Keep Out Of Trouble [89]

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Finding it surprising that they didn't feel exhausted the next morning, Sans and Frisk actually managed to wake up in pretty good moods, smiling at each other from ear to ear when they woke up underneath the covers and could see each other's faces. They adored waking up to being able to see each other first thing in the morning. Before meeting Frisk, all Sans used to wake up to was his empty room and he would always be in a depressed mood. In a mood that just said "fuck everything". A mood that didn't really care for much. Now, he woke up the happiest he had ever felt. 

Wishing each other a good morning, Frisk was the first person to climb out of bed to go take a shower. While waiting for her to finish, the skeleton decided to stay put in the bed covers, until Frisk returned fully dressed, and she was drying her drenched hair with a fluffy towel. "The bathroom is free." She told him with a beam, and that's when Sans got up to have a shower of his own, before proceeding to throw on some casual clothing. 

Like any other day, the human and the monster went to the kitchen together to have their breakfast. Frisk decided to have some cereal, while Sans toasted some bread to eat for breakfast, then he buttered it and began eating once it was prepared. It was times like this where life actually just felt normal. Sans did feel more like a normal monster when he was around Frisk. Sometimes in her company he could almost forget the life around them. 

"so, what are we actually doin' today?" Sans asked his girlfriend, who currently had a mouthful of cereal. She had to take a minute to finish eating, before she could actually answer his question. Truth be told she didn't have an idea of her own of what they would be able to do today. Even just going for a simple walk together sounded nice and pleasant though. Maybe they could just do that. 

"Well... We could go for a walk. Or we could go shopping. When was the last time you did that?" Frisk wondered, going to get up and look in the fridge. And to no surprise, there wasn't actually much left in there. Just a few left over items that were left untouched. Yeah, they really had to go shopping. "Yeah, we have to go shopping. So, how about a shopping trip?" Frisk beamed. As a kid she never had to have that responsibility of going shopping for herself; her parents always used to do that. Now she was a 20 year old adult who had to have responsibilities of her own. Sometimes it was still difficult to process.

"well, seein' as we have to..." He sighed. He didn't exactly enjoy going shopping for groceries. Though, for once he wasn't by himself. A shopping trip might be more entertaining when he had his girlfriend at his side to help him with it. "sure, why not?" He grinned with a small shrug as he finished off his toast, and Frisk finished her cereal soon afterwards. With a caring smile, Sans carefully took the dish she ate her cereal in, while also taking his own plate to the sink. He only placed them in there to be washed for later - he could do it when they got back.

"ready to go?" Sans questioned, just as they were putting on their shoes and coats. Answering with a nod, the human smiled, going to link her hand with his skeletal one. Linking hands - a way to show to people around them that they belonged together. They really did, even if they didn't live the most normal, natural lives. They could still act like they were, even if it was just for a short while. Just a short while of them talking and laughing together as they walked down the sidewalk, side by side. 

Going into the supermarket when they got there, Sans and Frisk went to look at the different aisles, thinking of what food they should get to eat for the rest of the week. They had the luck of having a lot of money due to work, so they didn't have to have the disadvantage of worrying about spending too much money on groceries. They didn't have to worry about if they brought something now, they wouldn't have enough for something later. Even if it was risky work, it earned them a decent living. Earning a decent living is one of the many reasons why Sans kept the job that he had.

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