Being Alone Is Fine [16]

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Promises, huh? Well, they meant everything when they came out of the mouth of the skeleton monster. He may not have been a people person but when making a promise to someone, he always intended to keep it. He hated to break it. To others, it might not have meant as much. And it sure as hell didn't seem like it meant as much to Frisk when the words "I promise" came out of her mouth. She needed more training, proper training. But instead, she had managed to contact her 'new best friend' and they had been hanging out on and off for the past few days. When she promised to  help, he wanted her to take it seriously.

She was only going to be dead weight, wasn't she?


Frisk had a good time with her new friend James. For once she actually felt normal again, like she was just living a normal life. She didn't have to be someone who was in the Mafia, someone who was basically a criminal. She didn't have to deal with Sans complaining at her about how pathetic she seemed. When she got back to the apartment, she could already tell she had bothered Sans when she found a note left on the couch. Frowning, she read it and couldn't help but feel frustrated. 

"If you want to help, then maybe you should spend less time with your boyfriend. Don't make promises you won't be able to keep." It read. Fucking... Seriously?

For god sake. He had to be so annoying, didn't he? Sometimes he could be like a complete and utter child, and it was really trying her patience. Really, she was trying her best to do what she could, but she wanted to be able to live her own life too. She wanted to be able to experience her teenage years while she still could; she wanted to still feel like a normal girl. The skeleton didn't really want to allow that though, did he? Instead he had to insist on being a pain in her neck. 

Fine. If this was the way he wanted to be, then she could play his game. She could be immature too. All she wanted to do was try and be the mature one, the smart one. The one who didn't use insults or yelling to get what she wanted. Now she was just mad and annoyed, and Sans would certainly see that when he got back. Hours ticked by, but soon enough Sans did come through the door. 

"oh, you're back." Sans spoke, closing the door behind him. Frisk was standing in the kitchen, just eating a snack. She didn't answer him. Instead, she ignored him and went to go over to sit on the couch. "well, okay then." He mumbled, seeming to loosen the black tie he was wearing around his neck. It wasn't very difficult to tell that Frisk was mad, she must have got the note that he had decided to write out of anger, so he likely pissed her off. "did ya get my note?"

"What do you think?" Frisk spat. "You left it on the couch where you obviously wanted me to find it." She turned around to face him. "You know, there's nothing wrong with me wanting to help you, but also wanting to spend time with a new friend. What do you expect? For me to spend all of my time with you? I thought you would have rather have had me gone, so make up your damn mind." When Sans opened his mouth to snarl in return, she continued. "No, shut up. I'm still talking. If you're going to treat me like shit one minute, don't get angry and furious the next when I don't want to be around you and train with you. I guess you're really not a people person if you don't understand how other people work. My patience is only so limited, Sans. And if you want me gone so badly, then just say it, rather than wasting both of our time. I'll go to Toriel, or something, if you really insist. Because that's what you want, isn't it? To be by yourself. If that's what you want, I'll give it to you. 'Cause I'm fucking done." She growled. "So say it. Say that you want me gone." 

Shock was plastered across the monster's face for a brief second, not expecting all of that to have come out of Frisk's mouth. She really was fine with him just telling that he wanted her to go away? But what about all that crap of her getting upset because he didn't want to be friends with her? Was that all just gone now? Narrowing his eyes, he answered. "i want ya gone.

That really wasn't that difficult for him, was it? No, of course not. Why wouldn't it have been? With her ranting, she was hoping that maybe she could pummel something into that thick skull of his, to make him realise why he was being such a jerk. Instead, he ignored her. "Fine. Then I'll take my leave. But you have to drive me to the headquarters to find Toriel. If she's not there then I'll just ask Asgore where she is." she said.  

"fine." Sans replied.

And that was exactly what he did. The next thirty minutes was spent in complete silence as the two headed down to the Mafia headquarters. It wasn't surprising that neither of them wanted to talk. But when Sans pulled up to the kerb, before climbing out, Frisk spoke once more. "I'm still coming on the mission to help find your dad though." She said. This was what did surprise Sans. He had expected her to completely abandon him altogether, but she still wanted to help? "Because I'm not completely selfish like you." She spat, before she finally got out and slammed the door, leaving him in lonely silence as he watched her head into the alley way. 

That was that then. Getting back to his apartment later, it felt strange to be by himself again. It was going to feel weird no longer having someone that he'd wake up to sitting upon the couch. While it would be weird, it was what he wanted. Being alone is what he had wanted, right? He could stay more focused. He could spend more time on trying to locate his dad than babying Frisk. However, it also meant he wasted a lot of damn time training Frisk, now that she wasn't his responsibility anymore. Then again, if she was still coming on the mission to help get Gaster back, maybe it wasn't a huge waste of time. 

Whatever. He just decided to flop over onto the now empty couch and turned on the television, just so he could have some time to himself again. It was fine. He had been used to being by himself for a long while now. It was what he wanted. 

So, it was okay.

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