Apologies [42]

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Sans knew that after what he had done, that it would feel extremely uncomfortable when he went back to the headquarters after a couple more days - he still wasn't able to work, but he hated just staying at home, sitting in his apartment having nothing to do but eat food, watch TV and stare at the four walls. So, he preferred to be able to spend time with his father, or with Grillby, or just... Someone he could talk to while he wasn't able to do his job, due to the fact that he was still healing.

While being there, it wasn't very difficult to tell that Frisk might have been avoiding him. She hadn't turned up at all today, and likely had stayed at home with Toriel - not wanting to face him after what he had done. It had been a few days, yet she still wasn't over it... Okay, he could be an asshole, but he knew it would take longer than a few days to get over having a crush on someone. It just... Felt strange that she wasn't around, that they hadn't really spoken at all. Did she hate him now? Like he had been trying to get her to feel about him for ages?

"You're looking pretty thoughtful there, friend." Grillby spoke up, as Sans had been sitting on a stool at his bar, resting his chin in his hand as he was spacing out. Raising his eyebrows, Sans looked to the flame monster, as he hadn't even realised he was so out of it until now.

"oh, right... nah, i'm fine." Sans shook his head. Then, to the right side of his vision, he saw someone place them self on the stool next to him, and upon inspection, it was simply his father who looked ready to join in on the conversation, as if he had already been listening.

"A little birdy told me about what happened between you and Frisk." Gaster admitted. Letting out a groan of frustration, Sans placed his skull on the desk, wishing he could just knock himself out and not have to deal with this bullshit. So now not only did Toriel know... Chara knew, and if Chara knew, Asriel likely knew. Gaster knew, which meant Grillby likely knew!

"for fuck sake...

"How come you said no to her?" Grillby asked, sounding genuinely confused. Narrowing his eyes, Sans slowly lifted his skull off of the bar and he glared at him.

"why do ya think? because i don't love her." Sans snapped. The moment he said that, he couldn't help but notice the small glance both Grillby and Gaster gave each other, as if to say he was lying. He growled. "what?! i don't!

"You seem to protect her a lot for someone who you apparently don't care about." Grillby spoke up.

"yeah, 'cause i made a promise to toriel! how many times do i have to say that?!

"So what? If you were someone who really didn't give one single care in the world, you could have simply let her die and put up with the complaint of Toriel, if you're simply that carefree. It's as if you'd feel guilty if you were unable to protect her, because you expected to be able to." Grillby murmured. "Sans... There's nothing wrong with loving someone."

"that's it, i'm goin'. ya both are drivin' me insane." The younger skeleton seethed, climbing off of his stool. Heading back out, he just went back to his own car, wanting to pretend that conversation never happened. Why were people so certain on trying to make him date Frisk?! Growling to himself in frustration, he slammed his car door after having sit in the drivers seat, before gripping the steering wheel with a loud exhale of breath. It was as if people were telling him how he should feel. But no one knew how he felt better than himself, right? Right?!

Maybe he should just... Apologise to her and get this all over and done with. That didn't mean he was saying yes to what she said, not at all. He was just going to say sorry, and that was it, they weren't going to be a couple. Once again, he knew Toriel would utterly glare at him when she saw him, but hopefully if he made it clear he was there to apologise, she'd let him do that. He wasn't going to go there to cause more apparent harm than he already had. 

"What do you want Sans?" Was the first thing that Toriel had spoken to the skeleton, when he had showed up upon her doorstep. Nice greeting. Yep, it was very clear from just those five words alone that she didn't appreciate him being here so soon, only a few days after how upset he had made Frisk. But what was the point in letting it sit and bubble if all people were going to do was bug him about it?

"i'm here to apologise, tori. that's all..." Sans exhaled with a frown. "i'm not here to upset her more than i already have.

"Right..." Toriel mumbled, uncertain with what he was saying. "Well, just know that I'll be around if you upset her again. And if you do, I won't be happy." Toriel warned him, before stepping aside to let him into the house. "She's in the living room." 

Slowly nodding, Sans made his way to the living room, going to open the door, first seeing Frisk on the couch when she was in visible sight. He was almost ready to say hello, to catch her attention. What he was not expecting that when he opened the door completely and the full room came into view, not only was Frisk here, but Andrew was too. Wait, what?

"uh..." Sans awkwardly opened his mouth. Upon hearing this, Frisk let out a small gasp of shock, as she hadn't been paying attention to who was entering the room, she had been so busy talking to Andrew and watching TV with him that she hadn't even noticed him come in. What was he doing here?

"O-O-Oh... Hey, Sans..." Frisk muttered, clearly uncomfortable, because he was here. Why shouldn't she be? After the whole situation that happened between them, she felt embarrassed. Embarrassed that she had thought that Sans would care about her in the same way that she had for him. 

"hey... didn't know ya guys were hangin' out." Sans said. He had expected Andrew to still be somewhere at the headquarters. Personally he didn't approve with the way he was just allowed to wander around freely with Frisk when he had the chance to tell people their identities if he had wanted. He could ruin them.

"Yeah, uh... Toriel went to get Andrew, she said he could stay here, after all the headquarters aren't really a nice place to stay and... Well, you're not letting him go home so Toriel thought it would be nice to let him sleep here." Was the woman insane? That was the first thought that came to Sans' mind. What if Andrew just got up in the middle of the night and decided to slit their throats or something? There wouldn't be anyone to save them then.

As much as he wanted to snap and say how fucking stupid that was, he was here to apologise, not cause even more of an argument. So, exhaling, he spoke once more. "anyway, i just came here to apologise." He saw the surprised look on her face, but continued anyway. "i'm sorry that i didn't let ya down as easily as i could have. perhaps i was a jerk, i don't know. this isn't me sayin' that i'm accepting your confession, but i just wanted to say that i'm sorry for makin' ya so upset.

"Sans..." Frisk softly muttered, pausing for just a second, until she got off of her spot on the couch. She slowly walked towards Sans, and with a small, teary eyed smile, she pulled him into a thankful hug. He was surprised by this, seeming not sure what to do with his arms, but with a small sigh, he simply put his arms around her in return. "Thank you..." She said. "I won't deny that it might take some time to get over this - to get over you but... I'm glad that you apologised to me. It means a lot." 

"well, that's good to hear." Sans responded, glaring towards Andrew when he noticed the guy was staring. It didn't take him very long to get the hint as Andrew nervously looked away, not wanting to be snapped at by the skeleton. He wasn't exactly the kind of guy to give him mercy, and Andrew hated to admit that he was actually somewhat scared of him. But why shouldn't he be? "so... are we good?" Sans wondered, after pulling away from the hug to look at her teary eyes. But the fact that she nodded and let out a tiny giggle, seemed to say yes.

"Yeah, we're good." 

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