Baby Names [143]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.   


Baby names... With everything that had been going on, the two never really did have the time to think about what to call their potential child. It made it more difficult to find the time as Frisk also still had her job, which luckily she hadn't been fired from despite taking some time off during that whole Undyne incident. It's not like she could have explained why she had actually been away from her job to her bosses, or to Kai, so she had simply stated that it was sort of a family emergency. Luckily, they bought it. 

"What do you think we should name them...?" Frisk had decided to quietly ask one night, as her and Sans were laying together in bed together, cuddling close to one another. Seeing as it had been something that had been on her mind, she did want to bring it up before they missed the opportunity to really decide on a name. Because she didn't want it to end up being one of those situations where the child would be born, and they would be without a name for awhile due to having no idea what to name them. 

"hm... ya know, it's funny. i never thought i would find myself at the point in my life where i would have to pick out some kinda baby name." Sans chuckled, causing Frisk to smile as she knew it was still shocking to her too. Even when they were eight weeks - two months - into this thing, it was still difficult to wrap their minds around that they were seriously going to be parents. Sans would never stop thinking over in his head how he never thought he would be a dad, and yet here he was, only a few months away from having that responsibility thrown upon him alongside this wonderful girl. Deciding to reach for a lamp that they had next to their bed, the skeleton went to turn it on, before going to slowly sit up in bed. Frisk followed his actions, also going to sit up while still cuddling close to him. 

"have ya had any names in mind?" He pondered, while Frisk looked down towards the covers in thought. She did have one name in mind if it turned out to be a girl, but she didn't know if Sans would really like the suggestion. Seeming to notice the look on her face, Sans grinned. "go on, ya can tell me. we've gotta decide together after all." He mentioned, while she let out a small giggle, telling him to give her a moment. Fine, if he wouldn't get weird about her suggestion, then she decided to say it.

"Well, for a girl, I was maybe thinking... Luna. It was my mom's name." Frisk admitted with a sheepish smile, fiddling with the bed covers. "I just didn't want to suggest it because I don't want it to seem like we have to pick it just because of that..." She went on, only to be silenced by a kiss to her forehead, and Sans was beaming at her. Wait, did he like the name? She couldn't really tell... 

"it's a nice name. i like it." He answered, seeing Frisk's eyes widen in surprise. So, he didn't hate it then? It didn't seem like it, judging from his reply and the way he was beaming at her with that grin of his. It made her relieved that he hadn't hated the name she said. "so, we could pick that if it were a girl, but if it were a boy..." Sans trailed off, while Frisk looked around their room, seeming to think as well. Honestly, he had wished he had thought about it some more, because to tell the truth, right now in the moment, he wasn't quite sure. He didn't want it to be a name that they would just end up picking and then they wouldn't end up liking it because it probably wouldn't suit them. 

This was when the couple decided to shoot names back and forth, definitely finding it difficult to settle upon one. Which did make them think that it would be harder than they thought to come up with two names that they could actually agree on and that they would like. "I'm sure we'll come up with something eventually." Frisk finally said, when they had been saying names back and forth for awhile, only to not really come to an agreement. "Maybe we should come up with some more girl names too, in case we change our mind about Luna." 

"no, it's okay." Sans told her, shaking his head as he smiled a little once more. Softly taking one of Frisk's hands into his, he decided to press it against his shirt around his ribcage, which his soul was underneath. "if they are a girl... i think they might like that name too." He said, seeing Frisk stare at him with so much love. Though, to his surprise she started to become teary eyed, and suddenly she was crying. But before he could say anything, she had put her hands on the back of his skull and she had pulled him in for a loving kiss. He did quietly gasp into her mouth as he hadn't really expected it, but like any other time he happily melted into it, while wrapping his arms around her in return. 

"Thank you, Sans... I'm so happy to be with you, you know that, don't you?" Frisk whispered, pulling away from the kiss just for a moment to say that until she kissed him once more, definitely getting her point across with both her words and her actions. She was just so unbelievably grateful to Sans that he would happily let them name their child after her mom if it was a girl. The reason why she didn't suggest her dad's name if it was a boy was just because she wanted to at least let Sans have some input in the naming of their child, and she would feel selfish if it was all about her. So, she would happily wait for Sans to come up with some kind of name that he could be comfortable with if their child had been a boy. 

"i know... i'm happy to be with ya too. which was why i was so scared when ya went away on that mission. i'd never wanna lose ya." Sans muttered, panting a little once the two of them had pulled away from the kiss, but they kept their foreheads pressed together with their arms still wrapped around one another. He still had his eyes closed in thought as he was saying what he was saying. "if i lost ya... i don't know what i would do..." He finished, having his grip tighten around her a little as he just said that, knowing the thought of her ever disappearing on him terrified him more than anything. Frisk smiled.

"I promised I would survive. It was what helped me fight, even when on that mission one of the guys tried to hurt me, I did fight back." Frisk said, pulling back a little, only to put a hand on Sans' cheekbone while he opened his two sockets to stare back into her ocean blue eyes. "I can't say I am really proud of what I did to survive - I killed one of them, Sans..." She admitted, seeing the skeleton look a little surprised at her confession. "But... I just knew I had to do it, if I was going to get back to you..." 

"i'm sorry ya had to do that... i knew when i killed my first couple of people, it definitely played on my mind for quite a long time. now, it doesn't really affect me." Sans said. Nowadays he was so numb to the idea of killing a terrible person, he wouldn't take the time to weep or cry about it like he might have used to when he first started going on missions and he had to take the lives of other people. "i'm glad ya were able to protect yourself though... makes me think i worried for nothin'." Sans teased, seeing Frisk giggle a little at his comment, while he grinned in return. 

"Yeah, I can look out for myself too, you know?" She joked back, lightly poking him on his nasal bone, causing the two of them to softly laugh with one another. "We should probably get some sleep... I've got to get up for work tomorrow." Frisk sighed, while the skeleton nodded, going to reach for the lamp to switch it off so the two of them could cuddle down together in the covers once more. "We'll think of a name at some point... One that will really suit them." 

"yeah, you're right... i love ya, frisk." Sans whispered. Frisk giggled. 

"I love you, and the little one too." She returned in response. 

They would come up with the perfect boy name. 

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