Black Eyes [152]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus. 


"I'm definitely excited for Sans and Frisk, but the miracle of birth is definitely a snooze fest." Chara spoke up, sitting at a table in the Mafia headquarters with none other than Asriel, Mettaton, Blair and Andrew. They were actually spending their time doing something other than going on missions, and that was playing card games - they were currently settled on poker.  It had had to have been at least a few hours already since Papyrus had called up Mettaton to mention what was going on, and of course Mettaton had told everyone else, and they were all super excited to hear the news. Even Blair had managed to smile for the skeleton, now that her and him were on more civil ground since they last talked. She was happy for him. 

"It will probably be a couple of more hours before we actually hear anything back from Papyrus. It's not like television where it's over just like that, darling." Mettaton grinned, while Chara rolled her eyes, as if to say she knew that. It was just... Chara was excited to hear about her niece or nephew. No, she wasn't biologically related to Frisk, but they were like family, and that means that she would gladly be an aunt to that child. 

"Ugh, I fold." Blair complained, placing her cards face down in annoyance, while Andrew had nodded in agreement, saying that he also folded. He wasn't really one for card games, especially for the ones he didn't really know how to play. It was probably no surprise that he hadn't won a single game since they had started playing this. Mettaton had been winning a lot of the games thus far, but for once... 

"Yeah, me too." Mettaton sighed, as he hadn't managed to earn any good cards to help him win this time around. That left Chara and Asriel as the only two who were still holding onto their cards. "Well, ain't this interesting? I wonder who will win." The robot grinned, while Asriel and Chara were both busy looking at their cards. The human turned to the goat and asked what his move was going to be first, and the goat took a second to think about it until he exhaled.

"You win, Chara. I've got nothing." Asriel said, only for Blair to growl at him that he was only letting her win just because it was Chara. "No I'm not!" Asriel argued back with a roll of the eyes. "I just actually haven't got any good cards." The goat said, while Blair rose an eyebrow and smirked, saying a sarcastic, drawn out "sure", as if she didn't believe him. Of course, Chara was just too busy celebrating her victory and boasting about how everyone should just hand their money over to her right now. 

"I can use all that money to buy my niece or nephew a bunch of gifts so they'll totally love me." Chara joked with a laugh, causing everyone else on the table to also smile, thinking back to how that skeleton and his girlfriend Frisk were actually going to be parents. It felt like just yesterday that that damn skeleton would snap at every little thing, and he would just spend a lot of his time smoking cigars and minding his own business. Likely ever since the betrayal of Blair, he just kept to himself, and was really not a people person. But now that skeleton was actually going to be a dad. Anyone who had known him for quite a long time would be lying if they said they weren't proud of him. 

As they spoke, Frisk was actually lying down on the living room couch, as she had needed a bit of a nap as she was definitely struggling to stay awake from the lack of sleep she had had. Without a doubt, she felt somewhat guilty for not sticking at Sans' side when he needed her, but she was literally so sleep deprived that she had been struggling to even keep her eyes open. She wasn't one of those kinds of people who could get not hardly enough sleep and still stay awake. Thankfully though, even though Sans had wanted her to stay close, he seemed okay with her getting at least some rest. She would at least be back upstairs when it came to the actual birth of their child. 

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