Beautiful Princess [71]

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The skeleton would be lying if he said seeing Blair locked behind bars didn't bring him any feeling of satisfaction; truthfully, it did. It did by a... Skele-ton. It was crazy to think that they had actually managed to capture her. And of course when she was brought in, she was recognised by other members of the Mafia - considering she had been part of the Mafia herself. That was how she and Sans met in the first place, how they had fallen in love when Sans had first believed that the fox was his soul mate. But he had been mistaken. Now that he had Frisk, maybe he was gladly mistaken.

"it doesn't feel good, does it?" Sans asked, standing with his arms crossed, and his eyes narrowed at the quiet monster inside the cell, who surprisingly hadn't said much since arriving. True, she had been trying to kick and scream when they had first captured her. Now, she was just silent, not even looking at the skeleton who was questioning her. "you're pathetic. now that ya got no one to help ya, ya can't talk for shit." He growled at her, causing her to look at him. He sighed, falling quiet for a second, until he spoke up again. "i just don't understand why ya did it. why all those years ago, ya had to betray me.

"Does it really matter?" Blair snapped at him in return. This only made him glare daggers at her due to her words. What the fuck was she saying? Of course it mattered! He deserved a damn reason, didn't he?! Rather than being stuck looking back on that one moment in his life, just feeling terrified that everyone he cared for would be out to get him. She had ruined him. She ruined his life. She turned him into the thing he hated, so fucking much. He was never proud of what he had become, of how he treated people, of how he tried to push everyone away. It's not like he went home at the end of every day feeling like a champion. No, he just felt alone. Like it was him against everyone else. And that it had to stay that way, otherwise he would come to more harm, like what Blair had done to him. 

"yeah, it fuckin' does!" Sans seethed. "ya told me that ya loved me! we had so much - until the end of our relationship. where ya started to change." He grumbled, seeming to stand there and think about it, imagining the images of what their relationship had been like inside his head, as if it had just been yesterday. Like he had told Frisk, when they were together at first, it felt sweet. Their relationship had been nice, he had loved it. He felt cared for, and he loved that for the first time in his life he got to show that kind of affection towards another person. He never knew he could really be romantic until the first time he had a relationship. For all he knew, Blair could have been the person he would have ended up with. That was what he thought at the time anyway. But things changed, just like her. 

"i guess the money and the job was just more important to ya than i ever was." Sans spat, shaking his head in disgust. Hearing him say that, Blair got off of the ground, then she stepped towards the bars, going to grab them in her hands as she stared back at the skeleton, a glum expression on her face.

"And like you didn't always think about the money when you did what you did?" Blair asked, only for Sans to scoff and shake his head. Why in the world would he want to put money before the person he loved? He'd never do that to Frisk. He made enough money doing what he already did. If someone offered him a billion more just to hurt the person he loved, or to defect to another group, he wouldn't do it. Because he had all he could possibly want here. He had friends, family, Frisk... He was comfortable here. Even if he wasn't all that proud of his job. 

"fuck no. i would have never turned against ya if i even had the opportunity back then." Sans answered. "i guess ya just weren't the person i thought ya were. ya really fooled me." Ever since the day he had barely survived from being kidnapped by her, he had felt like the biggest idiot on the planet. Since that day, he had sworn off relationships. He had sworn off falling in love. He never wanted to feel that stupid feeling ever again, he never wanted to fall in love with the possibility of being so badly hurt once again. Then Frisk just had to come along, and turn everything upside down. But in the best way. She... She was a good person. This time, Sans was certain. Frisk would never betray him. And that was something he was sure of.

"Pfft. Well, you better enjoy your current relationship while you can, because I doubt even that girl you're with now is the most perfect angel." Blair smirked, almost as if she was reading his current thoughts. But Sans believed she was wrong. He knew she was wrong. The fox had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. There was no way Frisk would want to do what the monster did, and that was to take his soul, trying to shatter it into a million fragments, like little bits of glass.

"i know what kinda person frisk is. i'm certain this time." Sans replied, seeing the surprised look on her face, while she was bewildered that her words hadn't even got him to falter or hesitate. She had expected him to feel fearful that Frisk would possibly betray him. However, he really believed in that human that much? "she's not ya. and if anythin', i believe in the future i have with her. one hundred percent. ya can try to scare me, ya can say whatever the fuck ya want. but i know one thing for certain. and that is ya don't know a single fuckin' thing about frisk.

With that said, he turned on his heel to leave, shoving his hands into his pants pockets, as he heard Blair complaining after him that he was going to regret this later. But he kept on walking, without looking back. Blair could die in that cell for all he cared. He didn't want anyone to look after her, he didn't want anyone to treat her like she was a good person. No, she deserved to just rot in that cell and that was that. A person like her, didn't deserve any kind of redemption. He wanted her to die. By his own hand if she had to.

Thinking back to Frisk, a small smile actually did fall on the skeletons face. She had decided to stay up at Grillby's, deciding to get something to eat with Chara, Asriel and Andrew. It had annoyed him a little to see Andrew there, but thankfully the idiot hadn't caused any trouble. Matter of fact, he had probably been a bit of a help when he had stayed back to help Chara and Asriel stop anyone from getting through that door. So... Maybe he could let him off the hook for now and not scowl at him for showing up uninvited.

After that horrible time he and Frisk had, being kidnapped and all, Sans thought maybe it would be nice to have a day off from work. Maybe to have a nice date or something once again, one of these days. Considering that dinner they had at his birthday hadn't exactly gone to plan. True, that night had still been amazing, considering that was the night he and Frisk had gotten together - on his birthday. Maybe he should find out when Frisk's birthday was, and they could go out then. Yeah, he liked that idea.

He wanted nothing more than to treat the love of his life like she was nothing more than a beautiful princess. 

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