Better Terms [5]

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"Have you ever held a gun before?" The teenage girl had asked Frisk, as they were in a training room, firing at multiple targets with real guns. Which meant they were really loud, so they had to wear ear protection and goggles to protect their eyes too. This had been a couple of days later, and Sans was nowhere to be seen. But he was probably taking care of business elsewhere. He wasn't the one who was expected to train Frisk after all.

"Not really." Frisk admitted. She tried to fire a couple of bullets, only to frown when she completely missed the target at least several times. Chara shook her head as she sighed and then proceeded  to chuckle.

"I can tell." Chara pointed out, going to step behind her to sort out her aim. "Loosen your arms a little. You're tensed up way too much." She said, aiming Frisk's gun carefully at the target. "Carefully put your finger over the trigger... Breathe in and out and just take a shot. Okay?" 

"Okay... Okay..." Frisk did exactly as Chara instructed, taking a small breath to try and calm herself somewhat so she could have better aim on the target. She soon fired, surprised when she just managed to hit the shoulder of the cardboard target. 

"Not bad. Still, you could still do with a lot of practice. But that's good enough for a first day. Asriel is probably going to have to train you in moving around, trying to be quick on your feet. Physical activities basically." She explained, carefully taking the gun from within Frisk's grip. She slowly nodded. 

"I just hate the idea of trying to shoot a person in the head... It's morbid." Frisk gulped. Chara shrugged.

"Maybe that's your problem. Try not to think of them as people." Chara told her, which only caused Frisk to slightly scrunch up her nose in discomfort. "Hey, I never said killing was easy. But you're going to have to get good at it eventually, if you want to be able to defend yourself." She added. Frisk still didn't like the idea of having to kill, even if it was for self defence. "Anyway, Asriel is probably going to be training you next. So, go through the door and to the next room. He'll be training you in there."

"Okay..." Frisk exhaled, going to leave her to her devices, as she seemed to be sorting out the guns, while Frisk headed through the next door. Though, instead of seeing Asriel there after going through the hard metal door, she saw Sans standing around, looking bored. "O-Oh... Hi. Where's Asriel?"

"not here right now." Sans explained. "he had to attend to some mission or somethin'. so i had to be the one to train you instead." He shrugged. Truthfully, he hadn't been the one who wanted to do it. But it seemed like everyone else was too busy, and again he had to be the one who was responsible for Frisk. Which he hated with a burning passion. 

"Oh, right." She answered, looking around the large room they were standing in, which probably had to be the same size as her old school gym when she actually used to go to school. There were a lot of what looked like obstacles lying around the room and it really did make her think of gymnastics - something she was actually pretty good at at school. She could tell that Sans was likely already judging her the moment she walked in the room, but she could prove him wrong. 

"alright, so in here, is where you'll be trained physically. it's no good tryin' to do missions that will likely require a lot of you movin' around, maybe even having to chase after someone and jump over obstacles if you can't do it. let's see what you can do." He said. "not that i'm expectin' a lot." He finished harshly, which actually earned an eye roll from Frisk which Sans did in fact notice. It's what caused a glare to slip upon his face as she went to walk over to her rightful place where she would start the physical activities. 

Okay, Frisk... You'll show him. She thought to herself. Truthfully, she probably had no reason to prove herself to the skeleton. She knew that she wasn't a weakling, why did she have to prove to him of all people that he wasn't? Well, whatever. She could tell those two pin prick pupils of his were watching her, so she'd show what she was made of.

Watching with a lack of interest, the skeleton stood with his arms crossed just waiting for the girl to get on with it. When she did start off into a run to pull herself up over the first obstacle, he expected her to maybe hesitate and mess it up - a common mistake a lot of beginners tended to make when they were nervous about hurting themselves. However, he was actually surprised to see that she got over it, which wasn't what he was expecting. Seeing that she managed to get through a couple of the activities one by one, his interest did start to peak. Well then, maybe this wouldn't be as boring as he thought.


Lying around upon one of the comfy mats upon the ground around a hour and a half later, Frisk was just trying to catch her breath after working herself hard today. Though, when she noticed Sans looming over her she could only frown and feel a slight sinking feeling in her stomach when he still looked unimpressed. "So, how did I do?" She asked, going to pull herself to sit up. She was expecting some kind of rude response, so she didn't really have high hopes. Especially with that expression of his.

"heh. well, you're definitely not as unfit as i would have expected you to be." Sans admitted, which actually earned a cheerful proud smile from Frisk. Sans rolled his eyes as he held out a hand towards her to pull her up off the ground. "don't go gettin' smug just because i gave you a compliment. that doesn't mean ya don't need any work. still,  you're not as bad as i originally would have thought. where did you learn to move like that?"

"Uh, at school I guess, when I used to go." Frisk shrugged. "We used to do gymnastics a lot." 

"well, it's almost like they knew what you'd need in the future." Sans joked with a small shrug. "but yeah... good job today i guess, kid." He finished, causing the both of them to fall into silence as they left the room together. Frisk was super happy she might have managed to gain a better reputation around Sans, not that it really should have mattered all that much. But then again, he was the one she tended to speak to the most. And who knew? Maybe in the future they'd have to work together, so it was always a good idea to try and get on good terms. 

Maybe being part of the Mafia wouldn't be as terrible as she thought it would be. 

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