He'd Know [25]

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"if it's anythin' like our base... bein' underground and all, it's gotta have somethin' runnin' near it to get inside. like ya said, like a sewer or somethin'. and if they aren't smart about it like we are - we keep watch... then gettin' in that way might be possible. it's a risk, but it's possible." Sans explained to Frisk with a sigh. "we're just gonna need help from others. and i don't know if chara and asriel will be willin' to help me.

"You don't know that." Frisk pointed out with a smile, wanting to give the skeleton some hope. "Gaster was probably important to them too, right? If he was, then without a doubt, they would want to rescue him too. You just have to ask them. Or do you want me to ask them for you?" Frisk wondered, which only caused the skeleton to grumble.

"i can do it. i ain't incompetent." Sans growled. 

"I never said you were." Frisk chuckled. With that said, she walked beside the skeleton through the headquarters on their way to find Chara and Asriel. They searched for a little while, before finding them in the main room that Frisk remembered blew her mind the first time she saw it stepping out of that elevator on day one. The two appeared to just be having a casual conversation, until Chara noticed Sans coming over with Frisk and she narrowed her eyes. This better be good.

"What do you want, Sans?" Chara asked, crossing her arms as she glared at the skeleton who appeared to glare back. She already got the feeling that he was here to scowl at her or something, it wasn't rare for the guy to constantly give her shit, just like he did with anyone and everyone that tried to help him out. What came out of his mouth instead though, shocked her.

"to ask ya to help me find gaster." Sans admitted. "we have a lead. if it's not a trap, we might know where he is. but... as much as i hate to say it, i know i can't go in and save him alone, and i'm gonna need help." Sans frowned. "like ya said... it'd be selfish of me to act like i'm the only one who is hurtin' over losin' gaster. i've never thought i'm the only one but... whatever. if ya wanna help get him back, well then this is  the time to say so.

"You're asking me for help?" Chara questioned. When Sans answered with "did i fuckin' stutter?", Chara couldn't help but laugh. The guy was serious. He really knew that he wasn't superman, that he couldn't do everything by himself. Hearing him asking for help actually made her genuinely smile. "Alright, if you want my help, count me in."

"Me too!" Asriel agreed with a nod. "I want to help find Gaster too!"

"You also promised Grillby." Frisk pointed out to Sans. "So there's him too." 

"yeah, i know. i wouldn't break that promise with him. i know findin' gaster is a big deal to him." Sans told her with a nod. If they just rounded up a couple more of their people, they'd likely have enough people to take care of this whole thing. They needed to come up with a plan. They needed to see if they could somehow find out the layout of the building, if not they'd be walking in like blind mice who would have to find their own way. But Sans was sure they'd figure it out. 

"Well, let's go tell him the news  then." Frisk said. 

And that's what they went to do, after talking to Chara and Asriel, Sans and Frisk had headed to the flame monster to tell him that they would soon be going after Gaster. It was clear by the delighted expression upon Grillby's face that he was happy to hear the news, like a little kid on Christmas. Not just that but it sounded like Gaster might have been alive if this wasn't one whole terrible trap. "Count me in." He had said, wanting to be part of it just like he had asked to be. 

After having spoken to Grillby, Chara and Asriel, Frisk got the feeling that Sans appeared to be in a more determined mood. He sort of had that look on his face that he was certain that maybe everything would turn out in their favour. He was likely worried at the same time though, why wouldn't he be? They had to think about Gaster's safety when trying to get him out of that hell hole. But they'd manage it. Frisk believed they could manage it. "I can still come along, right?" Frisk was saying. 

"i mean, ya said ya wanted to, didn't ya?" Sans shrugged as he scratched the back of his skull. "there's always the chance ya might be useful. ya managed to capture james-- well, andrew all on your own, and i know that probably took a lot of guts. considerin' ya definitely aren't the violent type." He said. 

"Yeah... It did take a lot. But I knew catching him was extremely important to you. And I thought it might help with finding out where Gaster might be. So, for you I went along with it." Frisk admitted.  Again, Sans gave her that surprised look. "Knowing how happy it might have made you... Must have given me the strength to do it." She finished. For a couple more seconds, it was completely silent, until the monster at her side spoke again.

"heh. that's totally cheesy, kid." Sans chuckled. "but thanks. it has made me happy. it's made me hopeful on findin' gaster. i know normally i might try to act like i'm not but... for once i'll admit that i'm grateful." Sans mumbled. "anyway... it'd probably be a good idea to get ya back to toriel's. she's probably wonderin' where ya are. don't worry, i'll call ya once everythin' is set up and we know what we're doin'. until then just... try to keep outta trouble i guess.

"Right..." Frisk nodded, smiling back at him in return. With that said, the two headed to Sans' car, to get driven back to Toriel's house. For once this silence wasn't tense, thick and uncomfortable. Instead, it felt quite pleasant. It didn't feel like either of them were thinking negative thoughts about each other, wanting to be nowhere near the other one as if they had caught the plague. This was nice. It was nice to see a somewhat more calmer version of Sans. Perhaps he'd be like this more often with Gaster back. 

Arriving outside the house, Sans pulled the car to a stop. "alright, see ya, kid.

"Okay, Sans. And um, thanks for trusting me with going on this mission with you."


"I know trusting people seems like something that might be difficult for you. I know you might normally hate to rely on others, but you know you have no choice but to do it just this once. I'm just glad to be able to help you." She admitted with a smile, before climbing out. "Anyway, see you Sans!"

"right... see ya." Sans waved, watching her walk up the path towards the front door, before he went to pull away to begin driving by his lonesome once again. Exhaling, he shook his head with a frown. Like Frisk said, he was relying on people and trusting them because he had no choice to. It's not like he liked the whole idea. If he could have done all of this by himself, he would have. (Perhaps with the exception of Grillby). Sans just didn't like to be trusting. Trust was something that got you hurt in the end. 

He'd know from experience. 

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