Good Father [149]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus. 


Sometimes it was nice when Frisk's boyfriend decided to become a little clingy, only because she found it super sweet how he wanted to stay so close to her, considering he obviously trusted her so much. Right now, she was actually busy preparing something to eat for her, Sans, Gaster and Papyrus as while the youngest brother liked to cook, she actually wanted to be able to try and prepare something nice for once. True, that was made a little more difficult with a skeleton's arms wrapped around her waist with his chin perched on her shoulder, as it just made moving around the kitchen harder. There was also something else she couldn't help but notice about him lately.

He was a little more... Flirty than normal. 

Even now, when she was trying to make food, she couldn't help but giggle a little and slightly blush, as Sans was trying to kiss and nibble at the side of her neck. "Sans, come on. I'm trying to make you something to eat." She chuckled, while Sans just seemed to sigh and pout in disappointment as Frisk was brushing him off. When she had noticed him acting like this, she had decided to bring it up to Gaster, who said it was pretty normal, seeing as he was on his last couple of weeks. 

"but i'm bored. and it's takin' awhile." Sans grumbled, causing Frisk to laugh a little once more. He sounded like such a grumpy child right now that it was pretty adorable. It wasn't that kind of angry where he would shout and yell and get all huffy puffy. He was just in that mood where he was a little moody; it wasn't enough for him to be a hassle though. "come ooon. it would be fun." Sans told her, while she beamed and turned around to face him.

"I'm sure it would be. But you're forgetting we have other people here. Now, go sit down at the table with your brother and Gaster. Food is almost ready anyway." She told him, going to cup his cheekbones in her hands as she proceeded to lightly kiss him on the nasal bone, which did cause the skeleton to blush a small shade of cyan. Defeated, Sans lightly removed his arms from around her waist once she had let go of his cheekbones and he decided he would head to the dinner table and slump down in his seat with another exhale of breath. 

Once he had finally chosen to sit down at the table after trying to flirt with his girlfriend for a couple of minutes, it was soon after that Frisk brought the food out for them to eat, placing their plates down in front of them, until she was able to take her own seat with her own plate of food. "Thank you for preparing this, Frisk. It looks wonderful." Gaster complimented with a kind smile, causing Frisk to give him the same thankful expression in return. Luckily, Sans appeared to forget about his previous disappointment when he was more focused on eating his food, as now that he took the time to think about it, he was pretty hungry. 

"YOU'RE ACTUALLY A VERY GOOD COOK, FRISK!" Papyrus exclaimed happily, as he was enjoying his meal, and the other two skeletons seemed to be enjoying their food too, which made her glad. 

"I did learn a few things from you. And my mom too." Frisk pointed out, as she thought back to what her life used to be like before her parents had been killed by those... Two damn freaks. While it had caused her to ache so bad over the fact that her parents had been gone, she had always tried her best to move on. To just think that those robbers had never had plans to kill them and they just panicked. But even if that was the case, they just became terrible people who would have killed her had she not fought them. "She was a good cook... And a great mom." 

"I wouldn't be surprised if being a great mom is something that would run in the family." Gaster decided to say, noticing how sad Frisk was suddenly getting when she must have been thinking back to what happened and about her parents. Frisk did perk up a tad at such a thoughtful thing to say, and it made her happy that Sans' father believed in her. It did mean a lot that Gaster had really accepted her into the family since they had gotten to know each other, and he had never really given her any trouble for being with Sans. 

"I am sure Sans would be a great dad because of a certain someone as well." Frisk said to Gaster, who let out a small chuckle at her comment. Sans just blushed with a small grin at his girlfriend complimenting him about how she thought he would be a good father. He really did hope he would be able to be a good dad to their kid; his worst fear was of being not good enough for them, of disappointing them. Knowing that Frisk had faith in him was something that did help him believe in himself just a little bit more. 

After having eaten the meal, Sans had gone upstairs to take an early nap, as he was actually feeling quite tired, (that was something he felt more nowadays, likely with his magic being used up for the child). When getting to his and Frisk's room, he walked across the room, actually stopping where they had ended up putting a crib next to the wall. Looking over it, a tiny smile did fall upon his face, but it was hard not to have that look on his face also be filled with nerves. He was nervous to have the child, and he was even nervous to be a dad now that it was getting closer and closer. He hoped Frisk was right, that he would be a good dad. 

"Knock knock." His father said, lightly knocking on the bedroom door, seeming to check up on Sans. "You alright there? Just wanted to make sure you were alright before you went to sleep." While Gaster was his dad, in a way he was kind of acting like his doctor too, as Gaster was specialised for all kinds of stuff. Sans let out a weak laugh but didn't turn around to look at him as he was still staring down at the empty crib. The older skeleton slowly walked up to join him at his side. "Nervous?" 

"wouldn't ya be?" Sans asked, seeming to cause his father to snicker at that. 

"Of course. It was scary enough when your mother was pregnant with you, and I realised I was going to be a dad... She was nervous like you. But she always smiled despite being scared." He said, while his pupils also watched the unoccupied crib as he spoke up about his thoughts. If he was able to calm his son at all, he would at least give it a try, even if it meant having a deep conversation with him about his deceased mother. "But the moment you were born... All that she went through to bring you here was so worth it. You were just a tiny bundle of bones wrapped up in a blanket, with those big curious sockets of yours. I probably cried more on that day than you even did." Gaster teased, knowing he had bawled so many happy tears alongside Lucida when they had their first son. And then Papyrus also came along, and that was just as much of an amazing experience as when they had Sans. 

"...i just hope i'm able to keep 'em safe, y'know? i don't know if i could completely quit my job but... i just don't think i would like them to get involved." Sans said, seeing Gaster slowly nod in understanding. 

"Sometimes I did regret getting you involved with the Mafia. Sometimes I thought back to it, knowing it probably wasn't one of my best decisions." Gaster answered, looking directly at his son who ended up deciding to return his stare once he noticed he was looking at him. "But... I suppose if I never did that, you wouldn't have met Frisk, and you wouldn't have all that you have now. So, I guess I don't completely regret it." The father said, seeming to shrug.

"i don't regret ya involvin' me. sure, i've probably changed a lot as a person since then, but it's like as ya said. if ya hadn't, i wouldn't have met frisk. so, it was probably the best thing for me." The younger skeleton replied, knowing that being a part of the Mafia had been so damn worth it when not had it only given him the money to actually live a decent enough life; it also gave him the best thing to ever happen to him - Frisk. She was the girl of his dreams, the one he knew he never wanted to let go of, ever. He was so glad that on the day he had tried to be stubborn and stupid and said that they should break up, (because he was scared), Frisk just chose to talk it out with him, and they still remained strongly together. Sometimes, she was too good for him, but he didn't care. Because he wasn't giving her to anyone else. 

"Anyway, I just wanted to check up on you, but I'll leave you to nap now." Gaster said, as he went to take his leave, at least until he stopped at the door frame. "Son?" He spoke up, getting Sans to turn towards him whilst he was still standing beside the crib. Gaster smiled. "You're going to be a wonderful father. I just know it." He finished, and that is when he did leave to go back downstairs. Sans stared after him, watching him go after saying that. Such a thing did pull the edges of Sans' mouth into a wider grin, as he was grateful to his dad for trying to calm him down.

Thanks, dad... 

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