Surprise [55]

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The 19th... Sans had never cared about what he was going to wear more than today. Before, he wouldn't have even cared. He would have just worn whatever the hell he felt like it, even if he ended up looking like a scruffy mess. Back then, it's not like he was trying to please anyone, was it? Now, he was hoping to look well presented in front of Frisk, not that he was expecting to catch her attention.

After shifting through a bunch of shirts, pants and hoodies later, Sans had finally chosen what he was going to wear. Just a blue hoodie, with a black NASA shirt, and long black baggy pants. He hadn't really known what else to wear.

When talking on the phone, (the day Frisk had asked him to hang out), the two agreed that Sans would go to Toriel's to meet up with her. On his way there, he had been wondering what Frisk would wear today. He wasn't disappointed.

"hey, frisk." Sans grinned, when she had answered the door to him. She had been standing there in a thick, grey turtleneck sweater, with black leggings and adorable beige coloured winter boots. He would have complimented her, had it not looked strange for it to come from his mouth.

"Hey!" Frisk beamed, showing the most real smile Sans had seen on her face in awhile. Past times when they had hung out, after Frisk's confession, she looked so awkward and uncomfortable. Now, she looked cheerful. Maybe him admitting that he didn't hate her had lifted her spirits some. He was glad.

"so, what exactly are we gonna do today? because ya didn't really tell me before in advance." Sans pointed out with a risen eyebrow, as Frisk stepped out and closed the front door behind her. Frisk thought, as they walked side by side, down the path, away from Toriel's.

"Well, we could hang out at the park for a bit." Frisk giggled with a smile. Nodding slowly, Sans didn't really mind the idea. So, he agreed.

What embarrassed him about this while thing, was how it kind of felt like... A date. Course, he knew that Frisk didn't mean it like that, she had Andrew, so this was just a kind, friendly gesture. Not to mention it would be wrong for him to treat it like a date. Frisk wasn't single so... Yeah.

On their way there, the two had also chosen to get some drinks and snacks from one of the stores near the park; Sans was feeling somewhat hungry. Frisk insisted they could eat later (seeing as she had the whole birthday surprise planned), but he didn't really listen as he didn't know about the surprise.

Strange. How kind Sans appeared to be to her now. Perhaps he was pretty serious about them now being friends. Maybe the fact that he had his dad back (and he had been speaking to his brother at the party) had been doing good things for him. Well, good. Because Frisk preferred him this way. When he was being more kind and not so aggressive. (Even if he could still have his sulky moments).

"What did you decide to buy?" Frisk had questioned, as she had been waiting patiently outside the store for him. He grinned widely as he showed her.

"well..." Sans started. "got some chocolate, two fizzy drinks - i thought ya could have one. and a pack of crisps."

"Well, you definitely know your audience." Frisk joked, considering she loved fizzy drinks. Sans had risen his eyebrows a little, before feeling a little embarrassed at her joke. Thankfully, she didn't notice as she was already getting ready to drink her drink. He went on to do the same.

Frisk just hoped she was able to keep the skeleton entertained until she had to go to their destination where the surprise party would be held. She didn't want to make him at all suspicious that something was up, and so far he didn't seem to notice. He was just opening one of the chocolate bars he decided to buy. Frisk faintly smiled.

"You seem in a better mood lately." She pointed out. Her just saying that, it almost made him choke on the chocolate that he was currently eating. Damn, was she suspicious of him? Did she know something? Had she noticed something was up?

"y-yeah? so what?" Sans gave her a bewildered look, while also trying his best to look annoyed that she'd say such a thing. Probably to not much success.

"Well... I don't know, I just thought it was because your dad has been around lately. And I noticed you talking to your brother at the party. I didn't even know you two were on speaking terms." Frisk admitted. Sans had always tried his hardest to avoid the younger skeleton. But at that party, the two had actually been face to face with one another.

"o-oh... well, we weren't until..." That day that he saw Frisk and Andrew kiss. He frowned a little at the thought. "...well, i accidentally ran into him once and we just... kinda talked things out." Sans shrugged, saying that last bit a bit quieter, considering he had ruined his mood with the Frisk and Andrew thing. That was just his luck, wasn't it?

"Huh?" Frisk noticed the look on his face suddenly appeared frustrated, and instantly she felt a pang of regret. Maybe she should stop talking about things he likely didn't want to talk about. Like she always did. She didn't want to ruin his mood on his birthday. So she tried her best to form harmless conversation, without angering Sans, for the rest of the time that they were hanging out at the park.

"what should we do next?" Sans went on to ask, earning a small grin from Frisk. She wasn't going to tell him, even if he asked questions. This whole thing was a surprise, and she didn't want to ruin it.

"You'll see. Stop asking questions." She teased, saying something that Sans always used to bark at her, about asking too many questions. Just with her saying that, it got a small glare from him, but somehow Frisk didn't feel like it was real.

Chocolate eaten and some of their fizzy drinks drank, the two continued to converse a little more, not wanting to move too quick in case they made themselves feel sick. Though Frisk didn't want to be late, so she knew they would have to get up and go eventually. She just hoped she was able to direct Sans in the right direction to get where they needed to go, seeing as he was the one driving. This made her think she really needed a drivers licence.

Anyway, so far so good. After a couple minutes of driving, Sans pulled up on the kerb, stopping exactly where Frisk had told him to. Truthfully, he was confused as to what Frisk was up to, and couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous. But she wouldn't answer any of his questions.

"Close your eyes." She had said when he had gotten out of the car. Okay, now this was getting really, really weird. Just what was she up to?!

"uh, w-what?" Sans couldn't help the stutter, feeling a tad humiliated inside his skull as when Frisk had told him to close his eyes, his mind ran a million miles a hour at the possible reasons as to why she might say such a thing. Was she going to offer him a kiss or something? No, of course not, Sans. Don't be silly.

"Don't worry, I'm not doing anything weird. Just trust me." Frisk said, and for some reason when she said that, he just did as he was told, closing his eyes like she had said. He felt two hands, one on each of his shoulders, which began to push him lightly forward to start walking. And he did just that.

Walking when he couldn't see just made him concerned that he was going to trip up and land straight on his face. It almost made him want to open his eyes; he didn't. Frisk had asked him to trust her and... As scary as trusting someone was to him, he did just that. She wasn't going to hurt him.

"Alright, you can open your eyes." Frisk said. Hearing that, he did, and as he did, he went to speak.

"uh, frisk, what--" Before Sans had even got to finish his sentence, suddenly a loud outburst of voices just came rushing towards him.

"SURPRISE!" A bunch of monsters had yelled at once, scaring Sans almost to death. Balloons and party banners were displayed around area of the room they were in, and many recognisable faces were actually all beaming back at him. Had... Had Frisk planned this? He glanced to her, absolutely dumbfounded, and her smile said it all.

"Happy Birthday, Sans."

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