Heading Back [128]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus. 

Again, sorry for slow updates. Haven't had access to a computer for a while so I've been having to write on my phone, as I got to share my computer with one of my siblings for a bit. Also sometimes motivation is still hard to come by, (but I still want to write this story)! Hope you enjoy this part.


When arriving home, Papyrus had no idea that he would come home to more than one familiar face, as he was surprised to see not only Frisk and Sans chatting away in the living room, but Mettaton was here too, (which of course made the taller skeleton happy, as he liked having the robot around from time to time, even if it was by surprise).

"METTATON!" Papyrus called upon seeing the robotic figure sitting on the couch, a smile plastered across his face. The three who had once been talking, all turned towards the exclamation from the younger brother of the skeleton family.

"oh, hey bro, welcome home." Sans replied, watching Mettaton going to get up from his seat to step over towards Papyrus and deliver him a hug, which appeared to take Papyrus off guard, but he accepted it nonetheless. Had Sans still been in a foul mood, he probably would have growled like an angry barking dog at Mettaton for getting close to Papyrus, (even though it didn't actually bother him that much, even if he wanted to be protective). He didn't think Mettaton would harm him... At least, for now anyway. If that tin can did ever upset his little brother, he would be paying for it.

"HELLO, SANS, FRISK. AND METTATON, WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE TODAY?" Papyrus asked, as he pulled away from the hug that him and the other monster were sharing. Then again, when he took the time to think about it, his friend did show up whenever he felt like it, normally with Muffet. So, maybe it was just another one of those surprise visits to see how they were doing, and that was basically how Mettaton put it. He did come back here to check up on them, especially for the others back at home, just to make sure that they were okay.

"Just visiting. Though by the sounds of what Frisk and Sans have told me, you're all coming home with me today. It's not permanent, you'll still be living here. There's just an important matter the two love birds have to take care of." Mettaton explained to Papyrus, who looked as if Mettaton had just spoken another language.

"Yeah, we need to talk to your father, Papyrus. About Sans. That's why we're heading back. But we don't plan to get caught." Frisk reassured him, knowing that being caught by Undyne is probably something he would be worried about. They all were worried about it, but they would rather take the risk than to sit by doing nothing at all. Frisk had to know how to make Sans' situation as safe as it could be for him. She wouldn't allow this world to take him from her, like the way it chose to steal away her parents.

"IT'S FOR THE BEST IF WE DON'T GET CAUGHT... WE GOT LUCKY ONCE, I DON'T KNOW IF WE WOULD HAVE THAT SAME LUCK AGAIN." Papyrus pointed out, which Sans and Frisk knew was likely true. Then again, they had been very lucky in most dangerous situations they had ever been in. However, it was only a matter of time before their luck would actually run out, and juggling between life and death recklessly was not a good idea. They would have to be careful in order to never be caught. Just get back home, see what to do with Sans, and then get back to their new, recent home, without being seen by that fish lady or any of her possible CIA minions.

"Don't worry, darling, I won't let anything happen to you." Mettaton teased towards the youngest brother with a flirtatious smile, and upon seeing Sans starting to glare a little, he continued. "To any of you. Now, bring anything you might need. Though you won't be away for long. So don't think you need to pack a suitcase like you're going on holiday. I'll be waiting in the car." Mettaton joked, before heading towards the front door to wait for them to be ready. Sans frowned.

"what if we do actually get caught tryin' to sneak back? i don't want anythin' to happen to ya guys..." He paused, thinking for a moment as he sighed. "or to them." He added, clearly talking about the baby, and hearing Sans clearly so concerned about them made Frisk's heart melt. To her, it would always remain clear that he was afraid of this whole baby thing, as was she, but the fact that he had even decided to go through with it, or that he wanted to protect the child was also so precious of him.

"if we get caught and i have to tell them, there's no doubt that they'll get taken from us, frisk. i know the thought of havin' a child or even a family scares the shit out of me. but i don't want to have to go through it all, only to know that i'll never even get to hold them." Sans muttered, glaring down at the ground with a mix of sadness, worry and anger at the thought of something like that happening.

"WE WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN, SANS. DON'T FORGET THAT WE'RE ALL HERE FOR YOU, NOT JUST FRISK." Papyrus warmly smiled towards his anxious older brother, who glanced towards him at his kind, uplifting words. Nodding in agreement, Frisk smiled and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, kissing him on the skull as she did. With an exhale of breath, Sans slowly hugged his girlfriend in return, just wanting everything to end up being okay. He hadn't trained in awhile, neither did he really feel like he would have the energy for it if something went down. He couldn't allow himself to get hurt like he did last time, otherwise that would only put their little one in danger.

"okay... let's just get ready to go i guess." Sans muttered over Frisk's shoulder, and with that being said, they parted from their hug, and went to grab their coats and shoes. Sans hated to feel so nervous, when in the past he had never managed to feel so afraid of anything when his personality had become hardened from the hardships of life. But back then, he didn't have much to lose, when now he had the possibility of losing so much; of losing everything that made him the happiest he had probably ever been.

When getting in the car, Sans just wanted to be left alone to his thoughts, so he wanted to stare out the window during the journey, watching the scenery pass by as Mettaton drove. Frisk was sitting at the back with him, keeping an eye on him to make sure he was okay, while also having a conversation with the two sitting at the front of the car.

While anxious herself about anything going wrong, Frisk was looking forward to seeing everyone they hadn't seen in awhile. She missed everyone who she had been spending so much time with since joining the Mafia, and she couldn't wait to be greeted by all of them again. While Sans seemed scared, Frisk was sure at the same time he was likely happy to be seeing his father again. After all, his and Papyrus' father was a good man, and the bond they shared was a special family bond.

She knew he would be able to help them.

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