Them [131]

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 Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.   

Aaaa sorry for lack of updates! Was going to start writing a part yesterday, but I had trouble with my computer and had to fix it. But here's a new part, which I hope is worth the wait! Enjoy! 


Sans was actually surprised to find that when he found himself laying down in the X-Ray-look-alike machine that his father Gaster had mentioned, it was pretty comfy, almost like you could fall asleep within it. Well... Truthfully, while it was comfy, it was a little unnerving for the bed he was laying on to go inside the machine that surrounded him, and it made a couple of weird noises here and there. From the outside, he heard his dad yell to him: "try not to move too much". He guessed that was so it worked, and he could only gulp as he got himself ready for Gaster to go ahead and scan him.

He didn't even know why he was so nervous. Perhaps it was the whole idea of the results he might get back, of what Gaster might say to him. Maybe he might say that this whole thing was a bad idea, because his soul was so damaged and maybe it was hurting the baby. Or he might say something like everything was good and there was nothing to worry about. Or there was everything to worry about. Okay... He just needed to stop himself from thinking, otherwise he was going to freak out. Funny, wasn't it? How before in the past he acted like such a tough skeleton, but here he was, thrown into a terrifying situation, and it was extremely difficult for him to act calm in moments where he was truly full of terror.

Before he had gone into the machine, his girlfriend had obviously noticed how anxious he was; if anyone could tell when he was feeling something, it was always Frisk. She was too good at reading him sometimes to the point it was almost scary, as he hadn't always been used to people reading him so well. He had been more used to keeping people out, and having people not knowing what he was thinking. But now? Things like that were totally different around Frisk. It could feel like both a blessing and a curse. A blessing, because then she was able to be there for him when he needed someone, but it was also a curse, because sometimes he just wished he wasn't so easily readable, and he didn't want to seem... Weak. 

But because she had saw how nervous he was about all of this, she gave him encouraging words to keep calm, telling him just to manage his breathing if he felt like he was truly that scared, and that she was only outside of the machine if he felt afraid. Though, to be fair, being a monster who was carrying their potential child, did make it hard not to be a complete mess when it came to emotions. Nowadays he could seem like a weak crybaby, who would just sob nonstop as his emotions would just get set off for no apparent reason by even the tiniest things. And sometimes he would seem like a terrifying beast, ready to rip someone's head off if they even looked at him wrong. There were hardly moments where it was in between these days, where he was completely and entirely calm. 

The whole scanning process felt like it went on forever, but before he knew it, the bed he was laying on was slowly reversing out of the machine, and he finally had the freedom to be able to sit up and move, as he had to be utterly stiff as a board in that damn machine. Frisk and Papyrus came over to him, smiling, while Gaster appeared to still be busy looking at a nearby screen, appearing thoughtful as he was probably waiting for things to come up on the screen. "so, give it to me straight, doc." Sans joked from where he was sitting, hoping to make things feel less tense than they actually were. 

The air in the room, at least for him, felt as thick as a blanket right now, as he was concerned his dad was going to tell him that everything was going to go horribly wrong. A few seconds passed, before his dad decided to speak from where he was standing at his screen. "Okay, well, do you want the good news first, or the bad news?" Gaster questioned, looking towards Sans who instantly tensed up at such a question, and feeling a bit on edge herself, Frisk decided to grip onto one of Sans' hands, as the two of them looked at each other, wondering what they would rather hear from the skeleton first.

"...It's up to you." Frisk had said, knowing if anyone had the right to decide what they heard first, it was him. He was the one who was going through all of this after all. Sans' pupils trailed to the floor for a moment, seeming to look back and forth between different areas on the ground, until he finally looked up again, making his decision. He wanted to hear the bad news first, get that out of the way and hopefully the good news will make it less sombre. 

"Well, the bad news is, you guys are incapable of going to any kind of hospital, due to the fact that if you were found out going to any kind of place with a lot of cameras, there's the good chance Undyne might figure out where you're hiding and track you down." Gaster explained. "The truth is, you would be just fine, if you were able to go to a hospital, because they would be able to monitor you and make sure everything is okay with your soul being in a more delicate condition than most others." He added, which instantly made Sans' mood sour, which was evident by the worrisome and glum expression on his face. "However..." Gaster added. 


"The good news is that there is a solution to that. Because of your soul's condition, I wouldn't have encouraged trying to have it at home, which is where the danger of it all can creep in. Especially without a professional. But I can always help you, having quite a lot of knowledge in that area, having to study it and all. Of course... If it's too strange for me to help you, as I am your father, then it might be possible to find someone else to help you." Gaster went on, at least until the other skeleton was quick to interrupt him.

"of course i would trust ya to do it. ya think i'm just gonna trust some random stranger with somethin' like that?" Sans questioned with an eyebrow risen towards his father, who looked surprised for a second, before his face did break into a small smile while he chuckled. Of course. Sans still wasn't exactly a trusting person of strangers, even if eventually trusting a stranger was what caused the best thing to ever happen to him - Frisk. But that was different. Him and Frisk had gotten to know each other over a period of time. He wasn't just going to trust some random stranger with his broken soul, or delivering their child. 

"I see... Well, if you have no objections with that, then everything should be fine. I'll have to come to you when the time comes, but it should be no problem." Gaster told them, as Muffet or Mettaton or even both would simply escort him from point A to B without him being noticed. It was a bit of a pain and inconvenience, but it didn't matter if it was manageable. "Though, there is something else you two should see." The oldest skeleton said, walking over to where the screen was that he had been looking at. It was pretty convenient the thing was on wheels, as he simply wheeled it over in front of Sans, instead of getting him to walk over, as he knew he'd probably want to stay sitting down for this. 

"So, this is your soul." Gaster pointed out, explaining what the slightly fuzzy image on the screen was. "And this little thing here..." He pointed to what looked like a very small, upside heart (like Frisk's soul) upon the screen. "Is them." He finished, seeing the wide eyed looks from both Sans and Frisk. Papyrus was also curious as to what was on the screen, so he did go to look, only to have the same look of wonder that Sans and Frisk both had. Gaster was smiling, just waiting to see who was going to break down crying first, because you did usually get emotional with these kinds of things. He knew he did when his wife - God bless her soul - ended up being pregnant with Sans, and then Papyrus.

"oh wow..." Sans whispered, blinking for a second, almost as if his eyes were fooling him, and for once, instead of him beginning to cry, Frisk was the first to start, clinging onto his hand as she smiled through her tears. Sans couldn't help but laugh a little and he went to pull her close, causing her to sit next to him and they wrapped their arms around each other, bumping their heads together as they stared at the screen. 

"Papyrus, maybe we should give the two a moment." Gaster whispered to the youngest skeleton, who simply nodded with a beaming grin, following his father to exit. From then on, it was quite silent between the skeleton and the human, only because seeing an image of what was going to be their kid definitely made things all the more real for them, (as if things weren't real enough already)! 

"I'm happy..." Frisk whispered, sniffling as she tried to wipe away her tears. "It's still a weird experience, having you go through all of this instead of me... I always thought I would have our first child." Frisk giggled, causing Sans to quietly chuckle with her. "Even though this whole thing was so unexpected... I'm happy..." Frisk sighed softly, while Sans gently nodded. He knew throughout this whole thing, he would probably continue being afraid. But there was one thing for absolute definite. 

"yeah... i'm happy too.

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