Bruised And Battered [64]

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"Sans!" A voice shouted to him, sounding like it was from absolute miles away. What was even going on again? Why was there someone's voice yelling his name? Wasn't that Frisk's voice? "Sans, please, wake up!" Oh, right. He had almost forgotten, considering he had been knocked out upon impact, when colliding with the store wall. He was surprised that he was alive to tell the truth. But hearing Frisk's voice made him feel relieved. It meant he had managed to keep her safe. 

"o-ow... fuck, don't shake me, please." Sans grumbled quietly, as Frisk had been shaking him slightly to try and wake him up. But everything was hurting. His head was pounding, his spine was aching. The most painful thing though was his left arm, which became even even more agonising when he tried to move it. He had probably broken it from the impact. Thinking that, his mind started to race again. Those people that were chasing them, their car was likely about to park right outside. He mustn't have been unconscious for long then. Even with these injuries, he wanted to think of Frisk's safety. 

"frisk... urgh... hide." Sans told her, which earned a small gasp from her. She shook her head, disagreeing to do as he told her to. She couldn't go and hide and leave him out in the open like this. Though, she couldn't exactly try to move him either. She might only hurt him more.

"N-No! You're hurt! Those people, they'll--" 

"DO IT, FRISK!" Sans snapped, catching her by surprise as a few tears slipped from her eyes. Ah, shit. He didn't mean to yell, he knew she was scared. He just wanted her to be okay, for her to be safe. "please, just hide. don't come out no matter what, okay?" He said. At her uncertain expression, he continued. "i'll be okay. really.

She didn't exactly believe that. However, what choice did she really have? She couldn't help her boyfriend, as much as she desperately wanted to. She had her gun on her but... She couldn't do that again. The image of her shooting that man in the head replayed in her mind to the point it made her shudder, and regrettably agreeing to Sans' words, she decided to duck down beside the front check out counter, just as car doors were heard slamming outside. Hiding behind her hiding spot, she carefully watched out, wanting to keep an eye on the scene as it unfolded. 

"Heh, well, what do we have here?" An unknown man with blood red dyed hair chuckled, his rough seeming facial features seeming to smirk as he loomed over the skeleton, kneeling down in front of him as he did. Sans glared back at him, even when the man aggressively put his hand under the skeleton's chin and lifted his face up a little to view his face better. It was battered up some from the crash, mostly scratches here and there. Some of them were now sealed up with a small amount of dried blood. "I wonder... If you are who I think you are." He spoke, that same grin plastered across his face. Frisk watched in terror and confusion, while she heard those words. These people possibly knew Sans? Or at least this man claimed that possibility.

"fuck off." Sans seethed, just as the red haired man let go of his chin and scoffed at his words, not liking his harsh tone. 

"Even when you're bruised and battered, practically lying on your death bed, you still think you can talk shit." He answered, standing upright as he stared daggers down at the skeleton. Sans said nothing, not that he was really given a chance to, as the unknown figure decided to connect a kick with his clothe covered ribcage, causing him to let out a yelp of pain. Frisk flinched when she heard his foot connect with bone, and she found it impossibly hard not to burst out crying when she saw her boyfriend, winded on the hard floor. 

"Hey! Be careful otherwise you'll kill him! He's already battered up enough. You know she'll be interested to see him." One of the other people said. An unknown female with jet black hair, one part of her face being covered by her chin length fringe, while the rest of her hair dangled just past her shoulders. 

"Tch. Yeah, I know that! I just was having a bit of fun." The man complained back, before picking Sans up by the back of his slightly ripped and damaged blazer. Sans grunted, feeling pain surge through his bones at any little movement. He was thankful Frisk hadn't come out from her hiding place yet. This was for the best anyway. He couldn't get her hurt. He'd never forgive himself. There was no telling what these people might do to her if she decided to try and save him. "Let's take him back to base then I guess. Then if we don't need him, we'll kill him!" 

"Yeah, yeah." She replied, before she and one other went to leave, before slowly being followed behind by the man dangling Sans in his hand by the back of his clothes. No! Frisk couldn't allow this to happen. Seriously, was Sans just expecting her to sit back and do nothing, while he was possibly being dragged off to his death?! She promised that she would protect him if something bad were to happen. She'd rather die trying, than let him die, knowing she could have at least tried to do something

"Stop right there!" Frisk yelled, stepping out from behind her hiding spot, pointing the gun at the man, the safety turned off. It was difficult to keep the shakiness out of her voice and her hands. Even now, aiming a gun at someone was nerve wracking to her. Whether that person deserved to die or not, just the thought of shooting them still terrified her to her very soul. "You're not going anywhere with him!"

"Oh?" The man smirked, turning towards Frisk, while Sans watched in horror. Frisk, you idiot! 

"frisk, what the fuck are ya doin'?! don't--!" Before Sans could finish speaking, he let out another growl of agony as the man took his broken arm, twisted it behind his back, and pushed him forward slightly to stand in the way of him as a monster shield. Frisk's eyes widened some at that, worried that she would accidentally shoot Sans if she pulled the trigger.

"What is this? Ain't that adorable? Think you can kill me for your boyfriend?" He said the word "boyfriend" in a mocking tone, appearing to find it laughable. "I don't think you can, sweetheart. Your hands are shaking." He pointed out, which only made her look with wide eyes at the gun, moving in her quivering hands. He didn't believe for one second that she could pull the trigger. Pushing Sans to the side, down to the ground, the man suddenly raced towards Frisk, taking her completely off guard. 

Quickly, she put her finger over the trigger, ready to fire. She was so close to shooting him directly in the chest, before the gun was smacked right out of her hands, causing it to go off when hitting the floor. A bullet flew through the air, just barely missing the groaning skeleton on the ground. Almost stumbling backwards, Frisk was stopped from hitting the world below when the unknown guy grabbed her by the arm, tugging her forward, so he could grip her into a hold that she could not escape from. 

Seeming to motion towards one of the others with his head, a figure that appeared to be a monster, (as this group looked like it had both monsters and humans in it), walked over to Sans. Like they had been ordered, they picked Sans up, ignoring his sounds of pain as they pulled him along and shoved him into the car. He would have used magic as a way to defend the both of them if he was able. But he was too weak. Not to mention that when he was pushed into the car, he had both his arms put behind his back, having handcuffs forced onto him. They were anti-magic handcuffs, stopping him from fighting back if he even could. 

Also being handcuffed and pushed into the car with Sans, the two sat in silence as the engine soon started up, and they began to leave the scene that they had been kidnapped from. The skeleton looked displeased, while Frisk just looked apologetic and guilty. She had tried to save him; she failed. Now they were both in trouble. Because of her. Again. "I'm so sorry, Sans..." Frisk whispered to the skeleton who sighed and shook his head.

"it's not your fault..." He told her, managing a weak smile which did hurt some due to the injuries on his face. Frisk was just glad to hear that her boyfriend wasn't furious with her. They just now had a huge issue.

How in the world were they going to get out of this?

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