Alone Time [57]

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No way. No way in hell was Frisk leaving things the way that they were after that stupid argument. She wanted a straight honest answer from Sans; she wasn't going to stop until she got one. Not even if he yelled at her. For once, she wouldn't back down. For once, she wouldn't get scared. She would stay determined.

Thanks to Papyrus driving her there (with directions from her), Frisk reached outside Sans' apartment. She hoped the others didn't mind that she had suddenly disappeared, but this needed to be sorted out and it needed to be sorted out now. "Thank you, Papyrus. If the others asked, just tell them we went for a walk. Sans can drive us back if I'm able to sort this whole thing out."

"OKAY, FRISK." Papyrus nodded. He knew that she was really the only person who could fix this problem with Sans. The whole issue did involve her, and while Papyrus wanted to tell her what Sans was mad about, this was his secret to tell, if he was going to.

Waving goodbye to Papyrus, Frisk got out of the car, watching him drive off. With a sigh, she turned on her heel towards Sans' apartment. Hopefully, this would lead to results. She could only hope though. The last thing she wanted was for them to go back to fighting, to not getting along, for things to be uncomfortable.

Getting to the right floor, Frisk found herself standing at Sans' door, waiting for a moment. Sighing, the human decided to slowly raise her fist to the door, knocking on it a few times. Then, she waited for some kind of answer. For a moment, she did hear movement inside, but no one opened the door. "Sans? I know you're in there."

"frisk, just go away." Sans answered back, sounding fed up. Frowning, Frisk answered.

"No. I want to fix this. It's your birthday, we shouldn't be fighting like this." She waited for some kind of answer, only to not get one. "Please open the door." Silence followed for a few seconds after her question, until she heard footsteps coming towards the door. The door was unlocked and left slightly ajar, but wasn't opened completely.

Assuming this was her invitation inside, she slowly pushed open the door, just to see Sans walking back towards his room, his back turned to her. "Sans." She spoke, closing the door. Hearing his name, he stopped in his tracks.

"why did ya come after me, frisk?" Sans questioned, before slowly turning towards her. Her eyes widened a little in surprise, seeing what looked like tear stains around the bottom of his eye sockets and down his cheekbones. Had he been crying?

"Because I'm your friend." She frowned when he scoffed at that. "I just want to try and be here for you. Clearly something is wrong. So just tell me."

"no." Sans bluntly said, irking Frisk somewhat.


"i said no! how about ya go back to havin' andrew suck on your face!" Sans growled angrily, before realising what he had said. Shit. That wouldn't make her realise, would it? He saw her give him a look of bewilderment.

"What?! Why have you got to say something like that for? He just kissed me on the cheek, that's all. Then all of a sudden you randomly flipped out." Frisk answered back with her eyebrows furrowed at the skeleton. He growled.

"oh for fuck sake! fine! fuckin' fine! ya wanna know why i've been so mad today?! because i fuckin' realised i had feelings for ya, but ya decided to abandon me!" Sans barked.

Wait, what...? He...? Frisk was shocked. Speechless. Sans.... Was in love with her? She couldn't believe it. He had seemed like he had hated her. He had literally treated her like she was dirt on the bottom of his shoe, that she was someone who he wanted absolutely nothing to do with. That was what he wanted, right?! Ever since they met, he acted like that was all he wanted! So why was he getting mad at her over all of this?

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