A Step Closer [24]

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Hearing the words "rise and shine." and feeling water getting splashed into his face was enough to jolt him awake, finding himself strapped down to a chair, with two pairs of eyes staring back at him, one pair that was from the skeleton, while the other was from the human girl that he had gone and befriended - Frisk. She had attacked him. 

"What the hell? What's going on? Frisk?!" James tried to struggle against the straps, only to feel freaked out when he couldn't get them off. Where was he? What was he doing here? Why had he been captured like this?

"don't play dumb, kid." Sans growled, glaring at the teenage boy who stared back at him, his eyes wide. Sans hated how he was acting so confused and bewildered. He knew why he was here. "ya can't fool us.

"I don't know what you're talking about." James argued, before letting out a surprised yelp when he felt a boney hand connect with his face in a harsh slap. The skeleton wasn't convinced with his squirming, he had seen it all before. People acting innocent when they really weren't. It was all an act to try and get out of the situation they had gotten themselves into, just like the act his whole personality was. 

"you're NOT foolin' anyone. you're james, aren't ya? and ya know why you're here. ya see, for awhile now i've been lookin' for my dad. his name is w.d gaster. that ring any bells to ya?" Sans growled. For a split second, a strange look appeared to flicker across the human's eyes, but he shook his head, denying that he knew anything.

"I don't know anything! Please, believe me! You believe me, don't you, Frisk?" James looked towards her in a look that looked like desperation, but he could only frown when she glanced away, looking towards the skeleton. Sans exhaled, looking back at Frisk in return and he nodded. For a moment, Frisk turned around, going to take something off a nearby desk. James wasn't sure what it was, until she had turned back towards him and she had a visible baseball bat in her hands. He gulped, as she handed it over to the skeleton who was standing with a knowing smirk. 

Frisk couldn't help but feel awful when she agreed to this whole thing. The guy seemed so damn scared and all she wanted to do was step in and stop all of this. Say that there had to be some other way to getting Gaster back. But she didn't know of other way. She only knew of this way, as terrible as it was. Stepping in would be a bad move, Sans would only hate her again, and she'd only be getting in the way of saving his dad. 

"i'm gonna ask again. the name, does it mean anythin' to ya?" Sans questioned, pointing the baseball bat towards him. Again, he hesitated, but then he shook his head. With a sigh, Sans went to take a swing for one of his kneecaps, causing him to let out a shriek of pain as the hard wood connected. Frisk went to turn her back, not wanting to see the sight of Sans torturing someone, while she also put her hands over her ears. She couldn't stand this.

"i know you're hidin' somethin'. i'm NOT a fuckin' idiot. but clearly an idiot is what ya take me for." Sans snarled with impatience. "now, TELL ME THE FUCKIN' TRUTH. or i'll take ya god damn knee off." Sans went on, going to swing the bat again, once again causing the boy to scream in agony. "i will admit, you're tough. but i can deal with that." Sans threw the bat to the side, before going to head over to the table himself. With narrowed eyes, he grabbed a nearby knife, pulled a nearby chair from under the table, and he sat it facing towards James, before proceeding to sit in it himself. "one last chance. truth, now.

"Fuck you." James spat, shaking his head. Bad mistake. Feeling cold hard and sharp metal plunge into his leg, probably had to be the most agonising thing he had felt in all his life. This monster didn't even appear to show one second of hesitation or even remorse when he tortured him, he just did it as long as it got him what he wanted. He cried, screamed and whimpered, before knowing he just couldn't take it anymore. It hurt too much. "Okay... Okay... Fine. I'll... I'll tell you. I swear." He cried out, wincing harshly when Sans pulled the knife out of his leg.

"alright. i'm listenin'." Sans glared at him, as Frisk also turned back around to hear what James had to say to him. "and don't ya lie either, because i'll know and ya ain't goin' anywhere until this is all over and i get my dad back.

"Okay... Look, it's not me that you're looking for... Really. It's... It's my brother." James explained.

"Your brother? The one who hates monsters?" Frisk wondered. Slowly, he nodded.

"Yeah... We're... We're twins. Identical. I know about him and what he does... I just didn't want to tell you; I wanted to protect him. I don't want him to die." James went on. "And the truth is... My name isn't actually James. That's my brother's name... I just wanted to be like him, so I pretended that I was... Basically him. Our parents have always been so proud of him, but they've never been proud of me, because I'm not like them. I don't have a disgust against monsters, and I'm not part of the... Family business. They're all part of the group, my parents and my brother... I just hated being the odd one out."

"So, what is your actual name then?" Frisk asked. She really hadn't known her new found friend at all, had she?

"It's Andrew. But Frisk, the way I act around you, that's really who I am, I swear... I'm not some dirtbag who just targeted you and started hanging out with you. I actually wanted to be your friend..." 

"alright, alright. whatever. just tell us where the fuck the base is, and i won't have to beat the shit outta ya any more." Sans demanded. Andrew glanced towards him with a frown before he sighed. 

"Look, if you think you're going to be able to go in there all guns blazing, you'd have to be completely insane. That's all I'm saying. They have people guarding all over the base, not to mention it's underground." Andrew told him. "It's on the lowest level that they'd likely be keeping your father. In the cells or something. That's if they're not using him for anything else." Andrew told him. Sans knew he needed to take all of this information into a count. He needed to think about things like if Gaster might have been injured, or weak. He wouldn't be able to defend himself that way if they were to be found out. Eventually, after saying all this, Andrew finally told them the address that would be useful to them. After this, they took him to an area of the headquarters where they could hold prisoners, and they locked him up in there.

"If those prison cells have been there that whole time, why didn't you just lock me up?" Frisk questioned, just as they were leaving. Sans rose an eyebrow at her.

"why do ya think? toriel would have gone fuckin' ballistic." Sans pointed out, managing a small laugh. "still, ya proved yourself useful. now we just have to figure out how the hell we're gonna get gaster out of that place, or how we're gonna get in... underground, huh...

"Well, surely there's got to be some kind of sewer system, right? There's got to be some kind of way getting in by going through the sewers. Or is that only possible in the really cool action movies?" Frisk joked.

"hey, don't question what i'm capable of." Sans joked back. "but... as disgustin' as that is, it might be all we've got to get inside. if it's really as guarded as he says it is, it isn't a good idea to get found out. otherwise if gaster is hurt, gettin' him out will be difficult. we're gonna need chara and asriel for this, and grillby, and a couple of others too... with enough people, we might be able to do this." It felt surreal. They might actually succeed on getting Gaster back. Frisk smiled. 

"If we work as a team, I'm sure it'll all work out in our favour." 

"agreed." Sans paused. "also, i noticed how freaked out you seemed back there. ya know, you're not gonna wanna freeze up like that on the mission. otherwise you'll get yourself into trouble."

"I know, Sans... I'm just... I'm not used to using violence like you are. I'm more used to just talking to people, trying to get them to listen." Frisk muttered. Sans chuckled, shaking his head.

"those skills might come in handy sometimes, kiddo. but not for everyone. yea, okay, they might have worked for andrew. but we didn't really know whether he was dangerous or not. it was a good idea to be cautious." Sans told her.

"I guess..." Frisk sighed, still not seeming so sure. But she just had to stop thinking about everything so much. At least they might be getting Gaster back soon.

That was at least something.

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