Glad To Help [130]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.   

Here's another chapter! Agaaaain, sorry for me being so inactive! But I'm here now, and here's a new part! Enjoy!


If it was possible for Sans to earn money from each and every shocked reaction he earned when he decided to show his face in the Mafia headquarters, he probably would have made at least a decent amount of money, (or at least the kind you would spend on small things -- like junk food -- just for the hell of it). When arriving at the bottom in the elevator, the skeleton was just set on nothing but finding his father; of course, it wouldn't just be that easy, getting from A to B, as before he was even able to make it several steps towards the direction of Gaster's lab with Frisk and Papyrus in tow, he was stopped by a surprised Chara and Asriel, who seemed like they were just on their way up, probably to head home to Toriel.

"Sans, Frisk, Papyrus?! You guys! What are you doing here?" Chara exclaimed, both excitedly and in clear wonderment, as it was unknown to her, and basically everyone as to why they were here. When saying that, it didn't take long for Chara to give Frisk a hug, and she even decided to hug the younger, friendly brother. However, she held off on hugging Sans, knowing that while they were probably on the best ground they had ever been, they still weren't friendly enough to the point they would hug each other. 

"Aren't you guys having a baby together?" Asriel pointed out, glancing back and forth towards Sans and Frisk, which caused Frisk to nervously giggle, while the skeleton just grumbled a little under his breath, hating that it was just the way he thought it would be: everyone knew. Not only was that extremely fucking embarrassing, but it was just annoying how everyone had to find out his business in the worst of ways, always before the people he wanted to tell first. It was like when he fell for Frisk when she was still with Andrew, it didn't take Chara and Asriel long to figure it out, and it had been one of the most humiliating moments of his life, where he couldn't stop stressing about the idea of the human girl finding out about his newfound feelings at the time.

"ya know, there's always time to talk later. i gotta talk to my dad." Sans muttered, already ready to push past the both of them, which earned a slight frown from Asriel, and a look of disapproval from Chara, who commented that they hadn't seen them in a long time, and already he couldn't wait to get away from her and Asriel. Typical Sans. But, whatever. With a smile, she just allowed Frisk and Papyrus to follow after the grumpy skeleton, knowing it was probably a big deal to him, which is why he was in such a rush to talk to his father. 

Speaking of his father, the man was just working away at his computer, softly smiling to himself as he drank his coffee. He was actually in a pretty positive mood, as he actually had plans later this evening to go on a date with Grillby. Sure, they couldn't really go anywhere overly spontaneous, matter of fact they would likely have to eat at his bar when he locked up for the night, because Gaster couldn't be seen outside after that whole incident of going to save Sans. But he was fine with that, he was still happy. 

"hey, dad." Sans simply said in the doorway, with Frisk and Papyrus standing behind him. Honestly, he had at least been expecting Gaster to flinch with his back turned to them, or at least let out a gasp of surprise as he turned around in his seat after putting a mug of coffee down. But instead, he pleasantly smiled at them. "okay, you're weirdly calm for someone who hasn't seen us in a long time.

"I already had a feeling you two were here. Call it a parent's intuition." Gaster joked with a grin, going to stand up from his seat to greet his two boys, giving Sans a hug, and then Papyrus, before moving onto Frisk and also giving her a friendly hug. After all, he did want her to feel like she was part of the family, especially when he heard the news of what was going on between her and Sans. His oldest son was happy with her, so he wanted nothing more to continue being supportive of their relationship. "I heard that you two were having a child together. Congratulations." 

"THAT'S ACTUALLY WHAT WE ARE HERE TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT." Papyrus mentioned, wanting to help speak up for the couple who glanced towards Papyrus when he spoke, before looking back at the oldest skeleton in the room who crossed his arms and stared back at the trio, wondering what it was that they needed from him. It must have been urgent enough that they would show up here when Undyne could catch them snooping around. 

"Yeah, it's, um..." Frisk looked towards Sans, wondering if he wanted to speak for himself about all of this. While she knew he was likely fine with her speaking for him, she at least wanted his input about all of this. He was the main person in this big, scary adventure, so she never wanted to make him feel like he had no control over what was being done. She wanted to do whatever she could to save him and their child, but then she didn't want to force him into a situation he was not comfortable or happy with.

"my soul is damaged. has been for a long time." Sans explained, frowning down towards the ground with those two white pupils of his. The only person he had told the story of what happened between him and Blair was to Frisk, and he felt stupid that he couldn't even explain it to his own father, the man he could very likely rely and trust in over anyone in the world, because he was his own parent. Really, it was just a hard story to tell, even now. When he had told it to Frisk, he had broken down in tears from the stress of it all, and with how emotional he could be now, he didn't fancy telling the story, and therefore cause himself to break down again. 

"We're worried what might happen to the child. Or what will happen to Sans when the big day comes. I don't want to lose him. I don't want to lose either of them." Frisk spoke quietly, beginning to wring her hands behind her back, just because the thought of losing Sans or their baby for all eternity broke her heart into little pieces. Sans was one of the most important people in her whole life, and if she were to just lose him... She would be heartbroken. Distraught. Devastated. There probably weren't enough words that would be able to describe properly what she would feel. She just couldn't stand the thought of it happening. 

"SO, WE WERE HOPING YOU COULD HELP. SEE IF THERE IS ANY WAY TO AVOID SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENING TO SANS, OR THE CHILD, IF ANYTHING AWFUL WOULD HAPPEN." Papyrus added, while Gaster continued listening with intrigue, nodding thoughtfully now and then as if he was taking mental notes of the things they were saying. For a few seconds, Gaster remained in silent thought, before he uncrossed his arms and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his black suit pants. 

"I can help, at least first I can figure out if there will be any issues by scanning your soul with this machine." Gaster mentioned, going to walk to the other side of the room, which seemed to have some kind of big machine covered in a sheet. When pulling it off, it revealed exactly what he was talking about, and Frisk couldn't help but point out that it looked like one of those weird X-ray machines that humans tended to use to see bones, or tissue, or whatever. "It uses similar technology, but it's more advanced, which makes it more convenient for monsters." Gaster mentioned. 

"it won't hurt, right?" Sans questioned towards his father, who could only chuckle a little and shake his head, reassuring his oldest son of his fear. "and it won't hurt them either?" Sans continued, which caused Gaster to also tell him the child would be fine. It was adorable to see his son seem so protective over them, especially when over the years Sans became much more of a colder person, especially after meeting that Blair character, and that time when he had got taken from the group and Sans had to rescue him. But since being around Frisk, it was like a light was just shone back into his life again.

Gaster was hopeful for their future. Which made him happy to help. 

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