Run Away [148]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.  


Admittedly, Sans was finding himself growing nervous when he knew his father would be coming by today as, as Gaster had agreed, he would end up staying with him, Frisk and Papyrus for the last couple of weeks, just in case anything ended up happening earlier than expected, and it was freaking the skeleton the fuck out. He had been trying so hard not to think about how much time was passing, but when he didn't think about it for awhile, and then he did stop to think about it, it only made him have a holy shit moment at how much time had actually gone past. He had a month left, a god damn month, and he was panicking. And he was panicking alone. 

Only because he had said to Frisk who was actually home for the day, as she was given some time off to be able to look after Sans. She was thankful to her really sweet bosses who were being very kind and understanding when she had briefed them on the situation. Point was, the skeleton had said he wanted to try and nap to get some rest, but he couldn't sleep a wink. Only because he was really thinking how huge this situation was, and what he was going to go through. The closer and closer his due date got, the more fearful he became. He wanted to stop feeling scared, but he couldn't. He really couldn't. 

Gaster had the feeling that his son would be feeling nervous, when he had been getting ready to head on his way to Sans', Frisk's and Papyrus' home. He was actually waiting around in Grillby's bar, as Muffet was supposed to drive him to the location, seeing as Mettaton was busy with the CIA today, so he was unable to be of use. And when the spider had arrived to pick the skeleton up, the flame monster at least wanted to say bye to him, as he knew it would be at least a couple of weeks until they would next see each other. 

"Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it." Gaster was saying, as he stood up from his seat, while Grillby stepped out from behind his bar and walked up towards the skeleton, seeming ready to get quite close to him, but then he remembered that Muffet was at the door. The pair looked expectantly at the spider, who caught the hint and mentioned she would just be waiting outside for Gaster in the car. The skeleton let out a small chuckle while Grillby decided to gently pull him in for a kiss, and Gaster happily closed his eyes, kissing him in return.

"That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to miss you, idiot." Grillby answered back with a hint of blue blush across his cheeks, once he had pulled away from the kiss. The skeleton laughed quietly once more. "But take good care of Sans. And be sure to let us know what they decide to name them." Grillby mentioned, while Gaster nodded, saying he would do just that. That being said, the couple decided to share a  hug with one another, until the skeleton knew he really had to get going. Disappointed, Grillby did let go of his skeletal form and allowed him to go out of the door. Yep, he was definitely going to miss having him around for the next month. 

"Hehe, that took a little while, I'm hoping I wasn't interrupting too much." Muffet joked with a small, mischievous seeming giggle, while Gaster did furrow his brow a little and he managed to blush a tiny bit at such a comment, but he simply cleared his throat calmly and was back to his poker face in a matter of seconds. "Okay, get in. We'll be there in about an hour." She said, allowing the skeletal monster to get into the car, so he could be driven to his destination. He just hoped that Sans would really be okay with him likely crashing on their couch for the next month, as he knew having him around might only make him more and more anxious for what was to come. But he promised to take good care of Sans, and as his father he would do just that. 

Deciding that he wasn't able to sleep a single wink, Sans actually decided to pick himself out of bed, as he felt like if there was anything he needed to do right now, it was that he needed to clear his head. He wasn't doing himself much good freaking out whilst staring at the four walls of his and Frisk's bedroom, so maybe instead he should go for a walk. "hey, frisk?" Sans said, as he headed downstairs, and he found her at the table seeming to eat food. Papyrus wasn't home today as unlike Frisk he was actually at work, only because he proudly stated that he would keep earning money for them to live off of. Frisk would have stated that she was still getting paid despite the time off, as the time off was for family reasons. But she didn't want to take away from the joy that Papyrus appeared to get for wanting to help, and seeing as he seemed to like his job as he got to cook, she happily let him go to work. "i wanna go for a walk, by myself. i just... gotta clear my head.

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