Always Together [88]

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Nightmares were always the worst. They were the things that would keep Frisk up at night when they decided to occur. The lucky thing was that she wasn't the only one that suffered from them. Sans had them from time to time too, and the nice thing about living together was that they were able to aid each other's suffering with cuddles and words of comfort. And then until the nightmare came back, it would feel as if it had never happened. They would be smiling and talking afterwards. 

When living at Toriel's, comfort for nightmares wasn't something that was easy to come by. Being too kind, not wanting to wake anyone up at night, she would never ask for her family's assistance to cheer her up from her nightmares, to calm her down. Now, she had Sans for that, and he had her. What did she have nightmares about? It was always the same thing. That day when Sans' life had been at stake.

She remembered holding the gun. How her hands shook, and how she could see the one she loved (though, at that time she hadn't known she loved him), being pummelled in the face by some unknown stranger. She knew that if she didn't pull that trigger, Sans would be killed. She had to fire. Her breathing intensified, and her hands continued to jerk rapidly with the killer object in her hands. It wasn't possible to forget how it looked when the bullet fired from that gun, how it sounded when it flew into the air. The way it looked when it connected with the stranger's skull, stealing his life away. She had become a murderer. Something she never thought she would become. Ever. 

Before, she had just been a normal teenage girl. Well, as normal as a teenager could be when living on the street. The worst crime she thought she could ever commit was stealing. That had been bad enough. Trying to steal food and maybe even money from random strangers just to survive. Doing that was something that improved her skill at running away from things. Though while her running away had been good she didn't always have the most amazing reflexes when faced with danger. It was her bad reflexes that got her into problems like that other time she tried to save Sans. Another situation where she found a gun in her hands. A second time she thought of shooting someone. Only not managing to do it quickly enough.

Blair had been someone she had managed to pull the trigger on. Hesitating was something she hadn't even done. Sans' life had been in risk when she saw that fox over his shoulder getting ready to point a gun at him and shoot him in the back of the skull. Thankfully, her shot had missed her head and it only wounded her shoulder. She thought thankfully, because she didn't want to murder any more people. Even if Blair was like a witch in disguise. The more she killed, the more she became numb - is that what it would be like? She didn't want to be a killer. 

A far away voice was saying something to her, as she was in a panicked, shook up state. Right now, she couldn't hear clearly what they were saying, that's probably why they had to keep repeating themselves until she could hear them. After a couple of attempts, she finally could hear what a familiar voice was saying to her: "frisk, wake up!" It was Sans, trying to wake her up from her nightmare. And in a moment, she jolted awake, breathing at a great, uneasy pace with tears streaming down her face. 

Her bright, wide, gleaming blue eyes stared back into Sans' dark open sockets. His two white, worried pupils were staring back at her, flitting slightly with concern, until he let out a small sigh of relief, glad to see she was awake. "frisk? are ya okay? look, it was just a nightmare. you're at home, see?" He was still getting used to the fact that this apartment was their home now, not just his. Holding her human form close in his arms, he tried to softly shush her as she was quietly sniffling. He felt full sympathy for her, he knew what it was like to be truly terrified of your nightmares. Bad dreams of his past was something the skeleton had always feared the most. It was when he appeared at his weakest.

"Y-Yeah... Thank you, Sans." Frisk stuttered quietly, clinging to Sans all the while. It was nice to hear him say the words of "no problem". For now, she just went silent, wanting to take the time to calm down from her terrifying dream. However, all she could do was keep thinking about it. "How do you do it? Kill someone, I mean. You're basically a hired killer, aren't you?" Frisk spoke quietly, feeling Sans tense some at that. With her two eyes, she glanced towards his face, which had a small frown spread across it. 

"...i'm not proud of it. just 'cause it's my job, doesn't mean i enjoy it." Sans replied, his pupils went to stare towards the bedroom walls as if the wallpaper was the most interesting thing to look at. "like i think i might have mentioned before, i was like ya. i wasn't very good at handlin' guns, or shootin' people. i... only became more used to it because i kept doin' it." Sans explained sadly. Shooting another live person wasn't something that exactly shook him up anymore with how much he had become accustomed to it, due to his job. If you were told to kill someone, because you had to do it, you didn't question it. 

 "That makes sense, I guess." Frisk whispered. Even she had become used to such a world, where death was always a possibility. She was dating a man who had committed murder, and she never turned a sickened thought towards it. Probably because she wasn't one to talk - she had murdered someone herself, and she would never forget it. Not ever. 

"i know, frisk... i know it's hard. but you're not a bad person. not like me.

"Shut up. You're not a bad person either." Frisk answered back, before sighing. "We're both messes ourselves." She giggled a little at that, going to wipe away the tears from her eyes, while Sans chuckled quietly himself, continuing to hold his girlfriend close. "I guess that's another reason why we're perfect for each other." She added, while Sans smiled at that. "I honestly believe we're perfect for each other though. I never want to lose you."

"i never want to lose ya either. not ever." Sans replied in a whisper, going to gently kiss Frisk on the top of her head. Clearly they were both just so attached to each other. They had become accustomed to being within each other's presence. The skeleton and the human would likely never get over the fact how they had started off from two people who really didn't get along, to two people who no longer could live without each other. They had come so far, and it only made them wonder together what the future held for the two of them. With how far they had already come, it made them have such a deep belief in the life they could have together. 

"You won't lose me, I can promise that." Frisk nodded. "You don't have to go to work tomorrow, do you?" She asked, which only earned a shake of the head from the skeleton. As far as he knew, he didn't have to go in, which made Frisk beam widely with happiness. That meant they would actually get to spend time together tomorrow. Maybe they could go out somewhere. "Good. Tomorrow we can spend the day together then." 

"sounds good to me." Sans agreed, loving the sound of that himself. He wasn't sure what they would get up to, but whatever it was that they chose to do he would be fine with as long as he was at Frisk's side. From here on out, the pair continued to talk and talk through the night, at least until Frisk began to slowly drift off to sleep again, and the monster could only grin, glad that she was getting more sleep. He wished her sweet dreams, while continuing to cuddle her in his arms as he too closed his eyes to fall into a peaceful slumber.

Away from all the nightmares.

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