explained, nodding a little. Of course, that smile soon faded when the two went quiet again, seeming uncomfortable. She sighed. "Are you okay?"

"what do ya mean?

"I don't know... You just seem like... You're being strange." 

"strange? what are ya talkin' about? you're the one who is bein' strange." At her puzzled look, he added: "ya haven't really spoken to me much as of lately... now at a party ya just randomly decide to confront me?

"Well... I noticed you walked out when Andrew said he needed to go to the bathroom. And I thought you might have been lonely so... I thought I would come and say hi." Sans didn't answer. "I know I haven't been talking to you much lately, and I'm sorry. It's just... I've been spending a lot of time with Andrew, and I've really been wanting to get to know him better, and be with him more. Us...? We... We have hung out a lot on a regular basis. I was at your side pretty much twenty four seven a lot of the time. But because you wanted to get rid of me, and you didn't love me, I guess I just gave you what you wanted. You wanted to be by yourself, right? You hate me bothering you." 

No. That's what Sans wanted to say. There was so much he wanted to say. He wanted to tell her that he loved her. It was such a nice time to do so, with the sight - the stars and all the lights... The music and the dancing... However, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. "...yeah... i guess.

"Right. So, I won't be able to get on your nerves anymore." Frisk weakly smiled. "...Enjoy the rest of your evening, Sans." She politely murmured, earning a small grunt from Sans as an answer, as he didn't have much to say. Turning on her heel, she went to go back inside, her dress swishing through the air with each moment. Damn it...

That was another lost opportunity for him to just tell her how he felt. How many more times was he just going to let it go unnoticed? He didn't know how much longer he could bear this feeling, this emotion. It was driving him insane with the fact he wasn't very distracted from it. 

He... Just wished he could call her his. 

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