Haven't Changed [65]

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This was fine. Somehow, the two of them would get out of this situation alive. At least for the moment they hadn't decided to kill Sans, as they appeared like they still needed him for some kind of sick and twisted amusement. Weirdly enough they had actually patched up some of Sans' wounds and gave him a sling for his broken arm. But they were likely just healing him up some so he would stay alive longer, and then they could kill him later.

With their backs to the wall, the couple sat side by side as they were being held in a cell with no way out. They could only see the outside world through the bars, as people came and went to sneer at them like they were circus freaks. Sans exhaled when they were left alone for a moment.

"i'm so sorry, frisk..." The skeleton decided to sullenly murmur, causing his girlfriend to stare towards him as he looked down at the ground with that miserable expression across his face.

"i should have tried harder to convince ya to stay away. now we're both in trouble, and they're probably... they're probably gonna kill us both eventually..." Sans quietly spoke, glancing down at what looked like a metal bracelet put around his wrist. It stopped him from using any kind of magic if he even wanted to attempt and possibly almost kill himself again. He couldn't teleport them out of here.

"You don't need to apologise, Sans. It's my fault. I should have just listened to you when you told me to hide. But I couldn't stand the idea of just standing by as they waltzed off with you." Frisk replied, going to gently put her hand on top of the skeleton's, giving it a small squeeze.

"but i'm supposed to protect ya!" Sans growled at the ground in frustration at himself and how incapable he felt. Normally he was able to save Frisk. But because of this one unfortunate event, he felt like a failure. He couldn't do shit.

"You protect me all the time. Way too many times to count, actually." Frisk sadly smiled at him, when he finally glanced towards her, taking his pupils away from the filthy, uncleaned floor, and instead he stared into Frisk's beautiful eyes. "Just because you might have been unable to once, you shouldn't be hard on yourself. Even if we do die here, I'm just glad that I'm still with you." Frisk said. Hearing her say that, slowly he shook his head, before without warning going to pull her in for a kiss. She was a little taken off guard, but she gladly closed her eyes, kissing him with much love and affection in return.

"i won't let 'em kill us. we'll get outta this somehow." He muttered quietly, when he barely pulled his face back, having their foreheads gently touched together. Smiling, Frisk took her hands, placing them on the skeleton's cheekbones.

"I believe in you, Sans." Frisk answered softly, which got a quiet chuckle out of the skeleton who remained very much in love. Whatever happened, he wouldn't let anything happen to her. His love for her had become way too strong, so strong to the point he'd gladly risk himself to save her.

Sadly, the touching moment was interrupted when footsteps could be heard, tapping against the ground with every step this person took. Frowning, Sans and Frisk slowly turned their heads in the direction of the sound, seeing a dark hooded figure walking towards their cell, before stopping, right in front of the bars. They were silent for a moment, just seeming to stare from under the dark shadow that was looming over their eyes and face. Until a small smirk began to spread across their mouth. "Well, if it isn't Sans..." Their female voice spoke, causing the skeleton to narrow his eyes a little in both confusion and caution.

"and who the fuck are ya? how about ya show your face, rather than hidin' under that hood of yours?" He grumbled, only causing the strange girl to laugh. Frisk remained silent, watching the scene unfold. She had no idea who this person was, and Sans seemed just as thoughtful as she was. On the other hand this woman knew the skeleton.

"I was planning on doing that anyway." She said, going to slowly move her hands up towards her hood. "I was just thinking about how many years it's been, that's all." She chuckled, finally pulling down the hood. Surprised, Frisk rose her eyebrows, seeing that they weren't human. No, they were a monster. A monster that looked like she had the face of a fox, with amazing looking fur, and striking dark blue eyes.

Seeing her face, there was only one word to describe how Sans was feeling right now. And that was terrified. "holy shit, blair?!" This was probably the first time where Frisk had actually heard Sans' voice actually shake slightly out of fear. It was clear by just that reaction alone, and the fact that it felt like he was trying to stay as close to the wall as possible, he knew her. Clearly not for good reasons.

"Oh? You remember my name. And you're still afraid of me? Awh, bless. You haven't changed one bit." Blair smirked, placing a hand on her hip as Sans growled a little under his breath. Frisk continued to hold onto the skeleton's hand, letting him make sure he knew she was still here, and she was here for him.

"fuck ya..." Sans snarled, still appearing to keep his distance, while holding onto Frisk's hand for dear life. He hated appearing so afraid, but he couldn't even act confident at this point. Not in the presence of Blair.

"How about you come closer and say that to my face? After all, it's been a long time since I've seen your face." Blair grinned, while Sans shook his head and cursed once more, not wanting to be anywhere near her. However, she didn't give him much of a choice, clicking her fingers, activating her magic. His soul was suddenly highlighted in a dark magical glow, before he was suddenly pulled forward, closer to the bars. Frisk yelped, feeling Sans' hand being tugged from hers when he was pulled forward.

"You're forgetting you taught me some new tricks." Blair smiled a devilish smile, staring closely at the glaring, pulling back skeleton. He didn't want to be anywhere near her, even if there were the cell bars that were keeping them apart. "But I've definitely missed seeing that look on your face." She spoke, going to reach through the gap in the bars, pressing a hand up against one of Sans' cheekbones. He tried to uncomfortably move away, to not much avail with her holding his soul.

"Leave him alone! Can't you see he's clearly uncomfortable!?" Frisk yelled at her, catching the attention of the fox. She huffed.

"Oh right, I almost forgot you were here. We might have to decide what to do with you later." She spoke, before smiling back at Sans. "But you? I'll see you later, Sansy~" She sang, going to kiss her fingers before touching it to his cheekbone. Then, she let go of his soul, letting him fall to the floor, with a grunt of pain, seeing as he still had his injuries.

Rushing to his side, Frisk frowned after the retreating fox monster, before glancing back towards Sans, who was actually shaking a little. "Are you okay?" She gently spoke, getting a gulp and a small nod from the worrisome monster.

"y-yeah... i'm fine..." Sans quietly replied. Frisk paused for a moment, just wanting to allow him to calm down a little, before asking any questions. Gently reassuringly rubbing his back, Frisk stayed silent as she was giving him time, before finally speaking.

"Who is she?" Frisk questioned, earning a sigh from the skeleton. He truthfully didn't want to admit who they were; he still didn't feel ready. But then he couldn't blame Frisk for being curious, when they decided to show up.

"she... she's my ex..." Sans quietly admitted.

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