Freak Out [132]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.    


Alphys, the yellow dinosaur, couldn't help but notice that ever since her wife stopped obsessing over the case about where ever the hell that skeleton Sans had disappeared off to, Undyne had become a cheerier person again, which was a good thing to see, as in previous months when her mind had been so focused on one case, it seemed like it had been driving her utterly crazy. Sometimes it was difficult not to still think about the whereabouts of Papyrus, as he had been an old friend in the FBI, and he had been a good agent too, especially for his age. But ever since that night of almost capturing Sans, only to fail, no one from the FBI had really seen him since, and it did make the fish question from time to time what in the world happened to him. Not only because it was part of her job, but also... Papyrus had been her friend. A friend that she might have driven away with her strong sense of justice. But still a friend. 

Where ever Sans, Papyrus, Frisk or even that other skeleton had gone just felt like a cold trail at this point, and for the past several months, Undyne had got absolutely no intel on them. Alphys couldn't find anything, and not even someone like Mettaton, who had actually been a helpful robot in the past despite his sometimes frustrating personality, (she only found it frustrating because he didn't always take everything seriously-- or, at least he acted like he didn't). But even that piece of metal hadn't gotten anything on Papyrus, and those two had been incredibly close. So much to the point she and her yellow dinosaur wife had sometimes speculated in their free time that they were totally going to get together. Mettaton and Papyrus...

Speaking of Mettaton, it was not that difficult to notice that the robot was nowhere to be seen for at least a couple of hours. He did make it a habit to disappear every so often whenever he felt like it, and to tell the truth he had always done that kind of thing for years, so it never really drew that much suspicion over what in the world he was up to on his time away. However, lately, Undyne had found herself thinking over it a little more, only because he had been disappearing a little more often lately, and sometimes for longer periods. That only ever started happening ever since Papyrus disappeared. So it did beg the question, was Mettaton meeting up with Papyrus in secret? Undyne knew she needed to find such a thing out. If she was wrong, then perhaps she would just drop this whole thing altogether and finally give up hope on ever finding Sans again. But if she was right, she would finally close the lid on this whole damn thing that she had shoved to the back of her mind for months.

Mettaton had driven his car somewhere, and the fish lady had already memorised the number plate from knowing the robot for such a long time, seeing as Alphys was the one who built him. The only thing to do now was track that down, and see if Mettaton or even Papyrus was anywhere to be found. The younger brother was the only one who could really lead her to Sans, and perhaps if she tried, tried to take a calmer approach, Papyrus would give up the information to her. He couldn't protect Sans forever...

Speaking of the skeletal monster, he and Frisk were still in a momentary state of shock, while sitting in silence, just thinking over the image they had seen. Frisk had gone to dry her tears while she continued to smile, just knowing she was unbelievably happy. Even the skeleton found it difficult to remove the grin from his face; despite probably being a little more terrified with it being made more real for them, he was still just full of joy. Funny how he thought before knowing Frisk that he would never have such a thing such as this. Such as having his own family. He never thought he would be a good father, and well... He still thought he would have a lot to learn. But perhaps, together, they would get through it. He wasn't by himself in any of this and he had to keep remembering that, even if sometimes it was still something that was difficult to get used to.

"Are we allowed to come back in now? Have you two had enough time to digest things?" Gaster questioned as he poked his head back into the room. The couple nodded, and the oldest skeleton smiled as he stepped back into the room, also allowing the youngest son to come back in with him. Of course, Sans was only expecting to see Papyrus return with his dad, but another face decided to pop into the room too. "Oh yeah, Chara and Asriel found us while we were waiting outside..." Gaster sheepishly smiled at the "are you serious" look on Sans' face.

"Let me see! Please, I want to see!" Chara squealed, seeming like a giddy little kid for a moment, rather than her actual age, (even though being a late teen, just a little younger than Frisk probably still wasn't that far off from being a child... But still).  With a sigh, the skeleton simply gave in and told her to "go ahead" as he didn't really feel up to arguing. He was kind of tired from the news - in a good way. Just being hit with all that he had been told and shown had made him feel a lot more relieved that things should be kept under control when the time came. 

Being allowed the permission to look, Chara went to glance at the screen with Asriel, and the human girl was the first to gasp in shock. Admittedly, the other human found it difficult not to smile at Chara and Asriel glancing at the sight of what appeared to be their little one. "Oh my God I feel like such an auntie right now." Chara said, sounding like she was going to cry. Sans even questioned if she was going to cry, and she just shook her head. "N-No, of course not, don't be silly." Chara laughed it off, but soon after she did actually start sobbing, and Asriel just put an arm across her shoulders as Frisk glanced at Sans with a smile.

It was nice how everyone seemed pretty eager about the news like they were, being both excited and terrified. Frisk actually had yet to hear what her own mother - Toriel - thought about all of this. She wondered if her mom would rant on to her how it was too soon, or if she would be overly excited to them... Maybe she would do a bit of both, and it was hard not to softly giggle at the thought. Toriel could always be her super protective self after all, but she knew that the goat would still remain happy for her despite her own concerns. That was just the kind of person Toriel was. 

As they were all fussing around down below, the robot - Mettaton - was still sitting at the bar, talking to the flame monster, and of course it just had to be about his relationship with Gaster, as if there was one thing that was true about Mettaton, he definitely was one to enjoy gossip. But perhaps that was why he just enjoyed being a spy so much, as such a job required listening in and just being plain nose-y. The flame monster just went along with it though, humoring him. While it was embarrassing to openly talk about him and Gaster, it wasn't like he didn't like to talk about it at the same time. He was dating his longest best friend; why shouldn't he have the right to brag? 

Though, the two stopped their conversation when Grillby's attention turned towards the door, hearing it open as a customer must have come in. The flame monster was almost ready to greet them with a smile, and his usual chatter of greeting a customer. But it was very difficult not to internally freak out when he knew just who was standing on the other end of the room. Gaster had warned him about her, describing exactly what she looked like, and if she was ever to somehow turn up, he should be aware of her immediately. 

It was Undyne. 

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