Grouchy Skeleton [3]

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Sans couldn't believe he was the one who had to have the damn interfering brat put upon him, when he really, really didn't want to have to babysit them. Unfortunately, the skeleton didn't really have a say in the matter, considering Asgore was his boss. Toriel on the other hand was staying by her word when she said she was quitting the mafia. For some reason those two had been arguing a lot lately. It was like they couldn't decide what the other wanted to do, how they wanted things to be ran. 

Both Frisk and Sans were sitting in the car, Sans driving with one hand on the steering wheel, while the other hand held his skull, with his elbow leaning against the car door. Frisk was sitting at the front in the passenger seat beside him, and didn't really know what to say or what to do with herself. She started looking through the glove compartment, which got a confused side glance from Sans. "what are ya doin', kid?" He asked, which caused her to jump in surprise, as it had been silent up until now.

"I was... Hoping you maybe had something I could read or something?" Frisk spoke, which earned an eye roll from Sans.

"well, you're not gonna find anythin' in there. so sit still and shut up." Sans grumbled, causing Frisk to fall silent, with a saddened expression upon her face. But Sans simply ignored her as he continued to drive in complete silence, before they seemed to be pulling up outside an apartment. Frisk rose an eyebrow.

"So... Who lives here?" Frisk asked, as Sans was climbing out of the car, before he went to her side, opening the door to let her out. "Uh, thank you."

"whatever, kid. and to answer your first question, i do." He said, slamming the car door shut before shoving his hands into his dark trouser pockets as he walked to the entrance with Frisk following him. "seein' as i gotta keep an eye on ya, like asgore had ordered, it's not like i can really take ya to a hotel or somethin'. as much as i'd like to get rid of you and not have to deal with ya, but like i said, asgore's orders." Sans exhaled in exasperation before he started heading up some stairs once they got inside.

After a few sets of stairs, it seemed they were on the floor that Sans lived on, which was evident once the skeleton took a key out for his door, which was the last door on the right side of the hall. Unlocking it, he was the first to step inside before he stood beside the now open door, waiting for Frisk to come in. "alright, come in, kiddo." Sans told her, then closing the door once she had stepped in. "don't go touchin' anythin'." He added, loosening the tie from around his neck with a small annoyed sounding breath. 

Looking around his apartment, Frisk stood awkwardly, not really knowing what to do with herself once again. Sans had gone to plop onto the grey couch, just seeming to try and relax. The place looked pretty tidy, he had a pretty nice looking open kitchen. There were two doors, one which must have led to his bedroom and one for the bathroom. That's when it occurred to her. "Where am I going to sleep?"

"again, do you ever stop askin' questions?" Sans answered. He glanced over towards her, noticing she once again looked pretty hurt. "what's with ya anyway? first time we met you seemed to be brave and wouldn't shut up. now...?

"Well, before I didn't think you guys were for real. That maybe you were all talk..." She muttered. So now that she knew he seemed like part of the real deal, she was pretty scared. Sans stared at her for a moment, before looking forward at the television. 

"you can sleep on the couch. also, you can stop standing there with your mouth hanging agape. ya don't have to ask a question for fucking everything. if ya wanna sit down, just sit down.

"R-Right..." Frisk stammered, going to sit down on the couch, hoping to keep as much space between her and the cranky skeleton as possible. Again, they fell into uncomfortable silence. Frisk wanted to ask what exactly she was supposed to do, considering it had been suggested that she'd join the Mafia. But Sans was getting frustrated with her questions, so she chose to keep quiet and not say a word knowing that if she did he'd likely snap at her once again. 

They sat in silence like this for awhile. Quite a long while. At least twenty to thirty minutes,  that's what it felt like. Frisk wasn't really sure, she had no idea what the time was. All she knew was that it was getting dark out, and she was feeling hungry. Her stomach letting out a small gurgle was evidence of that, and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed when Sans glanced towards her. "ya hungry?" He asked. She silently nodded, causing him to pull himself off the couch. "cool, because i am too. is burger and fries cool with you?

"I actually have a choice?" Frisk asked, looking over her shoulder at him as he was entering the open kitchen. 

"well, duh. i'm not gonna feed you somethin' you're not even gonna eat. it'd be a waste of food otherwise." Sans pointed out. 

"Oh, right." Frisk sheepishly answered. "But yeah, that sounds great... Thanks." 

Saying nothing, Sans began to prepare the food. Frisk was glad that Sans didn't seem to be paying a lot of attention to her right now, because she was watching him with interest from the couch, and he hadn't made any grouchy comments to tell her to mind her own business.

When the food was done, Sans put a burger on his own plate with fries, before doing the same for Frisk. Seeing as it was his favourite meal, especially when he went to eat at Grillby's, he tended to make it himself too. But it was never as good as how his flame friend cooked it. "here." Sans handed her the plate of food, before going to sit back in his spot upon the couch again.

"Thank you." She said, as Sans was picking up the remote and turning on the television. From then on, the two didn't talk, they just ate and watched what was on the screen, which Frisk didn't really mind. She preferred it to be this way.

When time ticked on, Sans took the now empty plates into the kitchen, placing them in the sink to be washed later. He let out a small yawn as he stretched.

"alright, i'm beat. i'm goin' to bed. here." Sans went to a cabinet in the living room that was nailed to the wall beside the TV. He took out a small torch and handed it to Frisk.

"ya can use that if you ever need to go to the bathroom in the night. but that's it." He said, before going to one of the other rooms before returning with a pillow and blanket.

"just so you don't complain that you're cold. now, i'm gonna warn ya, don't try anythin' funny in the night. because i will know about it, capiche?" Sans warned her, the pupils disappearing from his eye sockets. Gulping, she nodded, understanding his every word.

Seeming satisfied, Sans went to head to his bedroom, shutting the door once inside after turning out the living room lights. Frisk held the blanket Sans had given her close to her body so she felt less scared. Though, maybe there wasn't anything to be scared of. This skeleton may have got cranky, but he was looking after her, right? At least that's what she was hoping, as she tried to drift off to sleep, wanting to make her dreams peaceful.

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