Priority [63]

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"How did talking to Andrew go?" It definitely could have gone better. True, maybe they had managed to find some sort of common ground after the guy's little outburst when he burst into tears. However, it was pretty clear the both of them were still uncomfortable, and Sans felt like it would be like that for a long time. Frisk was expecting him to try and just accept someone who he swore to be his enemy. He had many enemies, and he never made up with a single one of them. To have to suddenly do that just so it made Frisk less sad, (as Andrew was still her friend), it felt so alien to him. And it wasn't something he wanted to do. But he wanted to make Frisk happy. In the end, did he really have a choice?

"it went... eh." Sans shrugged. "i'm sorry, frisk, but i don't really think i can entirely like the guy. i mean, i'm tryin', but..." He admitted. For a moment, he had for once actually used some logic to understand what Andrew was whining about. Just because it sounded like his own brother, it had made him quiet for a moment, not wanting to argue against the fact that he apparently "wanted to keep his family safe". Not that Sans suddenly trusted him, or was his best bud. Truth be told he still hated him. He just perhaps hated him a little less. 

"Well... You tried I guess. It's better than nothing. I know I can't force you and Andrew to get along. It's just I don't want it to be a problem for you. Something that you keep getting frustrated about." She admitted with a small shrug, as she was watching Sans drive the car they were sitting in. They had actually been assigned to a mission together, and for once Frisk wasn't feeling utterly terrified. Probably because she knew she had the one she loved here to protect her. And she wanted to do whatever she could to protect him too. This mission hopefully wouldn't be as intense as the one they had where they had to save Gaster. Matter of fact on the way Sans had said it should just be a small task and then they'll be done. 

"i know, frisk... i'll be fine just as long as i stay away from him, and he keeps away from me." Sans grumbled a little, almost wanting to say that Andrew should stay away from her too. But he knew that would cause her to let out an exclamation of "What?!" in shock at such a thing. And he couldn't stop her from being friends with someone. He could be selfish, but with the girl he loved, he no longer had the power in him to be selfish. He wanted to think of her feelings too. "as long as things are like that, then..." Sans was speaking, just until he trailed off, seeming to frown slightly as he glanced towards the rear view mirror. It looked like there was a car that was following very closely behind them. A little too closely. Confused, Frisk opened her mouth to speak.

"What--" Before Frisk had even got her sentence out, a loud gunshot screeched into the air, which was then followed by the back window shattering. Frisk screamed out in shock, while Sans yelped and they both flinched a little in surprise, seeming to duck a little in their seats as some kind of reflex.

"hold that thought!" Sans shouted, suddenly slamming his foot on the acceleration pedal to speed the car up. Something like this just had to happen. Him and Frisk were just in their own little world, having a conversation, and these assholes had to come and try and jump them. They had to break his back window as well! How many more times was he going to have to get this car repaired?! That thought frustrated him like crazy as he turned a corner and another gunshot rang out, denting into the outside of the car. Frisk found it hard not to yelp when she heard each individual gunshot. She was still afraid. 

"don't worry, frisk! we'll get away safely!" Sans told her, making sure they wouldn't crash into any kind of walls while driving. He was trying his hardest to focus on the possible obstacles in front of him, while not wanting to get shot in the back of the head somehow. He had to lose these people, and fast. Before the shootings were reported and the CIA got involved. He couldn't end up coming face to face with Papyrus and his friends when he was in a situation like this. 

"Who are these people?!" Frisk cried, holding her hands over her ears as they sped along on the four wheels that were carrying them how many miles per hour. Sans took a moment, until he decided to answer that question.

"probably the people asgore sent us after, might have known we were comin' somehow." Sans replied, before once again cursing under his breath. "shit. at this rate, i'm never gonna lose 'em. they're right behind us..." He glanced towards Frisk for a second, seeming to think of an idea. "hey kid, any chance ya can take the wheel?

"What?!" She exclaimed, looking at him as if he was completely insane. She didn't know how to drive! She didn't even have a drivers licence. How in the world was Sans expecting her to do such a thing?! If he believed she could do it, he had way too much faith in her. "I-I can't drive! I've never driven a car in my life!"

"well, i would suggest for ya to try and lean out the window and shoot em'. but i don't think you're up for the task, neither do i really want ya to risk it either." Sans admitted. His worst fear was seeing her get shot in the head, considering she had no experience with these kinds of things. This is why he wanted her to stay away. He hated her getting put in danger during a mission like this. He didn't want her to get sent to an early grave. He didn't want to be the one standing over that grave wishing she was still here either. Just that thought was enough to make him shudder. 

"S-Sans..." Frisk stuttered. "I don't know... I don't know if I can." 

"we have to do somethin', frisk, otherwise we're both gonna die!" As he said that, they both once again yelped as another bullet could be heard crashing into the car on impact. Damn it all. She really had no choice, did she? Maybe this whole thing about coming back to the headquarters was a bad idea. She was still absolutely terrified out of her mind to do anything. But she just had to help Sans. Help Sans and they could both get through this.

"O-Okay... Just be careful." Frisk told him, nodding a little with a fearful expression plastered across her face. Seeing how scared she was, Sans sighed, before deciding to plant a quick kiss on her lips. Hopefully that wouldn't be a kiss goodbye. 

"i will. now hold onto the steerin' wheel. keep your eyes on the road." He told her, allowing her to do just that before he picked up his pistol, checking how many bullets were inside the clip before smoothly slotting it back inside. Narrowing his eyes, he opened his window, before going to lean out, aiming carefully for the car. 

Pulling the trigger several times, Sans tried his best to try and shoot out one of the tires, while trying his best not to get shot. He had been shot before, and it was not a pleasant feeling. It was only one that was filled with agony and pain. When running out of bullets, he sat back inside the car properly, before adding another round of bullets, and then proceeding to lean back out the window again. This time after a couple of shots, he managed to get someone inside the car. Not the driver unfortunately. And they still had another person in the car who was shooting at them.

Okay, okay... He could do this. He just had to take them out. Once again, sitting back in his seat, he was just changing the clip, when he glanced forward and his eyes widened in terror. He could tell Frisk was horrified too, by the fact she was now proceeding to scream, as the car was hurtling forward towards a short wall that they were getting ready to pound right into. And with how fast the car was going, there was likely no way they would be able to stop it. They wouldn't even be able to put on seat belts quick enough.

  Knowing he had no other choice, he wrapped his arms right around Frisk, just as the car connected with the wall. Being hurtled from the car, Sans felt his back smash through the car windshield as he was holding tightly onto Frisk, trying his best to protect her, before they also proceeded to smash through a store window, hitting the wall inside. It was hard not to cry out in pain when he smacked into everything, but on a positive note as they both fell to the floor, he had managed to protect Frisk. 

Protecting her was his number one priority. 

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