Why Even Bother [50]

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A party wasn't exactly Sans' idea of fun. Especially when it probably involved being forced to watch Frisk and Andrew acting all lovey dovey, as they would also be attending the party. What the hell was he even supposed to wear? He had asked that exact question when sitting at that table with Chara and Asriel. Chara just simply told him to wear what he always did to work - it looked somewhat fancy. Or just wear a different suit. What was the point though? Why bother trying to look nice, when it wasn't like he was trying to impress anyone. However, Chara wasn't going to accept Sans coming to the party, looking like a scruff bag.

So, sadly. He was stuck shopping for clothing with her.

"why is this even such a big deal to ya?" Sans asked her in confusion, as he was standing in front of a shop mirror, dressed into one of the hundreds of suits Chara had decided to pull off shop racks. She appeared to be admiring him carefully with a frown, before she gave her explanation.

"Because we are attending the party as guests with my mom. And you are not going to embarrass her." Chara told him seriously. That was the honest truth. The last thing Toriel needed was any of them ruining her night. "Not just that, but who knows? Maybe Frisk will be impressed."

"you're forgettin' that frisk is with andrew... and why do ya seem to want us to be together so badly? i thought ya would have rather had someone like andrew be with her. me and ya, we've never really been on the most amazin' terms. so why are ya even tryna help?" Sans demanded, shoving his hands into the pants pockets of his suit. Chara crossed her arms, before sighing and shrugging.

"Because... I don't know, around Frisk you actually seem happy. And I'm not the only one who has ever noticed that. Asriel has noticed it. Even Grillby and Gaster think that you seem somewhat different, even if you still try to act like a jerk." She muttered. "It would just be nice to go back to the way things were. When you weren't so damn mean to everyone. She makes you a better person. And I know she would have probably been happier to be with you than she would with Andrew. Andrew is more like a rebound, just because she couldn't get you."

As much as Sans wanted to believe that was the truth, he felt somewhat in denial. If Frisk really wanted to be with him so bad, why did she suddenly abandon him? Just like that, she stopped hanging out with him and she was more interested in that fucking guy... To her, it felt like he didn't even exist anymore. They hardly spoke, and if it did it felt somewhat awkward. He wanted to fix things, get things back to normal. But he had tried. He apologised and still... Things were weird.

"Hey, I can tell by that look on your face that you're stressing out. Just relax. It's supposed to be a party. Parties are to have fun, not to be miserable. I'm sure Frisk will talk to you at the party, and if she doesn't, I'll try my best to direct her towards you, if that makes you feel any better." Chara offered. She knew that in the end, Sans being happy in the company of Frisk benefited everyone. He was different in Frisk's presence, and she knew that. So, that's why she was doing this.

When the day of the party came, Sans could only feel nervous as all hell. He truthfully wanted to cancel, and say that he wasn't going to come along after all. He knew the others wouldn't take no for an answer though. So he had been forced to come along by his father and Grillby, who were also attending the party. The skeleton couldn't help but sulk in the back of the car, with Gaster and Grillby sitting in the front two seats, talking about how this evening could be fun.

Getting to the destination, which felt like it took forever, Sans couldn't even believe his eyes when he got out of the car. The place before them, it looked like a gigantic fancy mansion, whoever lived here must have definitely had a lot of money. Toriel must have had some rich friends then. Then again, it's not like any of them were really poor. No one just really saw the point in buying overly expensive things that were flashy.

Being greeted and going inside, Sans couldn't help but mentally groan when he saw the party was going to be in what looked like a kind of ballroom. Which meant there was dancing involved. He wasn't much of a dancer, so he'd likely just be sitting on the sidelines for most of the night. There were tables of food, and by the looks of it, many people who had already arrived here before them. While Toriel and her friend were gushing over seeing each other, Sans just decided he'd go straight for the food, wanting to be by himself.

This place... It did almost feel like he was in some kind of fairytale or something. It was pretty insane. What didn't help was that there was someone who added to the whole idea of this being like a fairytale. When already snacking down on some food that he had decided to pick up, his eyes had been focusing on the stream of people coming in. He hadn't seen Frisk yet, not until that very moment. And dear god, he was pretty sure his soul had done a small thud-thud inside his ribcage. She practically looked like a princess with the really nice dress she was wearing. It was a dark silky blue dress which led down to her ankles, it had a small slit where one of her legs showed slightly too. He was speechless.

What ruined her brilliant form was the fact that she just had to have Andrew with his arm latched around her shoulders once he came in just after her. Seeing the way they smiled at each other, and seeing them laugh, it made Sans' soul ache. He had to turn away and shove the rest of the uneaten snack into his mouth with the hope that eating food would bring him emotional comfort, (even though he knew it wouldn't).

To tell the truth, the grumpy monster was hoping that for the whole night he could just keep to himself. He had been in awe for about ten seconds before it had to be ripped right from him from that fucking human teenager - Andrew. Luck was of course not on his side though; someone had to go poking on his shoulder, clearly to try and get his attention. Exhaling with annoyance, Sans turned to look to see who it was.

"oh. hey papyrus." His greeting didn't sound so enthusiastic, which caused his younger brother to frown, noticing how down he appeared. Papyrus had expected him to be more happy that he was here; he wasn't.

"WHAT'S WRONG, SANS? I WAS EXPECTING A MORE POSITIVE REACTION FROM YOU." The tall skeleton said. Sighing, he apologised.

"sorry... just... havin' a rough night, that's all."


"it's... hard to explain." Sans muttered, his eyes trailing slowly back towards Frisk, where he could see her conversing with Chara, Asriel and Andrew. The girl he loved was only right across the room, yet it felt like she was so far away. Besides, the fact that he had fallen in love probably sounded pathetic, so...

Why even bother explaining?

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