Calming [144]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.  


It felt somewhat nice to be back at work, in a more calmer environment when compared to being a part of the Mafia. Frisk was of course back to wearing her little waitress uniform, and Papyrus was back to doing his cooking in the little cafe they worked in together. When going to work, it also still wasn't rare for her skeletal boyfriend to tag along, even if he just ended up sitting at a table for a couple of hours, either minding his own business, or sometimes Frisk even caught him staring at her with a small smile. Such a thing sometimes made her blush, because she knew part of him stared just cause of the uniform. 

There were some days where the skeleton actually chose to order food to eat, and sometimes she would see him eat the weirdest combination of things that she couldn't help but turn her nose up at. She guessed even monsters could get weird food cravings when they were pregnant, and she just hoped that a lot of the things that he ate he wouldn't start asking for when they were at home. Even something as simple as nachos and icecream put together just sounded like the weirdest thing to put together.

"Is it me, or does your boyfriend eat the weirdest of meals?" Kai questioned, seeming to have joined her side when she had been busy staring at Sans, seeing as they had no customers other than him currently as they had only just recently opened. Frisk let out a small laugh, as her work friend had thought exactly what she was thinking. Though, Kai didn't actually know of the fact that her boyfriend was having, well, cravings. She knew it would be weird to explain to another human, only because humans were only used to the females being able to have a kid. That's where monsters were probably more efficient than humans were. 

"Yeah... He does..." Frisk sheepishly smiled. She would have probably just said what was up with him, if she wasn't always thinking about how he might feel about people knowing. While him and Blair had made up on more civil terms, she knew his wounds of being betrayed would likely still remain there for a pretty long time. She wasn't expecting them to just heal only because he had made up with his ex-girlfriend. "You might have to ask him about it yourself." Frisk joked, while Kai smiled a little at that.

"I would try to get to know your boyfriend a little more, but... He makes me nervous." Kai admitted guiltily, seeming to anxiously laugh at what she had just said, seeming worried that Frisk would be offended at such a comment. To tell the truth, the Dreemurr couldn't really blame her; she had been on edge around the skeleton before she had really gotten to know him. When you didn't know him, it was pretty easy to view him as scary, or threatening, but once you got close enough, and he trusted you to be close enough, you really got to see what he could be like as a softer person. Well, no one would probably be able to get as close as she had into seeing what he was like. To Sans, no one could ever surpass Frisk when it came to the amount of how much he trusted people. Frisk was his number one. 

"He just takes time warming up to new people." Frisk explained to the girl with the pale skin, freckles, glasses and dark green, shoulder length hair, which matched her dark green eyes.  "He probably wouldn't even mind you that much if he knew you a bit better." After all, Kai was quite a nice girl for her age. She struck Frisk as a shy type, but she was quite bubbly when you spoke to her a little more, or when she got to talk to people who she could relate to. 

"why do i feel people starin' at me? have i got somethin' on my face?" Sans wondered from where he was sitting, finally noticing the two girls who had been staring his way for a couple of minutes already. Kai looked somewhat startled that they had been caught staring, and Frisk just smiled and laughed a little, deciding to bring the nervous Kai over. She thought she might as well try to introduce the two more properly. She didn't really remember doing that very well the first time the two met, as she had been more focused on trying to find Sans another job that he could do while they were away from the Mafia. Now that they didn't really have to hide, Frisk had a feeling the skeleton would probably go back to his old job when they had gotten to be parents for a bit. 

"Well, we were looking at what you were eating for a start." Frisk teased jokingly. "But no, I don't really remember introducing you two all that well. So, Kai, you know Sans, but Sans, this is Kai, my work friend." Frisk said, motioning back and forth between the two. "She wanted to know why you're eating weird food." Frisk also mentioned, leaving it up to him if he wanted to just outright admit what was going on with him. The skeleton rose an eyebrow towards the other girl who he remembered saying hello to him at one point when she tried to serve him and he had just acted laid back and reserved. That's probably why she looked scared, because any time the two of them had had any kind of interaction, he probably hadn't been the nicest guy in the world. This was one of Frisk's friends so... Maybe he had to try. He sighed. 

"it's nice to properly meet ya. sorry about anythin' i might have said or did. i'm not exactly great with new people." Sans decided to admit, seeing Frisk look proud of him for deciding to apologise and try to act calm about the situation. Frisk had trusted someone like Andrew, and in the end the guy didn't seem... That bad. He wasn't threatening, at least. He was an idiot, and he was annoying as all hell and a huge part of him still disliked him but... He wasn't a threat. So, he had to trust Frisk's judgement when she befriended people, that was unless he got the extreme feeling there was something off about them. And this girl appeared fairly ordinary. "and, uh... well, frisk can say that part to ya." Sans shrugged, seeming to want to get back to his food as he was actually quite hungry. 

"He's pregnant." Frisk said, seeing Kai's expression have a mix of confusion, but also shock. Frisk chuckled. "I know, it's hard to explain to people who don't really know about monster pregnancies... In a nutshell, male and female monsters can both have a child - thanks to magic and souls and... Yadda yadda." Frisk explained, glancing towards Sans who had already seemed to dislodge himself from their conversation, as he was more focused on his food. Kai gasped, her eyes gleaming.

"Frisk, you're going to be a mom? That's adorable!" She squealed, while Frisk laughed a little, not knowing what to really say to that. It was then that Kai started fussing over what she had been told, wondering if it was a boy or a girl (they didn't know yet), and what they were probably going to name it (Luna, if a girl. If they were a boy... They weren't sure yet). But their conversation was interrupted when more customers started to come in and they knew they had to start serving people. 

If there was one thing Frisk knew for sure, she just couldn't stop thinking about how good it felt to be back in a calming environment. After that whole incident that had happened, where she had stabbed that man to death, she just knew that she hoped things would remain peaceful again for awhile. Surprisingly though, she didn't find herself being kept up at night by what she had done. Instead, she slept quite peacefully at Sans side, always being cuddled close by him while they were unconscious. Weirdly enough, she felt quite calm about it, and it made her wonder: is this what Sans felt like now? She had been involved in so much chaos since joining the Mafia that perhaps she really had gotten to the point she was used to all of it. It was just something that was part of her life and she would have to get used to the possibility of bad people dying at her hand. 

Now, she was just used to it. 

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