Focus [142]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus. 


"frisk, you're back!" It was probably no surprise that the skeleton had tightly hugged his girlfriend when she had returned back to the CIA headquarters, and she had been allowed back into the cell that all her friends were being held in. Undyne had taken the one man they had managed to arrest from their grasp to put him in another cell, but the other one... He was dead. "god, thank fuck... i'd be so fuckin' mad at ya if ya didn't come back." He said, sounding somewhat more jokey this time as he kissed her on the top of her head. Frisk just weakly smiled, hugging Sans in return, as it felt nice to be back in his presence after the night that she had had. 

"I swore that I would come back, didn't I?" Frisk teased quietly back in return, hearing Sans lightly chuckle with relief. Most hugs tended to break apart after at least a couple of seconds of hugging, but these two just stayed clinging to one another, like they just couldn't manage without one another. Though, nowadays they very likely couldn't last without one another if something happened to the other. They were so happy as a pair that being alone could become extremely heart wrenching and lonely.

"Okay, so, I agreed... You're all free to go." Undyne sighed, unlocking the door to the cell. "But from here on out, we'll be in contact with one another. We'll contact your boss to make some kind of arrangement." She said, talking mainly about their newly formed partnership. The CIA and the Mafia - it was what the Mafia could hope for, because then they didn't have to hide themselves away as much in the fear of being captured and arrested. Sans looked towards the fish, only to slowly nod.

"...thanks..." He replied, slowly going to leave the cell whilst clinging onto Frisk's hand. A lot had happened in the short period that they had been here, but it felt good to know that they would be out of here. Even though Undyne had been told about what happened back at the house, she simply let it slide, saying that she had agreed to let it go if it had been some form of defense. When going to leave the building, there were actually three cars waiting for the group, that would escort them back to their base. 

At this point everyone was pretty silent, likely because they were just getting over the fact that they were actually allowed out. Undyne had actually let them go free, instead of locking them away forever and throwing away the key. Toriel was even smiling to herself a little, probably because she was glad that the CIA would form some kind of partnership with them. It made it feel like good things were happening at the moment. 

When sitting in the car that she was in next to Sans, Frisk was busy staring down at the palms of her hands, which were now currently clean from any kind of blood. But after having killed that man, her hands had been quite badly bloodstained. Her brain just kept telling her not to think about it, to not care. Why should she care? It wasn't like she had killed an innocent person who didn't deserve it, and she was only just defending herself. She was a part of the Mafia... Maybe she was just finally getting to the point where she had to accept that having morals at this point didn't really matter. If she kept letting them get in the way on missions or in moments where she had to protect herself or someone she loved, she might just get herself or them killed. She had to be stronger about it, like Sans was. 

"hey, are ya okay?" Sans muttered to his girlfriend, who had appeared deep in thought with her brows furrowed at her open palms. Upon hearing his voice talk to her, she peered up from her hands and stared at his concerned expression, which caused her to crack a smile on her own face, as she wanted to reassure him that she was okay. Because she would be. She wouldn't let this haunt her like when she had killed that other person for almost killing Sans. It was just best to forget about it and move on, and not care. 

"Never better." She said, placing her hand on top of Sans' and she gave it a small squeeze. Seeing her smile, caused him to beam back in return, so much to the point he was smiling all the way back to their headquarters. Eventually, they did arrive outside the alley way that they would have to walk down, and it felt weirdly good to be back after being locked in those cells by Undyne. The group simply headed down the alley way into Grillby's bar, while the three cars took their leave. 

"At least that's over..." Andrew let out a sigh, probably speaking for the first time in awhile since all of this had gone down. He had admittedly been pretty nervous about the entire situation, and it was difficult not to be scared for Frisk when she had gone on that mission with a couple of the others. But by the looks of her smile that she had when she started talking to Sans, she was just fine and unaffected by whatever might have happened. As she was his friend, he did smile, glad that she seemed to be okay. 

"I assume you two will be heading back to your home now." Toriel mentioned to the skeleton and the human, now that they were all safely back in their rightful place and Sans and Frisk had only come here to talk to Sans' father about their whole baby situation. "I don't think I've actually gotten the opportunity to say it. But I am happy for you and Sans, and I hope you continue to take good care of each other, and you take good care of that baby... You'll make wonderful parents together." Toriel smiled. Frisk giggled.

"Mom, you're saying that like it's goodbye forever." Frisk teased, going to hug her goat mom, while Sans just stood, watching with a small smile. "Yes, we will be heading back. But now that we don't have to worry about Undyne so much, it will be much easier for us to visit, and for you to visit us." Frisk mentioned, knowing they wouldn't exactly have to sneak from one place to another for them to see each other. And that did mean it would be easier for Gaster to reach them when the time came closer to Sans' due date. And the journey was only like an hour from point A to point B, so visiting each other wouldn't be that bad now and again. 

"It was good getting to work with you, Frisk." Blair spoke up with a grin towards the human girl, before she also looked to Sans and she sighed. "And... I'm mostly glad that I got things out in the open when... We were back in that cell. And I'm grateful that you saved my life." Blair said towards Sans. "...I'm still sorry for all the shit I pulled, and all the times that I hurt you... I knew it couldn't have been easy, being haunted by that." 

"whatever, there's no point in dwellin' on it anymore..." Sans replied, until he paused. "...thanks for apologisin' though." He was at least grateful for that. Admittedly, it would likely feel weird and awkward around Blair for awhile, despite them seeming a bit more civil thanks to their pasts being out in the open. But nothing could just so easily heal instantly, so it would take the time before everything would feel better. "now, mettaton, could ya take us back?" Sans asked towards the robot who simply nodded. It was then that the trio - Sans, Frisk and Papyrus - said their goodbyes to everyone, and they took their leave to go back to their home. It was probably no surprise that after everything that had happened, Sans drifted off to sleep in the car, resting his head on Frisk's shoulder. It did bring a warm smile to her face, just knowing that they didn't have to live so much in fear now. 

Now they could only focus on their child. 

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